Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I've had a taste, now I want the full dish

Yesterday, as promised I went and hunted down a couple of Ford Mustangs and I fell in love with one. It was the fully loaded V6 model, Red with a wing in the back and power everything. They offered me a deal I almost took, but it was the first car I looked at and was unable to compare it to others. I doubt it will be gone tomorrow once I finish my shopping. Lets see what happens today.


Tuesday, December 30, 2003


I guess Im kinda guilty about not cleaning my room as often as I should, but I was working 3 months non-stop and couldn't clean everything or put things in their place as I should have. This guy however never cleaned and look what happens when filth attacks...

Ok, many of you missed out on buying me a Christmas gift, but my birthday is coming soon in March. Better start saving now... Or, this might be more affordable...

I used to work at Newschannel 9 as their Weekend Assignments Editor, and I was responsible for telling reporters that their story idea was good or bad. Where was the editor in charge at this paper? I admit to shaving my legs, but if I were to wax my bikini area, I'd look alittle bald somewhere...

Thats just weird.
I over did it at the gym

Wow, if I ever feel like that again, shoot me before I start! Machismo. 100% pure testosterone was responsible for my stupidity, I saw everyone else working out hard and I guess I didn't want to look like a wuss so I worked out "normally". Bad move. Halfway thru my routine, I felt "the wall" and stopped. I quickly made my way to the car and nearly collapsed. I stayed in my car with the windows down for 20 minutes catching my breath and resting.

Im stupid, I know. I seem to remember I did this the last time I was at the gym. I guess I never learn.

Today Im starting my search for a new car or truck. Yeah, a truck. As much as I don't like them, I want a vehicle with rear wheel drive and can't get that in much anything else than Mustangs, Crown Victorias, Miatas, and most SUV's including GMC/ Chevy & Ford trucks. Let's see what happens!


Monday, December 29, 2003

I don't see it, others see it but I don't and I have the original...

Evelyn and her mom have both sworn to have seen an image in a picture of the three of us outside Andy's Kitchen in Corpus Christi, where Yolie is to my left, Evelyn to my right and it's roughly 7pm. The image on Evelyn's computer shows a figure above Yolie's fist and it's apparently plain as day. I've taken a look at my original untouched photo and see nothing but the pillar of the building behind us. The picture of the touched photo (enhanced to see detail) is already online.

Ive posted it, see for yourself.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

4 days off and boy am I relaxed

I would love to have another 4 days off, but I have to wait untill wednesday again. These past 4 days have been benificial for me, Ive rested and felt better. It also helps that Im starting to take blood pressure medicine and Im sleeping better. Tomorrow I hit the gym so this is going to be fun.

Im tired so I will keep it brief. Have a good night, voyeurs.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I would have just updated 26 with these, but I think these stand up on their own. I think you'll agree.

Ok, first off, I went to the doctors office for a folow-up visit and was checked out to be ok. However, I couldn't help but wonder what they do while you're waiting in the exam rooms for the doc...

One of the things told to me by the doc was I needed to go back to the gym, so I re-enrolled. It was a good special.

I guess this is out of the question, though, the doc wants me on the go, but not like this! Check out the antequated computer resting in the cradle. It makes my Panasonic Toughbook look like a Sony Vaio...

Looking to put an end to the holidays on a high note? Too bad. This test is just alittle too hard.

That oughta learn ya...

Friday, December 26, 2003


There are times where I just wish that one car that hit one of the neighbor kids years ago finished him off. Oh hell its past the holidays so I can actually say that. Im irked about the little fucker cause the parents bought the little bastard a powered scooter and screams down the block for hours untill the little shit runs out of gas. I wanted one at one point, but hearing them makes me change my mind.

You know, church is alot different than I remembered it to be...

I just love this. I just don't know if its a cheezy French accent or some other strange attempt on disguising a voice, but its extremely entertaining.

People, people! Pick on something your own size!

I honestly don't care what two consenting people do in their home, but this list is kinda hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at #10...

That's all for now, voyeurs. be back later!

Thursday, December 25, 2003


Merry Christmas Voyeurs.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Twas the day before Christmas

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,
my dog Xena was prowling, protecting the house
The stockings had runs, thanks to Nikki's fun without care
and I ran thru the house, nude, naked, bare

Untill at the door, the garage one, it did open
I grabbed for my boxers, right side in I was hope'n
I threw on a shirt and some shorts I thought matched
I put on two shoes, one brown and one black

I went to the door and unlocked the latch
I threw open the storm door and checked my shirt tag
And what did I see in my garage space?
Some fat man with unusual speed, dexterity & grace

His face was round, wind-blown and red
his clothes were the same, covered in bugs, all dead
His boots were worn down and missing their soles
His pants were no better, the crotch had a hole

He made his way in, heading straight for the tree
He met first the coffee table, with his left knee
He cursed and cussed and made such a tinkle
I thought to myself "This is Kris Kringle?"

He grabbed for the gift in his greying sack
not caring too much he tossed it to the back
it landed with a thud next to the one wrapped in black,
the one with holes that hissed, Grandma wrapped up her cat...

With a scratch of his ass and a gulp of warm milk
he parused through the kitchen to see what he could bilk
Grabbing the pudding some 3 weeks old
and the plate of brisket already covered in mold

He went back to his sleigh, and hooked to the right
the reindeer must be blind, or senile at night
they hit the street light, taking it out
along with Dasher, Prancer and Donner's left snout

They recovered altitude almost hitting my car
but hit the neighbor's tree, they didn't get far
As they fell to the street, Santa's words I heard him say:
"Goddamn you flying assholes, you ruined my sleigh!"

Merry Christmas Voyeurs!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

The Waiting

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

Monday, December 22, 2003

Where's your holiday spirit, you worthless sack of crap!?

Wal-Mart. That's pretty much all I have to say, but if you want the near-blow by blow, here it goes. I got a haircut today. That is to say I waited 40 minutes for a haircut today. After sitting next to two Ritalin-needy childeren in the waiting area, I got one but decided I needed a few items from Wal-Mart that I didn't want to wait until next week to get. You know, people wonder why I have brain troubles, this is an indication...

So, I head to Wally-World. I indicate I want a parking space and someone else grabs it from under me. The whore then flips me off! Well, I nearly t-bone the bitch but regretably didn't. She sees me later on in the parkinglot as I find a closer spot. As I get out of the car I flip her off and within earshot call her a cunt. I smile knowing I have a better parking than her and walk inside and do my shopping. I leave and forget all about her until now.

This is kinda therapeutic.

Sunday, December 21, 2003


Well, today is my last full day at Newschannel 9, and I have to say I am sad that Im leaving after today. Im not sad that I will be sleeping in late again, resting blissfully at home, but I will be sad that I didn't stay longer and be more productive in the newsroom. Im also sad I won't be here with friends that I made, but luckilly, they will remain friends long after I leave...

Good ol' whats his name, and her, with the reporting she does, and that guy with that camera who takes the pictures that makes the whole world sing. They will all be missed.


Friday, December 19, 2003

Do you think it was radioactive dye they pumped thru me?

Yeah, ok so Im back from being brain-scanned. I think the only thing they didn't do was do an anal probe cause they did almost everything else to me. I kinda felt like I was in the airport, they couldn't find any veins in me to inject the dye so they had to take off my shoe and inject me thru a vein in my foot! Yes, it hurts as much as it sounds.

So, right now I glow an eerie fluorescent pink, and Im clueless untill monday at the earliest as to what is happening in my mellon and my ankle hurts. I called about the blood test and got more of the same thing.

I think Tom Petty sang it best when he said the waiting is the hardest part.

I have this voracious need to scream like the Hulk and throw something, or climb a wall like a radioactive spider-like man...

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Put my mind at ease, huh?

Ok, here's the deal, I went to the doctor yesterday and was told that I had high blood pressure which was contributing to the headaches in the morning. Durring a side test I was told that I have a weakness in the left side of my body, and cause of that, I will need an MRI of my brain just so they can rule out things.

My mind at ease, huh?

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Turn your head and cough, please

Yeah, its about time I go get one, Im going to see the doctor and get a check-up to make sure Im ok. Im exhausted, so I can already scratch that off the list, but other things like a still sore throat & a possible problem with my thyroid troubles me. Today's check-up will just put my mind at ease.


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Every time I look at those TV spots...

I wanna go insane. I keep seeing the commercials for the last year Chevy Cavalier. If I had known back in 2000 that I wouldn't be buying another Chevy, I would have never signed up for that stupid GM Mastercard. Its almost maxed out and I only have $80 in GM cash points...


Sunday, December 14, 2003

I'm sorry, did we wake you?

(click here for story)

Yeah, we woke your sorry ass up. Face the music.


Friday, December 12, 2003

Im starting to feel better

Im still sleeping like Rip Van Winkle but Im feeling alittle better. I think people are right when they say its stress & a lack of days off contributing to this ill health. As much as I love my jobs I don't think I can keep them up much longer. Its a shame too, I really love both jobs...

Im stuck at a quandry, voyeurs...

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Maybe its cause I have no days off

Light headedness
Few bowel movments
Hot flashes
Dry throat

Crap... Im pregnant...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


I wouldn't be updating Strange Findings with one link unless I thought it was pretty good. This is pretty good.

Untill next time!
Man, I don't know what's wrong

It may be exhaustion. I have been going to sleep at 2pm, waking at 6pm, sleeping at 8:45pm and waking up at 3:40am to cycle all over again. Im tired, achy and kinda weak. My throat is always dry and my sinuses are draining alittle. I feel the best after a shower and nap.

Im cranky, I need a bottle...

Monday, December 08, 2003

It's the most wonderful time of the year?

Holiday shopping really isn't the best time of year anywhere. I braved the malls today getting Joe & Ivette their gifts that were kinda easy to find. I just need to get Evelyn's & Yolie's gifts and I will be done. No screwing around with last minute purchases this time.

It's windy outside right now. Theres a front blowing its way thru, and weathermen all over are saying it may rain some tonight. I think they are all full of it, but what do I know, Im not a weatherman...

Well, Im surfing the internet and eating lunch. It's the Mama Cass Special: Ham Sandwich.


Saturday, December 06, 2003

Alison Krauss & Union Station

I went to go see her in concert last night, and if you haven't heard her voice, you don't know what you're missing. When she played the song When You Say Nothing At All, no one in the Abraham Chavez Theater spoke, coughed or uttered a word untill the last note finished echoing off the acoustic tiles...

I loved it audiophiles...

Thursday, December 04, 2003


Maybe Mr. Burns [The Simpsons] had something going there when he required his nuclear power plant to practice Blimp Attack drills...

(click here for story)

It would have been hilarious if it had been a hot air balloon of Godzilla...
This has been bothering me for obvious reasons...

*sigh* This isn't gonna be a tasteful entry in the blog. Have you ever been in a hurry when using the restrooms at work, that when you need the toilet paper to roll out, only 4 fucking sheets of paper roll out and tears off all by itself? Who the fuck uses only 4 sheets of TP? Have you also seemed to notice that the TP always cuts 4 sheets especially if you're in a hurry?

Ugh, it's been bothering me for a while now...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

this just in...

I was chastized last night for not updating my blog. Yolie will make her graceful appearance this next week, which will be nice to see her again, even though I saw her 3 weeks ago... Kristoph's, here we come!

This week has been alittle hectic at the station, my supervisor is out on vacation, and Im doing his job and mine at the same time. I luckilly have everything under control, but I would like some time to myself. The few things that keep me going are the facts that Im paying off credit card bills faster, and I can get a down payment for a new car going soon.

What do you think, should I go for practicality, or sensless speed?


Monday, December 01, 2003


Ok, we have alot of stuff to work with this time, so try to keep up.

I bought Super Mario Advance 4 Super Mario Bros. 3 for Gameboy Advance and I started reminicing about the first time I played the game. I hated it in school when this one guy names Jens would tout that he could finish a brand new game in like 2 or 3 days. This guy has him beat.

There's just something haunting about these images. Reminds me of the last set of pictures created by photographing train cars.

Ok, you're just stupid if you ever did this, but I don't think this kid got it thru his thick skull until now...

Geeks. Do they have to announce it to the world?

I might end up putting this on my blog.

I am sooo going to hell for this one...

Did a co-worker get under your skin lately? Did they take that last donut in the box, take more vacation days than they said forcing you to do more work? Fuck them over. It's fun.

Man, now we're getting dirty...

Wow. Im wondering what deranged, sexually deprived, psychopathic individual would buy this? where's my credit card...

Here's some gift ideas for that hard to shop for adorable little hellion in the family.

I have found a simulator online that acurately shows the difference between a male orgasm and a female orgasm.

Gay Heavy Metal at its Hardest. Why? I ask why? WHY?

And now I leave you with this sobering picture.


Friday, November 28, 2003

X2 & the holiday rush

So I stood inside Circuit City's latest releases section and picked up 2 DVDs. I had enough cash for only one, so I weighed them. In one hand, The Itallian Job, and in the other hand, X2 X-Men United. As I've only seen one of the two aforementioned movies in the theaters, I chose the one I knew. X2.

I have to say, getting the last 2 days off has been absolute bliss. Radio had the holiday off, and that meant that I got the last 2 days off since the host wouldn't want to go in to do a holiday show. It just means that I get some much needed time off?

Yeah right. Today was the always fun After Thanksgiving Sales at every mother-fucking store in town, and across the country. I was unceremoniously dragged to several stores looking for a good bargain for a TV. Yeah, we found one alright...

Talk to you in a while, voyeurs.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

2 out of 3 Friendsters agree... it sucks...

I eliminated Friendster off my list of links. It's been hard to use and not so swift to log into and change & modify things. If anything, I hate complications.

While I was at a Sonic for lunch today, the carhop that gave me my order had a labret piercing and took notice of the size of the spike I had. He asked where I got the spike, and told him where I got mine and told him they have all sizes of stude & spikes, just had to call and ask about them. Strangely, he got his the same day I got mine. His stud was a outer threaded piece and not inner threaded or snap together like mine...

Goes to show you what a difference a quality & competent piercer makes...


Monday, November 24, 2003


People still get on my case because of the ammount of cartoons I watch, but when you look at what I'm watching, you'd understand where I'm coming from. A recent ratings book study shows where guys like me are going for their funnies.

Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat proved critics are idiots who had said this movie wouldn't be worth the time, money & effort to watch by surpassing all other movies at the theaters. If you can't get enough of that rhyming stuff, click here.

You know, I took on a part-time job so I can help pay off my bills faster, but I don't know how long the application line is for a Police Dog Quarry.

Finally, I found this French site with Photoshop enhanced photos of celebrities. Check out Gillian Anderson [X-Files, House of Mirth] and Reba McEntire [Reba (TV), Tremors]... They look hot!


Saturday, November 22, 2003

That's what I needed

Vacation. It does the soul good. I came back to town late yesterday, later than I wanted to but it was well worth it. To see the sun rise one last time over the ocean & enjoy the early morning as it turned to day was bliss.

I did do alot this time around when I was out there. I shocked alot of people by getting a piercing. I pierced my lower lip in what's known as a Labret. The place I got it from was a great place to get pierced- better than the other place I went. Forever Art was actually recommended by doctors! I didn't realize how much they were right, sterile everything. Hell, I'd recommend them!

So, here I sit, full of holes and daydreaming of when I could go back for another visit. Im already planning a March vacation, and this time, Im flying! Oh, yeah, Im going to post pictures as soon as they develop.


Thursday, November 20, 2003

Still on vacation

Im loving every single minute I am here in Corpus Christi. The weather has been absolutely unbelievable and the people have been so friendly since I got here. The temperature right now is a nice 63 degrees and the sun is out shining bright with a slight breeze coming from the ocean. I have taken alot of pictures that I will gladly post when I come back to town. For right now, I am enjoying my last day of vacation. Tomorrow is my last day of vacation, but I don't count that one since I will be driving back home, and thats not a nice thing to think of when I consider that its an eight hour drive back home.

To the beach!

Sunday, November 16, 2003


I will be on vacation in Corpus Christi Texas the week of November 17th-21st and will return on the 22nd. Im having fun!



I can never go on vacation with a clear conscious. On my way back to the TV station from getting lunch, I hit some unknown object in the road. It bent my rim and broke my hubcap something fierce on something on the road... This hampers my road trip now cause I dont have the same amount of money I thought I would originally have.

Im pissed...

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Preparing for Corpus Christi

This will be my solo trip to CC. I get to do alot more stuff than I did the first time I went out there, like listen to my own music, set the A/C the way I want it, fart if I need to... Ive got my selection of music already picked out, and if you haven't already guessed its going to be a 9 hour Fleetwood Mac Attack on the I-10. Starting from their first album to probably their last, 9 hours = 9 CD's of Christine, Lindsey, Mick, John, Stevie, Billy & Rick all belting out their tunes.

I should get tired of them somewhere close to Kerrville.


Thursday, November 13, 2003


Through the lens of a soldier.

See, this is what happens when the B-52's don't sell albums, one will get an idea and run with it. Yes, it looks familiar from their Love Shack video, its the same loon who built & decorated that eclectic woodshed...

Time Magazine agrees with me, several items on my Holliday Wishlist is in this list...

I am 24% Nerd Infected. I also have a 28% Weirdness Factor... I took this test and found that out...

I wasn't the only one to not like The Matrix Revolutions.

Let's all dumb it down a notch. Here's some good ol' fashioned violence in the form of a Catapult.

Enjoy voyeurs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Mike's Holiday Wishlist

Thinking of getting me something for Christmas? I've been extra good this year, you know and I would really enjoy any one of these fine items:

1. iPod
2. XM Radio PCR
3. X Box
4. Camera Phone
5. Radar Detector
6. Apple Mac G5
7. Panasonic Toughbook
9. Camera

I have more...
It's killing me

Evelyn called me afew minutes ago. Food Network is showing $40 a Day in Corpus Christi. It's killing me that Im 4 days away from heading out there and they are killing me showing all this great food and all the locations out there I loved.

It's killing me voyeurs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Tired. So tired.

Im looking for a bill I think I sent in. It was last week, I was sick so I dont know if it really happened. I thought I sent it in, but the bank doesn't show them as paid... Oh well. Work (both) are going good, but Im tired. Im probably going to nap when I get home.

Be back later.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Im here, what did I miss?

Never, never before had I had a cold/flu attack me like it did monday afternoon. The past few days I had a fever over 100, easy. I spent the past 3 days trying to clear out my sinuses and preventing myself from overexertion. I over didit wednesday when I went to pay my JC Pennys bill, I walked to the other end of the mall so I can look for some CD's. By the time I got back to the car, I had to sit and rest in the car for 10 minutes. I got a fever after that...

Im much better, now. I should have figured it was something bad when music I was listening to sounded slow... You know, Im not a doctor, but I play one in bed...

Voyeurs, Im back!

Monday, November 03, 2003

Im $100 short...

iPod. That's all I will say.

now what can I sell...
Tired & getting a sore throat

This weekend was a good one at TV. We won some, and we lost some. Miscommunication happened but was fixed and we generally lead with the better stories. Several people at the station [TV] were sick, and didn't bother to wipe down their workplace, so Im starting to get sick. Milk usually starts to taste funny when I get sick, but hasn't yet. Im fearing I will loose my voice...


Friday, October 31, 2003


Happy Halloween!

The Great Pumpkin

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Plans are being drawn, its coming

Vacation time again. I still have 1 full week & 1 comp day to take whenever I want. I had already set the time aside and its been approved. All I need to do is start finding things to take with me. Im traveling alone, so CDs are a must. Ive figured out that 9 hours of driving = about the same number of CD's. I have 8 Fleetwood Mac CD's, so all I need is one more to complete my driving music.

I have also joined a new community, one that will not make me shave my pubic hair, wear tennis shoes like everyone else and martyr myself for the harvest moon like that last group of friendly freaks I used to be with...


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

*problems yesterday prevented me from posting

It was long held as a myth when I first got my drivers permit, that the simple flash of a car's highbeams would cause a red traffic light to turn green. Police cruisers around the country have devices in their cars that allow them to switch lights at their leisure (which isn't their leisure, more of a convenience) for better traffic control, or to keep their light green longer to get thru an intersection. What if you could buy what the pros have?

Since my introduction to technology and the ability to learn binary, I had found many useful things that could help me keep tabs on my ability and not to loose it. I have an understanding of it, but I could never build myself a Nixie Clock. The plans are alittle too complex for me, so I'd be better off having someone make me one, but at those prices... You know, they had one of these similar to the bomb used in an attempt to blow up Fort Knox in the movie Goldfinger...

Couldn't have happened to a better annoying pop-up ad.

This one worries me, though. We all may have to monitor their progress...

We all remember our lava lamps and sand globes and watching them for hours as the sands move and danced around the window, or the lava made interesting shapes. Take that to your desktop! This simple application makes your workday fly by, trust me, the sands are addictive...


Sunday, October 26, 2003

Another quasi success

Second weekend down the tank and Im feeling complacent. Maybe its the dark chocolate coursing thru my system or the lack of sleep, but I really like this job.

See you in the morning, voyeurs.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Reporting from the deathbed of human inteligence, Im Mike Calderon, Newschannel 9

Want to see what Im talking about? Try these:
1. "Educated" talk show host has no clue who Stephen Hawking is.
2. Listeners to said talk show unclear of the concepts of "Can I get your name?" or "Side of town you are calling from?"
3. People who think I listen to every bit of detail on the radio when they ask me questions I couldn't give straight answers to sober let alone trying to keep up with the show.
4. Listeners who want to tell you their thoughts and opinions, or talk aimlessly with [you] about nothing that pertains to the show, or is remotely interesting.

I want to sCrEaM!!!!!
I should have taken that nap last night...

I have to start laundry today, and I have to finish it before I go to work saturday or else I have nothing to wear. It was worth it yesterday, though. Evelyn, Yolie and myself had dinner... well, they had dinner, I had a shake. It was a nice semi-quiet, laughter filled dinner. They leave tomorrow back permanently to Corpus Christi, but I will see them next month when I take my last vacation of the year. I have found my vacation paradise.

I get to go along on a shoot tomorrow for Channel 9. That should be fun. For right now, Im just here at work, relaxing.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Hmm... Im considering showing you something I cannot explain... Maybe at the end...

Tim Davis is an artist in Colorado Springs, and found art in one of the most unassuming locations. These images are unbelievable and beautiful!

If I listen to this music any longer Im going to go nuts. Its cool at first, but after 20 minutes of hearing it play in one of Mozilla's tabs is making me insane! What Im speaking of is this weird flash site called Minimal Porn. Its actually interesting. Not really erotic, but entertaining. Its just shapes moving. Its all in the eye of the beholder.

Man, Im glad that's over... Im still considering showing you something... later...

I was credited afew months back durring a pool party with killing 13 members of my own crew while playing videogames, including Lt. Commander Chakotay, Leutenants Tuvok & Paris. We laughed for hours that night. Now, I have returned to Voyager with this site of interesting side stories... You ever think some of these stories might have happened?

This just sounds like some college student's experiment someone dared him to do, and convince someone across the pond to help out with.

You guys will never stop bugging me if I don't show you. is a site I visit frequently, and while reading their forums, I found a link that is beyond anything I could have imagined I would have ever seen. I had read in a porno magazine about the man with two penises, it was more of a video advertisment about it. This isn't that man, Im sure of it, but this man has two penises!


Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I havent forgotten you

I have just been catching up on alot of things, Im doing some small detail work on my new job and cleaning up loose ends around the house. Im planning my trip to Corpus Christi again, this time I can go without worry. Im also planning some Strange Findings. Im also wondering where the hell did I find some of these things!


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Good first week, still alot to learn

Im starting to get the hang of it, its always slow at first, but things should be better with time. I enjoyed it alot. I think I may stay doing this.

Back to blogs at work tomorrow, voyeurs.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Its official

I recieved my key fob for entrance, Windows 2000 login, e-mail password, and Im accepted into the realm of TV news.


Wednesday, October 15, 2003


You know, here in El Paso we have had some problems with Sexually Oriented Buisnesses in town and the legality of having them around inside city limits. It seems that Milwaukee residents have a Gentlemen's Club that admits 18-20 year olds due to a slight loophole in a law that lets the club be designated a "Center for the Visual and Performing Arts"... "Hey Ma, me and the guys are heading over to Club Paradise to take in some culture!"

Is this the next male contraceptive? Kinda gives a new meaning to "the munchies"...

I was sorely dissapointed last week when I stumbled onto a website that showed the top 50 returnable CDs on the market and found that I own one of them. With that dismal memory haunting me like the taco's of monday, I came across this rather interesting and fun site. Its harder than it looks!

Upchucking tacos... not the best way to stay up on a monday night.

A bit graphic I admit, but how else can I describe staying up all night? Hot & cold spells racking my body as my dinner came racing up... I know, you dont want to hear it. To make a long story short, I spent all night... in the bathroom and was kept awake from it. I went home early yesterday to sleep and enjoyed every moment of rest. Im still sore in my chest from the heaving (sorry) and I still have a slight headache, but other than that a slight dizzyness from lack of food and noticable weight loss, Im better.

Im compiling a new Strange Findings, Voyeurs...

Monday, October 13, 2003

So far so good...

It took some 4 complete reinstalls of Windows 2000 to get it back up and running. Problems with NIC cards and modems screwed with my mind friday and saturday. I finally got the system running properly and updated yesterday, and as of today, its working well. I still need to load alot of programs, but thats miniscule. I now have to worry about my traffic ticket...


Friday, October 10, 2003

Good things are coming my way

Especially today. Lets see, I have a meeting at 2:30 this afternoon at KTSM TV to pick up my building access card & fill out W4 forms, Evelyn is back in town with Yolie & we're going to have some serious fun, I got Windows 2000 back up and running but Its not on the internet yet. Its been something close to good. I also did something I wanted to do for the longest time last night, I actually recorded programs that I normally stay up to watch. I will be able to watch them tomorrow in the morning, which will be great.

While working on my eMachine, I played around with Windows XP. Its an interesting mix of Win2K & WinME. There may be something to this XP I may like. I still need to bring the eMachine into the station for the 40+ updates it needs and to install and update my antivirus software, my spyware checker & most importantly, Mozilla (I can't browse the internet without it!).


Thursday, October 09, 2003

Day 2, and man does this suck...

You don't realize how much you take for granted a computer until it craps out on you and you're forced to reinstall from the dead start... I don't have Mozilla loaded on ME yet, which sucks monster nuts cause Im too used to its easier browsing. I lost all my games and lost alot of... no, all of my .mp3s I started to amass. Im used to the Panasonic & Win98 SE, Im also coddled by Windows 2000 (which I prefer over other O/S) cause its so perfect... Im going thru the DT's... I was supposed to bring my eMachine over to the station so I can do all the critical updates via a T-1 connection. I obviously forgot.


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Windows 2000 problems again

Well, I guess you can say it serves me right. The fact that Im using a "borrowed" copy of Windows 2000 meant that 3 months after install, it crapped out on me. I have Windows ME on the old hard drive installed already, I just need to install it. My problem is that I want to grow the eMachine out of its case. I want to utilize both hard drives for programs, but the current system can't handle the multiple CD drives and multiple hard drives due to an already taxed power supply.

For right now, my eMachine yet again is a paperweight. I only have the laptop to access the internet. Im going to temporarily get access with the other HDD, but I need a new long-term solution... Im thinking of buying a new case...


Monday, October 06, 2003 rules!

Since I placed a link on my blog for their site, they have also placed my blog on their site for reference! Thank you Apechild! Maybe I should join as one of their fellow primates...


It's taken me some time for this one. Its worth it.

I will be one to admit that I have had sex in many places; Parks, cars, apartments, National Parks, roadsides, beds, hotel rooms, but never, never would a church be in that list. Well, thanks to some radio jocks in the New York area, a couple decided to perform a dare with people present and around and were caught and sent to jail. To make a long story short, one of the two daring voyeurs died before going to court... I guess he had answer to a higher authority...

Pride sucks.

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most successful radio talk show hosts in the talk industry with nearly every city in the country tuning into his radio show every week. A year ago, Rush lost his hearing unexpectedly, and coped with it, rebounding just as strong as ever. Well since his little gaff on ESPN 2 weekends ago, it seems that new developments have come to light. Could there be a connection?

Maybe this guy took some of the same medications as the Maja-Rushie did... is an interesting amalgamation of safety and extreme danger all wrapped in one. I just found this site contradictory cause it offers personal safety tools like stun guns, pepper spray & home protection, all the while selling products that could render some of those inefective if the crook bought something like these, or these, or even these to counteract what could wait for him. Hmm, looking to get that odd toy for that hard to shop for person? Anyone want to get me a pair of these for Christmas?


Well, since Im actually updating this at work, I need to look like Im productive... I will leave you with this great time waster. Whack-a-Goth. I have no qualms with Goths, but found this extremely addictive.


Friday, October 03, 2003

Why do I have a feeling I have forgotten something?

I know its going to hit when its either too late or at a time when I can't do anything about it. I did everything, I checked the weekend logs, timed out all the hours with infomercials, I ripped all the shows that need to air, I voiced the weekend promos, I pieced together weekend promos, I pieced together the weekend show... Bob & Tom had no weekend promo, my boss took care of write-offs... Im stumped...

It will come to me, voyeurs...

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Man, doing 2 jobs at once is hard work

Yeah, so Im complaining. You would be too if you werent compensated for it. Im picking up the slack from Albert's vacation/ Honeymoon away from this place. I still haven't called Jeff about not taking the job offer of his. There's just so many things to do that I can't do yet cause there is a pile of stuff to do ontop of my normal routine. Hell, I don't even want to do laundry this week, but unless I want to go to work nude, or in clothes not in style since 1994, then I guess I better do at least one load...

I said load...

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Other "entertaining" websites aren't all what they seem to be

I say this cause of who are in charge of content. Call me the ultimate independent when it comes to decisions on my blog, but the website I was encouraged to participate in is extremely confusing to navigate and is vauge as to when its new content is added. Visually its nice, but not how I would have planned it if I were doing it. I know, I know, "and if the queen had balls she'd be the king...". I just don't know what my irreverant humor and attitude brings to this "entertainment" site.

Anyways. Im looking to update next with some Strange Findings so stay tuned, voyeurs...

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Infrequencies this week...

I may not be able to update as frequently as normal. With Albert on vacation I need to divert attention to the station and matters here. Thats enough for me.

Voyeurs, next time...

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Money means nothing if there are more important things in your life

I came to that epiphany last night going home after 2 parties. The first was a celebration of life & sharing of joy with others, and the second was a celebration of life and friendship & comeraderie. I was first invited to the marriage of Albert & Norma at 6pm last night and was invited to a party later that night of a couple of friends of mine. Both celebrations were tastefull, not too exuberant and not too spartan.

It was on my way back home after both parties that I realized that so many people have invited me into their lives as I have done for them. Evelyn, Yolie, Joe & Ivette have seen my family thru the harshest and the most triumphant. I have seen Evelyn & Yolie's brother get married infront of friends and family and openly welcome me as one of their own, traveling hundreds of miles to do so. Transversely, all had laid witness to my families pitfalls with the many deaths of loved ones.

I guess it wasn't untill last night that I fully realized one thing. Each and every one of my friends regards me as someone sacred, someone they can trust and in turn can be trusted. We aren't affraid to say anything to another for fears of being ridiculed and mocked in ways others dont know or understand. We have already been thru the phaze of testing the waters to see what may happen if... happens. I realized that the friends you hang onto are always going to be there no matter what happens. There is no ammount of money in the world that could buy the kinds of friends I have.

It's pretty good, guys.

Friday, September 26, 2003

I hate fridays

I hate friday traffic to be more specific. There are numerous signs all over the freeway that say "SLOWER TRAFFIC USE RIGHT LANES" and yet we have Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller driving out there oblivious to other little white signs that read "60 MPH speed limit". It irritates me alittle more that the assholes out driving dont stop and think to themselves "Gee, I think Im impeeding the flow of traffic by slowing down under the posted speed limit. Maybe I should do something about it."

Buncha assholes...

Thursday, September 25, 2003


I have astigmatism, so reading this product from England made me do a double take. "Our message is light-hearted and fun, and any misinterpretation is purely in the eye of the beholder," said Karen Gori, a brand manager for FCUK Fragrance.

You know, I'd die if I ever had the chance to meet Fleetwood Mac in person, but this is alittle extreme...


The Unsexy List - Fifty Genital-Retracting People, Places and Things. Im sad to say I own afew items mentioned on the list...

Man, this is straight from the X-Files...

I cannot understand AOL for the life of me...

Since realizing the AOL Instant Messenger was free for anyone, I installed it on my Panasonic and my eMachine running Windows 98 and Windows 2000 respecfully. The Panasonic runs AIM fine, but for some reason, AIM isn't working for Win2000 at all. I figured it was a problem with a recent update and reinstalled AIM. That didn't help. The error log file in my 2000 registry doesn't show the exact problem, so Im stuck in a quandry as to what the hell is happening...

It's not my IM of choice, I am normally found on Yahoo! more than anything. I used to be on Trillian for the longest time, but since all the IM providers are trying to get people to use their products, they have stopped being compatible with Trillian. I think that personally sucks.

Whatchagonnado, voyeurs?

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Planning for Halloween -update

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL IN THE COSTUME DEPARTMENT!!! I am strongly considering this costume...

If that happens to be out of stock, I might try this one...

Whadayathink, voyeurs?

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Visitors to are greeted with the most no nonsense user interface known to the internet. Have you ever really searched their special language tools? If you haven't, then this is an invitation for you to check out their page. Look at all the special languages they support:

Sweedish Chef (from the Muppet Show)
Elmer Fudd (from Looney Tunes)
Pig Latin
Klingon (Star Trek)

Can someone scream GEEK!!! GEEKS!!! BLOODY GEEKS!!! YOU GUYS NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!! Im actually envious of this. After this link, I have nothing to offer...

Get your blog noticed!

I was watching one of my programs afew months ago and found out how to advertise a blog or personal website on Google, the most popular search engine in the world. Thinking not much of it, I went to the links provided by Call For Help and didn't think anything would come of it. Fast forward to today. Patty Diaz stopped me in the hallway telling me she read this blog. I rarely if ever tell people about it, letting people discover it on their own. She did a search on KPRR, our CHR station and my name popped up with Blank Media. The tips worked!

Im searchable, voyeurs!

Wow, that sounded kinky...

Monday, September 22, 2003

Cool stuff going on here

When I got my phone I was so taken back by its power, I tried to find ways of tooling with it to get some cool things to happen. All this means is I played with my toy untill I found something new. Well, my Panasonic Toughbook came with an infrared communication port built in and so did my Sony Ericsson and one of the coolest features about my phone is the pictures you can put as wallpaper and screensavers.

When you go to websites, those tiny thumbnail pictures can be sent to my phone as a desktop image. I went to eBay and browsed thru the used car section and found a beautiful red Roush Mustang 260R and have that as my desktop image. I love this phone!


Saturday, September 20, 2003

It's the Saturday Movie Marathon

7 hours of boredom filled with flickering images of movies. Thats my Saturday in a nutshell.

So what are you up to, voyeurs?

Friday, September 19, 2003

The sands of South Padre Island are still moist after one month & 600+ miles away from water...

I took 3 jars of sands from my favorite beach the last night I was in Corpus Christi. Evelyn helped me harvest the jars before going for some Krispy Kreme donuts. Since their return trip in the center console of the truck, they have remained on my desk, my mom's TV stand and my dad's dresser. All three were harvested from the sandbar that isolates the beach from the road perpendicular to the waters edge. The sand is still compact and wet from the area rains earlier that day and the day previous. I did nothing to the sands but contain them.

So here I sit, one month later, staring at my jar of sand. Its still wet to the touch, and still smells faintly of the salty air that once called it home. Its my connection to a calm place that worries cannot touch, time is meaningless, and jellyfish washed up on the sands are the only thing that you have to worry about while out there.

Soon, voyeurs. Real soon.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Ever think of repairing something you think you couldn't work on?

Yeah, the plumbing could be considered part of that description, but Im talking about the PS2. I don't know if many of you out there own a PS2, but if you do, you might be having the same problem I had. Brand spanking new DVD's wouldn't play in the PS2, giving the error of DISC READ ERROR on more times than I would have wanted.

Well, I just happened to watch one of my TV shows and found that they were also fed up with the frequency of the DISC READ ERROR and decided to jump inside the unit to fix. They discovered the problem partially lies inside the CD tray where the laser is out of range of the spinning DVD. The other half of the DRE is fixed when you purchase and install the DVD remote and upgrades.

If you are having the DISC READ ERROR plaguing your Playstation, visit their tutorial to perform the fix yourself. I spent some 4 hours monkeying with the unit until I found the right setting. It plays like a dream. While you're in there, you can clean out all those dust bunnies that have acumulated while you were playing your precious Soul Caliber, Tomb Raider and Gran Turismo...

*TechTV and I are not to be held responsible for any dammage done by carelessness on your part...


Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Summer is over. Did you go to any theme parks? On my way to Corpus Christi a month ago, I passed Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio and thought to myself how cool it would be to have some fun. Somehow, I don't consider dying as fun... Reminds me of Magic [Tragic] Landing here in town...

Set Nokia to stun... Literally! This is something I would love to take into the amusement park to get thro the hordes of cows that get in your way when trying to get to the restrooms...

Ok, a little extreme, huh? Party pooper. Then buy this all American made rubberband machine gun! Capable of firing 144 rubber bands, this makes office warfare so much fun, just don't start quoting Terminator or Rambo lines as you cut down your co-workers at the copy room...

Anyone who has known me knows that I love SCCA racing, and I follow the Cannonball Run & the Gumball Rally closely. I ran across this when checking on the latest in one of the recent races. I had seen something like this a few years ago watching NASCAR years ago when a duck was hit by one of the racers at something close to 200 mph.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003


This can't be happening! This can't be happening! Im completely off of GM FOREVER!!! Yeah, you heard me you heartless souless corpration! They screwed us GM lovers by killing off horsepower*, bastardizing muscle cars**, eliminating sportscars***, reintroducing old monikers with less than appealing power and styling**** and now it's the end of an era. The mutherfuckers are dropping the Cavalier from their lineup. The one car that has been the backbone of Chevrolet for some time is going to be retired to bring in new blood.

The Cavalier was underpowered ever since the redesign of the car back in 1994, when its sportier V6 engine was dropped due to the newer and smaller engine bay design of the Cavalier/ Sunfire. The sporty 4 cylander engine offered in the 1994-1999 models (of which I own the 1999 model) boosted horsepower from the base HP of 115, to a still underpowered 140hp. They illiminated the convertible model in 1999, and they eliminated the Sunfire 4 door sedan in 2002. The replacment for the Cavalier will be the new, and slightly simillarly modeled Cobalt. Cobalt, what the fuck is that? Yeah, I know its a rock, but lets look at the names... Impala, SSR, Corvette, Malibu, Lumina & Monte Carlo... COBALT DOESNT BELONG THERE!!!

Pardon me as I light a candle in rememberance of a line forever to go down in my books as one of the best out there.


*1970's CARB emissions regulations
**1987-92 Le Mans, 1987-???? Nova (Sold in Mexico)
***Death of the Firebird/ Camaro 2002
****1996-current Malibu/ Cutlass, 1996-current Lumina

Monday, September 15, 2003

The I want bug is starting to bite...

iPod. iPods are cool. iPods are essentially a hard drive with a power supply and a basic program to play audio files. Almost all iPods can be used to store some text files, acting like another hard drive. I did some research on them and found that the largest iPod offered, the 40 gig iPod can hold something close to 10,000 songs that when played in their entirety would play for 4 weeks straight, 24hrs a day 7 days a week*. Thats some feat!

Yeah, I do have the I wants. Wouldn't you?


*Capacity based on 4 minutes per song and 128Kbps AAC or MP3 encoding & constant power supply.

Friday, September 12, 2003

It's killing me

Last night I fell asleep at 2pm and didn't wake up untill 9pm to talk to Ralph, a shock to me. What's killing me is while listening to the radio this morning, KLAQ started to play 3 songs that nearly made me crash the car out of careless driving. You see, while I was in Corpus Christi, KNCN 101.3 would play almost at the same time these three songs:
Fuel - Falls On Me
Matchbox 20 - Unwell
John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland

Well, I get strongly nostalgic. I want to go back so badly. There is alot for me out there. One day...


Thursday, September 11, 2003

Patriot Day

Today is Patriot Day, a nationally recognized holiday created December 18th 2001 to remember and recognize the sacrifice of those who gallantly risked their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice in trying to save lives in the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon.

I love New York.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Always look at your computer for strange links

I say this cause I have been saving some Strange Findings links to my Panasonic and I haven't been using them. Go figure. I discovered them yesterday when I was doing some much needed maintenance to the computer and found that it really needed to get cleaned out. You live and learn.

The weather is starting to change. I like the change, but I would like to see the temps stay this way all winter, but I know that wont happen. It rained pretty decently yesterday and the power outtage we had almost scared the shit out of me. My computer was still powered up when the power dropped, and when I checked on it, the computer refused to start. Luckilly it was a lack of power due to the surge supressor's need of a reset.

Man, I got the house clean and tidy with alot of time to spare. Right now, Im going thru and playing my legal .mp3's on my system. Besides, who in their right minds would want to download Cubanate, Fluke, Grand Theft Audio and Manic Street Preachers? Im listening to my motorcycle collection rumble in the vibrations from the pounding bass of Cubanate.

.mp3, voyeurs?

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


Gaydar - An almost 6th sense to a person's sexual preference, usually prevelant in the gay/lesbian community. This product is for those who don't have that uncanny ability to pick one out of the crowd cause it vibrates if someone else near them has one! Ever wondering what to get that special gay/lesbian in your group of friends?

Every blue-blooded American male is going to be preventing prostate cancer in every way, shape and form they can think of thanks to this recent discovery which is backed up by several other researchers. How they all came to that conclusion... um... bad pun, sorry...

Skittlebrau!!! Anyone familiar with The Simpsons knows Homer's strangely appetizing brew. Some engeneers have too much time on their hands...

Hmm, I think the creator of this action packed action figure drank a few cases of Skittlebrau...

Enjoy that, voyeurs!

Monday, September 08, 2003

Yesterday was some nightmare

It's rare that I have nightmares. Sunday morning was the worst I had in some time. I thinking it was a combination of an uncomfortable bed and askew pillows that caused me to have little sleep. The nightmare took place in a war-torn city being bombed with nuclear bombs. Most of the city had been bombed back to the stone-age, and to top it off, it was about to be obliterated off the face of the map.

Well, the surviving bomb sirens are blaring, and me and two others scurry down into a nearly destroyed building cause we are almost blinded by the bright light from the bomb. We are leaping from landing to landing going into the basement when the blast hits the building we're in. Im almost to the bomb shelter when the building is blown off its foundation and it and me are thrown into the air.

If anyone had seen footage of the way office furniture moves in an earthquake, this was what I was seeing, only Im watching the building flying thru the air in front of me. The building is still almost intact, but its slowly starting to break up as I see parts fly from it. Then, like as in a movie, I see the building flying 20 feet from the ground traveling at something like 200mph, and the best way I can describe the way the building was moving is if people think back to Star Trek the Next Generation and seeing the borg ship flying. This is how the building was thrown across the country side.

The dream ends with me being thrown into the building, striking what was a bed and when the building finally hits something, it breaks up in two and like a movie shot I see a ring of debris that my building hit that spans a radius of the bomb made.

I wake up and fall asleep again after that, only its a slight variation of the nightmare. The city I was in is in Russia. The building I was thrown in was a test building that the Russian government built so they could launch it with a side-launch catapult, causing it to move across the land, 20 feet from the ground at 200mph...

Leave it to the Russians...


Saturday, September 06, 2003

Plumbing 101 - Volume 2 in a series from Real Life

Today I did something I never thought I'd do. I replaced the entire underpinnings of a kitchen sink, including garbage disposal and all accompanying pipes and tubes from the dishwasher. It took some $160, and a hell of a lot of cursing. The most rewarding part is I did it all myself. There is a slight leak up by the air vent for the dishwasher, but that will be dealt with tomorrow. Alittle more blumbers tape will fix that up nicely. In all, this is what it took:

1 pipe wrench
1 roll plumbers tape
1 tub plumbers putty
2 ball peen hammers
1 automotive floor jack
2 4x2 pieces of scrap lumber
1 can Liquid Wrench
1 pair oversized pliers (special tool for semi trucks)
and most importantly....
my back!

ow ow ow ow ow ow

Friday, September 05, 2003

Links Update

I've added a nifty new tool on my links menu. It's called ePrompter, and it will keep track of your e-mail inbox for you, so you dont have to keep logging into your e-mail accounts. The best thing is it can keep tabs of 15 e-mail addresses, including work related e-mail if you provide the correct protocol. It's not too technical but its way worth the download. Try it. It has no spyware or trojans to intrude on your privacy. It's 100% safe and free!

Enjoy that, Voyeurs!
13 hours of sleep is such bliss

Yeah, 13 hours. I was extremely tired yesterday. I got home, I ate lunch, I got online to check emails and I almost fell asleep at the keyboard. I hit the pillow around 2pm and woke up this morning at 3:40. Im fully rested and wide awake, full of energy and pep, and no where to go.

Two weeks ago, while I was in Corpus Christi, I had shaved my legs cause I was bored and thought it would be cool to try when I swam in the waters off South Padre. Things I had learned:
1. Shaving my Chewbacca-like legs took 2 hours (I never did it before, leave me alone)
2. Wading in the salty water hurts like hell when you have razor burn
3. I strangely like the feel of my legs shaved...

I strangely want to do that again... Don't ask...


Thursday, September 04, 2003


Yeah, I've been lax at these lately, but all that means is that I have found a good number of gems! Take this site, raise your speakers and invite your more immature co-workers and go nuts! It's a gas!

Want to really fuck with someone's mind? Learn afew of these lost words and one-up that annoying asshole that thinks they are smarter than you. Im wondering if this is where the writers for The Simpsons got Mr. Burns' vocabulary...

People! If you're too embarrased to go out and buy your own sex toys that you're reduced to this, I feel for you. Men, if you want to go at it yourself, try this, just don't put it next to the jelly... no, wait, thats wrong...

What's that you say? You aren't a pathetic looser and you have someone to have sex with but you aren't happy with your usual positions? Say no more! Try any of these positions on for size!

Oh, wait! I know, I know. Some of you are idiots. Watch this flash animation site to see demonstrations...

Man, if it weren't for the internet, some of you guys would be poking... um... wouldn't know which end... uh... couldn't nail... Eh, you know what I mean!


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

No, I haven't been neglecting. Problems logging in.

Eh. This entire week hasn't been going all that well. At work, my supervisor isn't being cooperative with his new hours so he is switching with me every week. It's screwing up my sleeping patterns. I didnt get much sleep last night. Im dragging and I think Im going to sleep alot this afternoon. Ive been watching my collection of DVDs I bought the past few weeks. I stopped Contact 1/4th way thru cause I was tired. It was also 2am. That was not this morning, but it was monday morning. I still haven't watched Pulp Fiction yet.

I best be off. I will try and get blogging at home again.

Im dragging, voyeurs...

Sunday, August 31, 2003

The Simpsons Ver. 3.0 & Contact

So I went to the store today so I could find some good DVDs. I went to Circuit City to look for some, and only found a slim pickings. The listings were saying that there were 100's of DVDs for under $9. When I got there, there were hundereds of DVDs available, but there were maybe 30 titles. Contact was one of the titles for under $9, which is the one I was out for.

Im going thru beach withdraw. I luckilly took some sand from the beaches of South Padre Island and I opened a jar up to feel the sand on my hands again. Im also staring at my shells that Evelyn and Yolie helped me gather when I was out there.

Well, Im going to get back to my Simpsons DVDs. It may be an all night Simpson-a-thon!


Friday, August 29, 2003

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Maybe. The first real sign of good things to come came today at 10:07 am. Im not going to say too much, cause last time I think I jinxed it. Im crossing my fingers cause Im crossing payments together to make sure things are being paid. If not, I could prositute myself... A guy like me could make a killing in the right circles...

Any takers, voyeurs?

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I hate it when in chat, people are snubbed...

Ralph surprised me. He got online yesterday morning and messaged me. Since I had no clue that his screen name was Daydreambeliever and it threw me off. We started talking, and I was oblivious it was him. My boss walks in so I close the laptop and do some things for him, and when I open the Panasonic back up he left messages asking if I was dispondant, distant, and depressed. When I tried calling him, all my listed numbers for him are wrong that were right one month ago. I went to his apartment and found he moved. When I did find him, I only found his car and nothing else. I considered pounding on the fender to set off the alarm, but if he was asleep, I didnt want to wake him, the little dickens...

So, here I sit, one day later, wondering if he will get back into the chat window. It's frustrating when you think that friends think you are something you arent...


Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Im starting to dislike some services...

The photo blog of mine isnt working all that well. I may do a search for another one later. I reposted some pics I took of Corpus, so I invite all to see them.

Goodnight voyeurs.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Picture Blog Update

I have updated my picture blog. There are more, but they're on another computer.

Goodnight voyeurs.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

1,623.52 miles: That equals 10 CD's, 5 tanks of gas, 4 sandwiches, 2 passengers, countless bugs on the windshield and 1 destination

Chorpus Christi is one beautiful town. Lupe (Evelyn and Yolie's cousin) and I arrived sometime around 3:45 in the afternoon after taking off from El Paso around 5am. Evelyn's directions were completely off. I won't get into that. Our first day there, Ev and Yolie gave us a short tour of the city, showing us the basic layout and the beach. With white sands and ample parking, the beach at South Padre Island is a magnificent example of natures wonders. The whiff of seaweed and brine in the air overpowers you at first, but once inside the water is a nice warm bath that just makes everything that bothers you seem pointless.

Port Aransas is a beautiful fishing community, that has a ferry to the island that is just too unbelievable. Dolphins play in the waters that the ferrys traverse, often leading the charge across the water, playfully jumping in and out of the boat's path. Downtown Corpus is a vibrant and lively place to be, people of all ages, races and types are outdoors enjoying the ample room to exersize and enjoy the scenery. Fresh shrimp from the bay can be bought straight from the shrimping boats that park at roadside.

I miss that place. The people were friendly, the places were intoxicating, and overall I enjoyed every waking moment I was in Corpus Christi. Interesting... We took some 10+ hours to get to Corpus, but we made it back home in under 9 hours our return trip.

In total, it cost me:

$80 - Gasoline
$26 - T.G.I. Friday's
$12 - Food Store
$?? - Tire rim accessory (chrome trim lost along Texas' highways)

Im reminising, voyeurs...

Monday, August 18, 2003

Vacation, all I ever wanted,
Vacation, Havin' some fun again...



Saturday, August 16, 2003

Windows 2000 running at 99.9% Optimum eficiency

AIM isn't working. It worked great for me at the radio station. I was running at speeds of 980kbps on our network. I was able to download all my essential updates in about an hour. I had some 29 Critical System Updates and 12 Win2K updates to download. On my 56K modem it was going to take 6 hours. I am worm free and loving it. Man, I thought I wouldn't have to worry about worms since we got rid of our cat some 20 years ago.

Im home, the computer is near flawless. Im bored. Im... bored. This sucks.

Friday, August 15, 2003

I've been afraid of changing cause I... I built my life around you
but time makes you bolder, and childeren get older, Im getting older too.

Just here listening and relaxing this friday evening to some Fleetwood Mac on DVD. Yeah, I just saw their show last week. Do you think I care? It's already halfway thru the CD. They had dedicated Landslide to us in El Paso, Stevies one time home town.

Its getting late. I did some updates, and Im off like a prom dress in a cheap motel.

Good night, voyeurs.
Ok people, nothing to see here, move along...

Ok. New York and most of Colonial United States and parts of Canada are without power. It was breaking news yesterday. If its ongoing to today, its not breaking news. What I ultimately hate about these type of events is the media spin they place on the story. MSNBC ran this rather false statement:

The evening rush hour was just beginning in the East when the power went out at 4:14 p.m. NBC News and correspondents described scenes of pandemonium as thousands of New Yorkers streamed into streets where traffic signals were not operating.

Pandemonium - Pan·de·mo·ni·um
1 : the capital of Hell in Milton's Paradise Lost
2 : the infernal regions : HELL
3 not capitalized : a wild uproar : TUMULT

First of all, I was watching the news last night, and I didn't see any pandemonium, terror, panic, hopelessness, shock and awe, jitters, convulsions, Tourettes, coniptions, shenanigans or ilicit activities. From what I saw, I saw New Yorkers banding together to help people out of subway cars, calmly waiting for payphones to free up, and walking in an orderly fashion out of and back into lower Manhattan. I feel for these New Yorkers, sleeping in the streets cause they were stranded where they worked...

Ugh, I hate being involved with the media. To think that there are others out there saying spins on the news to get people to pay attention to them. You know, maybe I should do that. As a matter of fact, go to this link and I will give you a naked picture of myself.

Enjoy voyeurs.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Im smiling next to you, in silent lucidity

Ive been battling that stupid Blaster worm in my eMachine for a while now, and realize that the patch I need needs a different patch to operate correctly. The largest problem is the patch is gigantic, and downloading it from home on a dial-up is going to take all of 6+ hours. Im going to bring my computer in to the station on saturday and try and download and save the patch and install it. The eMachine works fine, it just can't log-off the internet. Im not having the same problem with shutting down before the computer knows whats happening. Java applications also arent working all that well with the bug, It's generated a copy of a system file, and it conflicts with itself and causes Java to stop working correctly after say 5-10 minutes. Its furstrating, but still operable. Im strongly considering reinstalling the O/S alittle cleaner than I did awhile back.

Anyways. Since getting here, Ive been relaxing to music. Thats just the way it is.

Laterz voyeurs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Blaster Worm hits too close to home

That damn security breach of the Windows 2000 has affected my home computer as well as my sister-in-law's computer running Windows XP. At the radio station, the main server became infected with the worm denying everyone from accessing their email. Im one of the lucky ones, the Panasonic runs on Windows 98 Second Edition, and the worm completely avoids that operating system. I had downloaded the patches for the worm for all my operating systems and saved them to CD incase the inevitable reinstall happens.

If you need a patch for your OS, visit the Microsoft Download Center.

Good night voyeurs.

I've added afew new links to my toolbar. Be back later with more.

Monday, August 11, 2003

It's about fucking time...

I had to take a breather. One thing Luis taught me about dealing with software and computers is to take a break and try again later. I couldn't get my photoblog to update correctly, but I think I worked it out. I uploaded my first camera phone picture to the website. Check out my squalid working conditions, scroll down to the last pic.

Well, Im off to bed. There's a mosquito in my room yet again, and I've already been bitten numerous times back at the family bbq saturday. Im gonna be scratching and itching all night yet again...

Good night, voyeurs.
I hate dealing with websites that are hard to navigate

I had tried several times to create a photoblog from several different companies, but all are so fucking difficult to navigate, its rediculous. All I want is something simple, and yet its so fucking difficult. AAARRGH!

I digress. Im going to start posting my pics to my picture blog...

Sunday, August 10, 2003

This weekend blows. Blows like a bad hooker.

T-1 week until I take off to Corpus Christy, and already there is mud slung onto the windshield of the trip. I had outfitted my car with some required mechanical repairs, and already I have been asked if I could take a rental. If I wanted to take a rental, I would have saved all the mechanical repairs to rent the car and not take mine. I digress.

This weekend has sucked. It's been too hot to do much more than sit and watch TV. Im watching Contact on TNT. I think its the first movie in a long time to give me chills up my spine at the aspects of possible alien contact. Im also watching my phone's battery die completely. I want it to recharge fully and be conditioned, unlike the old Nokia that I recharged it every moment I could.

I haven't decided whether or not to do another update today, but I guess that will change if I find something worth it.


Friday, August 08, 2003


It is said that a thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters eventually will type the complete workings of William Shakespeare. This site is simulating nearly one thousand monkeys typing away, estimating how many pages total they typed and how many bananas they consumed in their attempt. While waiting for some results, I noticed afew monkeys started to drop off. Its actually quite entertaining to watch! Ivette should love this...

I used to have this neighbor that lived across the street who drove an old Subaru Brat, an El Camino-like bastard love child Subaru Frankensteined to go after the crossbreed Chevrolet Malibu and LUV pickup. Every day he came home, the Brat let out the loudest backfire, and if you weren't ready or weren't paying attention you'd get the shit scared out of you. This guy in Southampton, England had the same problem in his delivery van, only he caught people's reactions to his van's protests. I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Ah, the memories.

Ever wonder why yawns are so contagious?

Everyone has a morbid side. This satisfies people's intrigue into plane crashes. Its actual audio from the doomed planes, or air traffic controllers in the case of TWA 800. It's kinda creepy.

Enjoy voyeurs!
Yeah, did you see an update? Tough little phone...

I spent most of the afternoon doing small errands out and about, almost forgetting about the phone. I took Mike Dee from KPRR home yesterday, and in return he treated for lunch. While we ate, my phone went off and I didn't realize it untill I felt the vibration function. I wouldn't have thought it was my phone if it hadn't done that. I got home and changed some of the settings on the phone, including the correct time. I mistakenly had the phone on 24 hour time when I programmed it, so the phone alarm didn't go off when it should have. It's fixed. I still need to see why I can't email pictures. I guess I need to call T-Mobile about that. Doing good personally. I may do some cruising later today. Haven't taken a good cruise in a while. Gonna find some Strange Findings links today.

In a little while, voyeurs!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

New toys are fun and confusing

So I got my new camera phone yesterday, and what a cool phone it is. The new phone works off of a Sim Chip that holds all your data. My old Nokia phone had the chip in it. First off, the Nokia is supposed to have "x-press on" covers that come off easily... my left nut. I had to destroy the cover to get it off. I then had to battle the new phone to get the Sim Chip in it. The menus are more complex than the Nokia. There is also a cool joystick to use to navigate instead of the cycloptic multifunction button on the Nokia. So many options, so many screensavers and backgrounds...

If I figure it all out, I will do another update.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003


Stevie Nicks is an El Pasoan. She spent several years going to school at Loretto Academy and Crockett. Fleetwood Mac as they are most well known played their first concert in 1975 here in town. They aknowleged it. Souvenirs were abit pricey, but I managed to get away with a t-shirt. I cried several times listening to the songs. I was in heaven.

The Chain
Eyes of the World
Say You Will
Never Going Back Again
Second Hand News
Big Love
Say Goodbye
What's the World Comming To
Beautiful Child
Gold Dust Woman
Im So Afraid
Silver Springs
Stand Back
Go Your Own Way

Encore 1 - World Turning, Don't Stop
Encore 2 - Goodbye Baby

Tuesday, August 05, 2003


On a medical Standpoint, this site is perfect for those who want to study the human anatomy in its natural state. On the other hand, this same site can give you the creeps and nightmares!

I always figured that school was some huge lab experiment when I was growing up. Here's the proof.

In a city of over 6 million people, these two people just want to talk, no strings attatched. I had read this entire site and was amazed that these two people are not in it for money or for psychological aid, but are there for people who feel like speaking to someone just for a moment.

Are you a groaner? Im guilty of being a groaner. I admit it.

Be back later, voyeurs!

Monday, August 04, 2003

What is it like to have one of the most influential people in the city give you a shiatsu massage?

That was never a question I would have asked. That was never a question I would have ever thought of. Pat Goff is a buisnessman who owns 3 electronics retail stores in El Paso, Las Cruces and Alamogordo and a well respected man in the political scene in town came into the studio and started to give me a shiatsu massage. I thought he was going behind me to get something from the other side of my studio, but started at the shoulders and worked my back something good. Im in heaven. Its rare I get a massage. Either I find people are too rough, or not firm enough. Wow, why did that sound incredibly dirty?

Sunday, August 03, 2003

I think Im maxed out

Ok, I have spent the past 3 days shopping at the malls and I think Im all shopped out. I suffered heat stroke from walking almost the entire distance of the mall outside thanks to the lack of close to the mall parking. My arms hurt from carrying my bounty to the registers and all the way to the car where I parked durring various times. Im tired of washing my clothes before I wear them. At least I can say I have finished my shopping for another 3 years.

Be back later tonight, my headache is starting to go away.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Last Night

First of all, I don't encourage this sort of behavior so do not attempt it yourself or blame me for doing it. Before I get into that, Joe and Ivette invited me over to play some vintage videogames. They were all my games. I forgotten how much fun Joe had with Stunt Race FX and Star Fox FX. Spent several hours playing games and munching popcorn. I was alittle on the adventurous side when I left Ivette's house, so I shucked my shorts and drove home clad in my boxers and a t-shirt. That was liberating. Im insane, I know.

Always remember: Insanity is genius gone wrong.
Patience is a virtue

Well, it's finally mine. I logged onto the T-Mobile website and found that the camera phone was at a lower price than a few weeks ago. When I called and asked about the phone, expecting the price I saw online, they told me it was much less than I thought it would be. I didn't wait this time. I snagged that bad-boy up like no one's buisness. I am so happy, I get to play around with a new phone before I leave. Im gonna snap pics on the road of interest, so I might not get to Corpus Christy exactly when I think I should. Gadgets. Where would this world be without them...

I should recieve my camera phone winin 2-4 days.
I hate waking up so fucking early on a Saturday...

There are few things that compare to waking up early on a weekend. It sucks, and that's the bottom line. I had a good time as always with Jackie, the phone screener for one of the weekend shows. She is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. Non-stop laughter. That was the better part of my morning. Im here right now finishing up the last shreds of the weekend shows, so hopefully it will run ok.

Well, Im gonna power down the laptop. Be back later with more and what I did yesterday evening.

Laterz voyeurs.

Friday, August 01, 2003


Oh man. If this poster is a clue as to how the new Spiderman movie is going to be, It's going to be the tops at the Box Office next summer.

I don't have this problem. I don't know of anyone with this problem. Honestly, I didn't think this was a problem but apparently it is for some people. If you need Anti-Masturbation equipment, then you need help. If you gave someone anything here, you really need help.

Sort of along the same lines... You wouldn't like me when Im horny...

Is there something wrong with this woman? She is a freak!

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the beach. What was he thinking? There are decency laws in this country!

Ever dump your boyfriend or girlfriend rather oddly? Maybe you were dumped after the best sex of your life, or at a friend's wedding. Maybe you wouldn't feel so bad after reading the 15 ways to leave your lover. This page lists some of the dispicable ways celebs and noted folk have dumped their special someone.

Enjoy you voyeurs!