Thursday, August 28, 2003

I hate it when in chat, people are snubbed...

Ralph surprised me. He got online yesterday morning and messaged me. Since I had no clue that his screen name was Daydreambeliever and it threw me off. We started talking, and I was oblivious it was him. My boss walks in so I close the laptop and do some things for him, and when I open the Panasonic back up he left messages asking if I was dispondant, distant, and depressed. When I tried calling him, all my listed numbers for him are wrong that were right one month ago. I went to his apartment and found he moved. When I did find him, I only found his car and nothing else. I considered pounding on the fender to set off the alarm, but if he was asleep, I didnt want to wake him, the little dickens...

So, here I sit, one day later, wondering if he will get back into the chat window. It's frustrating when you think that friends think you are something you arent...


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