Tuesday, September 09, 2003


Gaydar - An almost 6th sense to a person's sexual preference, usually prevelant in the gay/lesbian community. This product is for those who don't have that uncanny ability to pick one out of the crowd cause it vibrates if someone else near them has one! Ever wondering what to get that special gay/lesbian in your group of friends?

Every blue-blooded American male is going to be preventing prostate cancer in every way, shape and form they can think of thanks to this recent discovery which is backed up by several other researchers. How they all came to that conclusion... um... bad pun, sorry...

Skittlebrau!!! Anyone familiar with The Simpsons knows Homer's strangely appetizing brew. Some engeneers have too much time on their hands...

Hmm, I think the creator of this action packed action figure drank a few cases of Skittlebrau...

Enjoy that, voyeurs!

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