Thursday, September 18, 2003

Ever think of repairing something you think you couldn't work on?

Yeah, the plumbing could be considered part of that description, but Im talking about the PS2. I don't know if many of you out there own a PS2, but if you do, you might be having the same problem I had. Brand spanking new DVD's wouldn't play in the PS2, giving the error of DISC READ ERROR on more times than I would have wanted.

Well, I just happened to watch one of my TV shows and found that they were also fed up with the frequency of the DISC READ ERROR and decided to jump inside the unit to fix. They discovered the problem partially lies inside the CD tray where the laser is out of range of the spinning DVD. The other half of the DRE is fixed when you purchase and install the DVD remote and upgrades.

If you are having the DISC READ ERROR plaguing your Playstation, visit their tutorial to perform the fix yourself. I spent some 4 hours monkeying with the unit until I found the right setting. It plays like a dream. While you're in there, you can clean out all those dust bunnies that have acumulated while you were playing your precious Soul Caliber, Tomb Raider and Gran Turismo...

*TechTV and I are not to be held responsible for any dammage done by carelessness on your part...


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