Monday, September 08, 2003

Yesterday was some nightmare

It's rare that I have nightmares. Sunday morning was the worst I had in some time. I thinking it was a combination of an uncomfortable bed and askew pillows that caused me to have little sleep. The nightmare took place in a war-torn city being bombed with nuclear bombs. Most of the city had been bombed back to the stone-age, and to top it off, it was about to be obliterated off the face of the map.

Well, the surviving bomb sirens are blaring, and me and two others scurry down into a nearly destroyed building cause we are almost blinded by the bright light from the bomb. We are leaping from landing to landing going into the basement when the blast hits the building we're in. Im almost to the bomb shelter when the building is blown off its foundation and it and me are thrown into the air.

If anyone had seen footage of the way office furniture moves in an earthquake, this was what I was seeing, only Im watching the building flying thru the air in front of me. The building is still almost intact, but its slowly starting to break up as I see parts fly from it. Then, like as in a movie, I see the building flying 20 feet from the ground traveling at something like 200mph, and the best way I can describe the way the building was moving is if people think back to Star Trek the Next Generation and seeing the borg ship flying. This is how the building was thrown across the country side.

The dream ends with me being thrown into the building, striking what was a bed and when the building finally hits something, it breaks up in two and like a movie shot I see a ring of debris that my building hit that spans a radius of the bomb made.

I wake up and fall asleep again after that, only its a slight variation of the nightmare. The city I was in is in Russia. The building I was thrown in was a test building that the Russian government built so they could launch it with a side-launch catapult, causing it to move across the land, 20 feet from the ground at 200mph...

Leave it to the Russians...


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