Friday, December 26, 2003


There are times where I just wish that one car that hit one of the neighbor kids years ago finished him off. Oh hell its past the holidays so I can actually say that. Im irked about the little fucker cause the parents bought the little bastard a powered scooter and screams down the block for hours untill the little shit runs out of gas. I wanted one at one point, but hearing them makes me change my mind.

You know, church is alot different than I remembered it to be...

I just love this. I just don't know if its a cheezy French accent or some other strange attempt on disguising a voice, but its extremely entertaining.

People, people! Pick on something your own size!

I honestly don't care what two consenting people do in their home, but this list is kinda hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at #10...

That's all for now, voyeurs. be back later!

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