Monday, December 13, 2004


I seem to remember a posting from sometime last year about my misadventures in WallyMart land. You would think I would learn a thing or two about going to these stores the weeks leading up to Christmas. This time, it was out of necessity, rather than vanity. I get there, and grab 2 items, and head to the check out. Of course, the express lane is 20 items or less- or so you'd think...

So I get to the line and of course, in front of me, several people are woefully over the 20 items rule. So I stand there, and stand there, and stand there. They just keep piling things on. Then, when it comes to pay, they pull out a WIC card, finds that she is over her spending limit by about $10 and decides to look over the receipt (not yet finished totaled) and removes things. She is sharing a cart at this point with someone who looked to be her mother. They are tag-teaming the checkout clerk! This time, they are going slower than molasses running in January, what with battling 2 kids and each other.

I remember from last time that it wasn't the cashier's fault. I didn't take it out on her, so I just held it in and calmly called the store manager and told him to police the checkouts for people taking advantage of the lack of store help. I didn't want anything out of the call, and I wasn't my nasty self, I just let him know that there was a problem that needed to be looked after. I left the store better with myself knowing I did the right thing, and not explode like last time.

This weekend... Well... This weekend I wont get into until another time. Ask Ivette. She knows the story.

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