Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Clear Channel Christmas

I was gonna write about my adventures trying to watch a DVD on the laptop, but I thought that would be too boring.

Tomorrow is the annual Clear Channel Christmas party at the El Paso Hilton. I am not going. I don't have someone to take to the shin-dig, so I will not be going solo. I also don't want to go because there had been some rather interesting developments of the past few years that culminated in drunken stupors and embarrassing situations.

One such moment occurred in 2000, it was the first time that all 6 radio stations were housed in the same building. We all gathered at the Hilton and the bar opened pretty early. Usually I remember the bar opened sometime after 8pm, but this time it opened around 6. Anyone see where this is going? Yep. Follow along.

One of the office managers hit the bar pretty hard early on. Being the resident hoochie-mama of the station, she dressed appropriately- ultra-tight fitting pleather textured mini-skirt and above the knee black boots. Along with some help from the always-ready-for-a-drink sales staff, she was flying high and not feeling anything by around 7:45. At that time, some hard feelings were felt by some members of the on air staff with each other, and 3 fights almost broke out.

It got interesting close to the end of the party. Most everyone was past the legal limit of intoxication, and the rest of the yahoo's were content bullshitting each other up and down. I remember I needed the restroom pretty bad. I had a couple of people who followed me down, and found that several people were saying prayers to porcelain gods. Evelyn and Yolie reported to me that there were several females in the restroom talking loud & drunken at everyone.

We left the party shortly afterwards. I remember Yolie did drink a few drinks that night, and I remember she wasn't stumbling drunk. Yes, by me saying that I was contributing to the delinquency of a minor, but she was well taken care of and was in the holiday mood. We all said our goodbyes to everyone and left the main room, only to pass by several people in the hallway. The resident hoochie-mama was on all fours near a potted plant, and several people had surrounded her. My party and myself just kept on walking and found out later that she had threw up in that potted plant.

That wouldn't have been too bad, until you realized that the plant was one of those fake plants. Damn, I would have hated to be the one to clean off that plant. Needless to say, that's the party everyone seems to remember. I cannot imagine why...

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