Monday, December 27, 2004

Vacation? Soon...

So I get the shock of my life when I get a phone call from Ralph the other day. Yeah, first off, him calling is a shock in itself, but the recent phone call came with him asking if I wanted to go on vacation to Corpus Christi! I was floored. I had told him about how nice the city is, what the waters look like and he is interested in going. So, I am gonna settle on the times with him, and set up vacation time here, then I will get things ready and it will be another road trip out to one of my favorite cities!

His motive for the vacation would be to get a job out there. Mine is just to go to the beach. Its addicting, the beach. Growing up in a desert environment makes you yearn for rain or wetter settings. Seeing the beach for the first time in 2003 was something. It changed me, and I love seeing, hearing and smelling the beach.

Let the fun ensue!

1 comment:

Mentalism said...

That's cool that your coming down here in January. I hope the beach is ok, there is always alot of junk and litter people leave behind from bon fires, also sea weed is washed up alot and they don't clean up the beach in the winter months, why I don't know March 1st is the beach clean up week when hundreds of people go pick up trash and rake the beach. So I hope it's appealing for you all. As far as him going to find a job down there his chances are pretty good, there are so many hospitals and I hear they are always hiring RN's. I don't know anybody in other units but they have postings up where they are looking for nurses, as far as being a nurse in my unit you have to be a female, they don't hire male nurses in OB, probably cause a man doesn't go through child labor and wouldn't make a good labor nurse as what they are also called, but he does have a very high chance to find a job...