Monday, December 13, 2004

Can't wait for January

It's the time of false promises of weight loss, turning over a new leaf and believing that for some small moment, we are that much closer to better living thru technology. I look forward to January cause my friends will be heading back to El Paso to visit family. I had thought about what some of my new years resolutions would be. Honestly, I can't think of any that would do me any good.

I vowed a few years ago to join a gym and get into better health, all it did was drain my wallet a few bucks a month and a lot of needless travel and gas. I did make a promise to myself that once March hits, I am more than likely gonna get my first tattoo. I am still stymied as to which one I want first, but I do know it will be this next year. I don't wanna post the picture of what I want just yet, I fear copycats out there will do it before I do and claim the bragging rights.

At least with my friends coming to El Paso, I can give them their gifts while theyre here and not have to pay for shipping to get it over to them.

Cheap? You betcha!

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