Sunday, December 12, 2004

You miss a day or two, you leave so many out of the loop...

It happens every once in a while where I will be tapped for things to say, or links to post. It doesn't happen every day, but when it does, I get a bad case of writer's block. The past two weeks I have had a good run of things to say and I've updated the site at least once or twice a day. So it stands to say that once you stop updating for a while, people notice. I was chastised a few times this last week and decided to muffle the backlash and update.

So here I am.

Last night, Joe, Ivette and myself gathered around Joes TV to watch a really intriguing movie. Battle Royale is a modern-apocalyptic view of the degradation of today's youth and the measures (drastic as they are, but OK in a sort-of strange sense) taken to regain the minds and spirits of troubled youths. The premise of the movie revolves around teenagers of all sorts, who no longer show respect towards authority figures. A law enacted allows for one classroom full of students (40+ at times) to kill eachother off before an allotted amount of time. Senselessly violent and strangely acceptable methods of elimination aside, the movie was an excellent choice.

I had been missing my favorite hat for about 2 months. Its my favorite hat cause its a black hat, with blue flames that match my black shirt with blue flames. Its a little dingy from over a years worth of use, and it just fits my head oh so nicely. I don't remember taking it off and leaving it anywhere, so when I found it was missing, I tore apart everything trying to look for it. I figured that once I stop looking for it, I will find it. Things in life usually happen that way. So last night, as I was leaving Joes house, he said "Oh by the way, take this home with you" and handed me my hat. I don't remember leaving it there, but I found it without even trying.

however I do remember him saying something about me leaving something behind...

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