Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I've got a couple of piercings here and there. I love them. I also have astigmatism. I hate it. What's that you say? Combine them both into something fucking awesome? SIGN ME UP!!!

Did you play with LEGO's as a kid? I did. I love them, and I have a LEGO set that predicted the Mustang. I will get into that later. LEGO's have always been touted as an educational toy, building and constructing, using ones imagination. I was floored at the school of higher learning these bricks are used at. However, I was equally impressed by this guy's inventive use of LEGO's to form weaponry. However, none of them could hold a candle to the artistry demonstrated here. Fully detailed and some in working order. He is my hero.

How do you write off a dog as a business expense? Well, if you have surplus bandwidth, some digital cameras, a young Labrador retriever, and tons of the newest toys, your dog can be a product tester!

With the latest iPods on the market bearing the name and special design for U2, there has been talk of other bands doing the same. Are they that in demand?

You ever been so drunk off of wine you do some crazy shit? No? Well, this group of friends wanted to see what happens when you light a Roman Candle that's moored to one of their butt cheeks. Need I say more? Trust me, there are plenty of pictures -- funny pictures.

Late at night, when I used to do overnight shifts at the radio station, I used to roll around the entire office complex on our selection of rolling chairs and furniture. Apparently, there are Olympic events for my kind of sports. Time to practice! *website requires a high speed connection to see films*

Finally, its almost a holiday tradition to gather around the TV as a family and watch It's A Wonderful Life and reflect about eachother's place in the universe. What's that you say? You have little time to watch? Well, has just what you need. It's a Wonderful Life in :30 seconds with bunny actors!

Ah, the holidays...

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