Friday, December 17, 2004

Breakfast fiasco

I woke up with enough time today to actually make some breakfast. It was strange to be ready to go at 3:30, so I went to crackin' some eggs. My mom made me a pb&j sandwich to take with me to work incase I got hungry, but I guess at some point in her making it she put blackberry jelly on the countertop at the exact point I cracked the first egg open. I freaked out when I saw purple color on the egg and my hand and put two and two together and started to laugh.

Well, on my way to work today with Mike, he told me about the lacklustre party thrown yesterday for the company. This year was a departure from last year as there were no slide shows complimenting Power 102. There seemed to be no cock-sucking corporate ladder climbers latching onto any manager with the iota to succeed making themselves to be human door mats, so things seemed to have gone good. All that means is it was an even more lame party than it was last year.

Well, yesterday was also my annual checkup and physical. I am happy to say that I will be around for a long, long time (something my enemies would hate to hear) and things are good.

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