Monday, June 16, 2003

Man, talk about a crushing blow to the ol' childhood memories of cartoons & TV

Ok, is it me, or am I the LAST person to figure out these things? I found out last year that the reason Shaggy & Scooby Doo were so giggly and had voratious appetites was due to their overuse of Mary-Jane that completely baked them out of their minds. That actually made sense to me after so many years of wondering why they were so hungry. I just thought that it was Shaggy's high metabolism, and Scooby's intestinal tapeworm...

Well, my childhood memories of watching weekday afternoon cartoons has been shaken to the core, and I don't know if I can recover after this. Today, thanks to VH1, I found out that He-Man was gay. I didn't really stop and think of it untill I saw their show where they showed clips of the cartoon, and he is BLATENTLY GAY. Sporting a Marilu Henner haircut, watermellon pink polo shirts, muscles that Arnold Swartzenegger would be jealous of and his "Magical Sword" that once he held, he "has the power". I'd say battling skeletons (Skeletor) is a form of metaphor about him battling his inner demons with some ghost-like creature that hides his face behind a wizzards outfit with an unusually high pitched voice that has the "00" on the front is an insinuation of what he is lacking between the legs? Things that make you go hmmm...

If that wasn't enough, the final straw was the A-Team's inability to hit the broadside of a barn with a 10ft. pole. If you stopped to think about it, Helen Keller attempting to slaughter a cow had more of a chance than anyone being shot at, or shooting AT the A-Team. At least Helen Keller attempted to slaughter cows. She didn't know it was the water heater, but she was making a good effort at it. Every chase I had seen on that show had shown bullets hitting the ground, and the surrounding area. Buildings, trees, cars, all are targets, but not the van, or any of those lilly-loving nit wits. How did that show end, anyways?

I'd say the only real show, aside from the whole creepy best buddy gay vibe thing was C.H.i.P.s. You can't go wrong detailing the lives of a couple of cops on motorcycles as they chase down motor vehicle accidents on the newly paved and completed 405, 605, 410 & 10 freeways of Los Angeles counties. Hmm, K.I.T.T. was annoying, Higgin's had a 40ft. stick up his ass, Mr Roper was an annoying landlord, Fonzie was a phony, Squiggy & Lenny needed to be taken out mafia style & was it me, or was Mindy fucking hot?

Ok, gotta take cold shower.

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