Monday, June 09, 2003

dum, Dum, Dum DA-DUMMMMMM
-Tympany solo from 2001, A Space Odyssey

Yup. Look at the time. Im at home, on the eMachine online up and running. I got a new version of Windows 2000, and installed it on the brand new HDD. I have most of the software loaded back into the system minus the antivirus software, and several smaller non-essential programs including a new web browser called Mozilla. I didn't ditch Internet Explorer, I upgraded it to IE 6.0. With the new HDD, I have seen an improvment in performance on several of my programs including the loading of the computer.

Durring the next few days I will be loading updates and fine tuning the programs on it, not to mention learning Mozilla. It looks interesting, but it may turn out to be a waste of bandwidth I used to download. Look for blogs to show up at night too!

Good Night, John-boy.

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