Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The blind leading the odd

One last thing before I go to bed. I was honored by my supervisor that I was able to leave work early. I was almost out the back door when Mike D from KPRR's morning show had asked if I was really leaving work early. He wanted a ride home to the east side of town. I told him no matter what side of the east side he lives on, its close to my house, and on the way home. I don't know many blind people. Hell, I only know of Mike. I accomidated him as best as I could, and did a good job. It was hilarious, he said he would only agree to the ride if he could drive. If you don't find that funny, there is no life in you.

On the way, we traded road-warrior stories about various accident and traffic hazards we have had in the past. For being a blind guy, he has had alot of accidents he wasn't driving! His wife was involved in one recently where a Cavalier doing something like 35 T-boned his F-250 truck. It totaled the Cavalier, and royally screwed the truck something fierce. He still is paying for the truck, which isn't as new as it once was. I know his feeling all too well. His wife is ok, but is still going thru therapy for the injuries from that accident. The other driver never hit the brakes, and walked away...

Well, here's where it got interesting. He told me the streets to take, and I followed them for the most part. Then, I overshot his street, and couldnt find his house. It's ok, he couldn't see his house. I got him home ok, and this is a first for me.

This is the first time I have ever recieved directions from a blind man and ended up where I should have been.

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