Thursday, June 12, 2003

Cheer up sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean to a
Daydream Believer and a Homecomming Queen

Ok, I haven't been sleeping all that well lately. I have been going to sleep later and later, and when I get to sleep, I have bad dreams. I have had two lately. One involved Yolie, Evelyn, Teddy, a gand of thugs & Bassett Center Mall. Why we were all there escapes me. We are walking the mall, and Yolie is distracted by the glamor and gleam of the Helzberg Diamonds store when a gang of thugs comes up to Yolie hitting on her. Teddy flys off the handle, and gets beaten by one of the thugs.

They approach me, and I think I have been seeing the previews for The Hulk too many times. They [gang] ask me if Im not going to try and defend my friend, and I respond by saying "You don't want to see me defend my friends." One guy throws his body into a punch towards me and I grab the arm and break it backwards, spin the broken arm behind his back (with tendons ripping) and kick him into the Helzberg sale sign.

The next guy comes from the left of me kicking high. I grab his leg, sucker-punch the guy's nuts and using my right foot I break his kneecap of the leg he is standing on backwards. On his trip to the floor, his head bashes the side of the display case killing him. Teddy recovers enough to tackle another thug trying to get me from behind, and I catch eye of the last thug charging me.

I pick up the metal rod that supported the Helzberg sale sign, and used it to bash the last thug's ribs in. On a recoil back arch, I swung Mark McGuire style into the back of this guy's head causing the bar to sink deep into the cranium of the guy, spilling grey matter and blood all over the shattered display and berber carpet. Teddy and I stand still, hearing the two guys still alive, yet screaming in agony from their injuries. The workers of the jewelry store give us seats and said to us that the security cameras show that the thugs were to blame entirely, and they would attest to it in court.

The second one was breif. A monster-like demon possessed me, and lived inside me, feeding off my thoughts and learning what live as a mortal entails. I woke up immediately.

Well, I best go. We're waiting for Ted Nugent to call.

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