Monday, June 30, 2003

Not a good weekend for the family

Well, I usually update my blog over the weekend but this weekend I simply couldn't. My grandmother died on saturday morning from a stroke. She died at her home, tending to her garden as she always did. Neighbors saw her fall and called paramedics, but nothing could be done. Family members were doing various other things, either out of town, or not close to a phone for easy contact. Eventually, everyone found out, and made their way back to El Paso. The rosary (wake) is tomorrow, and the funeral is scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Arrangments will be announced later for friends of the family.

Friday, June 27, 2003

With this website, I stab at thee

I already got rid of my home phone, but that hasn't excluded people from calling my parent's phone for telemarketing. Yeah, its a scarry thought, untill the Federal Trade Commission announced a new Do Not Call list. It's a hard address to access since the website is getting ovr 120 hits per second. The site has spaces for 3 phone numbers to be placed on the no call list, and I used all three with our home phone, and cell phones.

If you want to get your phone numbers placed on a 3 year Do Not Call list, visit or call them toll free @ 1-888-382-1222

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Ok, can anyone tell me what's wrong? Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?

Ok, lets hope I can draw out a clear road map on this one. I called over to T-Mobile to upgrade several things on my phone service, the first being the plan and the second being the phone. Well, its been no secret that Ive been wanting that Sony Ericsson T-300. Well, T-mobile wanted $179 for it, discounted from $249. Well, when I called numerous times, I found the price fluxuated from $149 to $179, then as low as $110. Each time, different members of T-Mobile's staff gave me differing info.

I later find that the price of the phone fluxuates from day to day. Does this sound strange to you?
we are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
searching our hearts for so long
both of us knowing...
love is a battlefield
-Pat Benetar

Its thursday. Why can't it be saturday? Screw wanting it to be friday, I'd rather want to be home on saturday and not at work friday counting down the clock. Makes sense, right? *sigh* Im still alittle down from yesterday, but Im getting over it. I found that the seats for Fleetwood Mac are great seats. I've seen some of the playlists they sing for other arenas and its going to be a list of songs not written my Christine McVie, which means its going to be a rock show for the most part. I had philisophical discussions with alot of people here at the station about the singles released by FM, and where those people are going to be seated in the Don Haskins Center. It will be a memorable concert for sure.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Close but no donut

You can't blame me for being dissapointed. I sent an application to KTSM TV today, and had the luck of the Irish to be interviewed right away. The position was for Assignments Editor for the newsroom. It's a verry complicated and stressful job that isn't for most people. I was told and warned by the guys in charge that its a hard, long and rather thankless job, and I wouldn't make too many friends while working. Sounds like my job with more people to deal with. It's predicted that this guy will flake out, so I may still be in the running later.

For the time being, I saw my Mustang in the distance, but it sped up and I lost it in the rush-hour traffic...

I actually found this site not while online, but while looking at a bulletin board at the Adult Contemporary station. Not the place I would have seen these billboards. Clearchannel owns Eller media, so thats probably why.

Be back later today.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Fleetwood Mac & blackmail

Fleetwood Mac comes to the Don Haskins Center August 5th for their performance without an opening act. It will be 2 hours of Fleetwood Mac in their latest, and probably final concert of their career.

Oh man. While I was moving crap from room to room, I stumbled across my brother's old yearbook from High School. It's his junior year yearbook, and there are afew interesting photos that appear in the book. I will upload them tomorrow, they are juicy photos you shouldn't miss...

Be ready, and set your faces to stun

Wow. I don't even know where to begin with this one. I was cruising along the internet, when a stray link caught my eye. At this point, I forgot what website I was on when I found this. I know of people into this, and I have to say, I thought about this, but I never knew there is an internet store to buy these things from... I always figured they were surpplus medical equipment, or maybe stolen from prisons, but apparently you can order these fine products from the privacy & convenience of your private dungeon!!!

This has to top the other strange findings of the past...
What color in the Crayola color box is Fucking Stupid?

Thats the color you need to color me. I am an idiot. Grade A, all natural. I had screwed up my cookies folder with Mozilla's cookie manager and my email service & my blog service were affected. When I tried to log back into my blog, I couldn't get in. I got frustrated, and reloaded Mozilla three times before I figured out the problem...

I had the wrong password...

Monday, June 23, 2003

Technical Difficulties plauging my photoblog

Call it a sign from the Gods, but the photos I tried to upload to my photoblog didn't load right. Only the captions to the photo's loaded, which is great. They are rather embarrasing fashion faux-paux's and I think I'd rather warn you about them forehand.

On the plus side, I had confirmation about the Fleetwood Mac tickets. It is a go for the concert at the Don Haskins Center, and this promises to be super.

Be back later.
Should whiter teeth feel like a minty nightmare?

I had thought about that when I had the gel-tray in my mouth for alittle more than 10 minutes. Im using Rembrandt to whiten my kinda pearly whites and last night with the gel tray in my mouth it felt like an icy cold torture. When its first worn, it feels fine, then the hydrogen peroxide kicks in and it cools down to a cringing cold blast that is stuck on your teeth. The instructions say you need to keep the gel on your teeth for a half hour. The worst part is that the gel-tray feels like a football player's mouthguard, only it doesn't fit. Um.. not that I know what a football players mouthguard... feels... like...

Um gotta go!

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Troubleshooting is tough

The laptop of mine is a fickle one. Every once in a while, like a horse throwing a shoe, the laptop will throw a fit and not work with the mouse. I noticed though, that it didn't want to work with a mouse made after 2000, and will work with one made before 2000. Well, that is a driver issue with the mouse. I had bought an Optical Mouse for the eMachine and it came with a CD of drivers. The CD is Microsoft brand specific, and since the mouse it acts up with is a Microsoft, I loaded the CD. Before I did, I plugged the Optical Mouse on the laptop and it didnt work. With the new drivers, it should work across the board with other mice now.

I'll be back. Gonna shower.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Im feeling tired. It's been a long day with its share of highs and lows

It all started with a phone call no one would answer. It forced me to get up and answer it. Instead of me going back to bed, I was forced to finish washing the car, while I was still trying to wake up. I begrudgingly did it, and tried to get back to sleep, but there was no point. Im going to unplug the damn phone and no one is going to wake me up for anything.

I played golf with Yolie and Evelyn today, and I think we won. We barely kept score. I got three holes in one, and Ev got 2. Yolie managed the same, but I think we wern't counting those games. We stopped for some Ocean Waters from Sonic and drank them in the car. Rather mundane.

Well, the eyelids are weighing heavy. I will write back later today (Sunday).

Friday, June 20, 2003

If this album was a boxing match, they'd have thrown in the towel long before the opponent came in...

Oh man, I cannot believe that after all this wait for Metallica to become sober & recruit new members we end up with St. Anger. This has to be some deperate attempt to regain some of their older listeners, cause I cannot for the life of me tell you what is to like about this new song. I am lucky in a sense that I can listen to music freely at work, but I don't think I would honestly cost-justify the purchase of this album. Joe & Ivette were right in their initial assertment of the song, and all I can say is this:

That was 7 minutes and 21 seconds of my life I will not get back.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Welcome one and all.

Allrighty. I verified all my links, and kinda made sure everything was spelled correctly, but alot of what gets misspelled in this blog is a result of a faulty laptop keyboard on the Panasonic. I try to keep this as real as possible, and not edit anything out of the day but alot of times I ramble cause Im bored out of my fucking mind at the station. Alot of what is on here is cool to check out. Have fun, go nuts.

More coming soon...
Visul aides are GO

I got my new visual media site and Im going to start utilizing it later today. Go ahead and bookmark it if you wish.

Be beck later.
Visual aides help alot

Im in the middle of finalizing and finishing the new look of my photo area for my blog. I will be able to post pictures of anything I want. I will update later today with the official link and add it to my sidebar.

I will keep you posted...
the light was creeping, down, down, down
while we were sleeping, suddenly we hit the ground

You can't help but sing that song off the top of your lungs. I know (and so did the rest of the building) I was. This morning was an interesting one. I actually had a good night's sleep for the first time in a while. I fell asleep late, which is nothing new, but usually when that happens, Im always suffering later cause of it. Im strangely energetic, and Im not attributing it to those Stacker 2's I took today. I was feeling energetic before taking them.

I've begun the process of looking for a new job. I want something with job security, and good pay. I want to buy that damn Mustang cause Im tired of staring at them from afar. Government jobs are stable and secure, and usually well paid. I originally thought of being a manager somewhere in town, but Im also broadening my search to Las Cruces. Something soothing and calming about that growing town.

Music listened to today:

Fleetwood Mac - Steal Your Heart Away, What's the World Coming To, Peacekeeper, Say You Will

Well, Im going o update again later, Im looking for cool things again. Im still impressed with the guy that built an 800mhz computer from a Nintendo.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

This has marketing potential

I love seeing inventive new ways of hiding PC's into normal everyday objects. One PC I saw as an example of this was a mini computer stuffed into an early model DVD player that looked like a VCR. I thought that was the best thing since sliced bread unill today. On my search of interesting things, I found the best use of an aging game system ever.

Using laptop parts and parts from several PC components, this guy made the best looking computer I have seen. Using an original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), this guy scrapped the innards of the game and replaced them with laptop motherboard and processor spec parts and the power supply is modified to fit in the small confines of the case. Heavy modifications to the case weakens the structure, but this guy seems to have overcome some of those obstacles nicely. He even used older eMachine keyboards and mice painted in a similar two-tone paint scheme to match the system and its OE controllers...

Great way to spend a month's worth of free time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Improving & growing stronger

Im finding things out on a daily basis. I always thought that AOL Messenger was only for AOL members only. It's chat interface is free to anyone who wants it. I never knew that... Im going to load it into my laptop tomorrow, since I will be outlandishly bored at 4:45 am. By the way, my AIM screen name is MikeCalderonElP. Lets chat!

You know, I saw a commercial for Dreyers Ice Cream about a young kid contemplating the annual family gathering and how he is always carted off to the "childrens table" with his younger siblings and cousins. He watches with contempt his brother sitting with the adults in the main dining room, while he is stuck somewhere between the dishwasher and trash disposal.

I remember fondly my Aunt Lucile's house every Thanksgiving and Christmas right before her passing would be packed full of relatives to this day I cannot remember for the life of me. She never bought into the whole "childrens table" thing, and always had us younger kids along side our parents and cousins alike. I think back every once in a while to those days. She was a great old lady.

Its late. Need beauty sleep.

Im tired. Dog-dead tired. Im falling asleep in the studio. PROPHET systems is screwing up. PROPHET is the computer system that is running the show and keeping things on air. It's locked up on me twice already, so this isnt a good indication for tomorrow. I say that cause there probably will be more freezes today, and that means Albert (my supervisor) may be in a crabby mood.

Speaking of crabby moods, I bet this poor crustacean is in a better shape (no pun intended) after this encounter. The site I found this on gave a description of the end result as being likened to "chunky salsa", only it wasn't a crab they were talking about...

That was appetizing.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Man, talk about a crushing blow to the ol' childhood memories of cartoons & TV

Ok, is it me, or am I the LAST person to figure out these things? I found out last year that the reason Shaggy & Scooby Doo were so giggly and had voratious appetites was due to their overuse of Mary-Jane that completely baked them out of their minds. That actually made sense to me after so many years of wondering why they were so hungry. I just thought that it was Shaggy's high metabolism, and Scooby's intestinal tapeworm...

Well, my childhood memories of watching weekday afternoon cartoons has been shaken to the core, and I don't know if I can recover after this. Today, thanks to VH1, I found out that He-Man was gay. I didn't really stop and think of it untill I saw their show where they showed clips of the cartoon, and he is BLATENTLY GAY. Sporting a Marilu Henner haircut, watermellon pink polo shirts, muscles that Arnold Swartzenegger would be jealous of and his "Magical Sword" that once he held, he "has the power". I'd say battling skeletons (Skeletor) is a form of metaphor about him battling his inner demons with some ghost-like creature that hides his face behind a wizzards outfit with an unusually high pitched voice that has the "00" on the front is an insinuation of what he is lacking between the legs? Things that make you go hmmm...

If that wasn't enough, the final straw was the A-Team's inability to hit the broadside of a barn with a 10ft. pole. If you stopped to think about it, Helen Keller attempting to slaughter a cow had more of a chance than anyone being shot at, or shooting AT the A-Team. At least Helen Keller attempted to slaughter cows. She didn't know it was the water heater, but she was making a good effort at it. Every chase I had seen on that show had shown bullets hitting the ground, and the surrounding area. Buildings, trees, cars, all are targets, but not the van, or any of those lilly-loving nit wits. How did that show end, anyways?

I'd say the only real show, aside from the whole creepy best buddy gay vibe thing was C.H.i.P.s. You can't go wrong detailing the lives of a couple of cops on motorcycles as they chase down motor vehicle accidents on the newly paved and completed 405, 605, 410 & 10 freeways of Los Angeles counties. Hmm, K.I.T.T. was annoying, Higgin's had a 40ft. stick up his ass, Mr Roper was an annoying landlord, Fonzie was a phony, Squiggy & Lenny needed to be taken out mafia style & was it me, or was Mindy fucking hot?

Ok, gotta take cold shower.
This is cool. This is just too cool.

I've been playing with and tweaking Mozilla on the laptop today, and I have to say its much better than Internet Explorer 6.0. The tabbed browsing feature just blows my mind to new horizons. Im strongly considering changing my preferences to keep Mozilla as my default web browser. I just need to work out the secutrity on it to make sure everything is cool.

The weekend was alright. I think that half my family got food poisoning from Logans. It's odd cause we all almost had the same food items, exept for my mom and myself. Our only difference was Caesar salads that tasted funny. My sister-in-law was first with the upset stomach, then my dad, then my brother. We never returned faster home ever.

Earlier, we had given my dad a new dash mat for his truck. It's embroidered with his name and his favorite team logo from NFL's Raiders. He loves it. It matches the truck perfectly.

Well, Greg is back today, and its more of the same El Paso bashing that he has been on for years.

Been listening to Teddy's trance mixes. Great energizers in the AM.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

We are the champions
No time for loosers
Cause we are the champions... of the world

Hello Voyeurs.Well, seeing as its now officially Sunday, Im late with the Saturday blog. Friday was great. The gang and I showed Teddy the time of his life dining and golfing and even alittle good natured racing topped off with some batting cage fun. We took Teddy for dinner at Kona Kreek, where we all had the beef brochette. I frayed from the group by getting a slightly differrent side dish, otherwise an excelent meal.

For desert, we originally planned on going for some Cold Stone Icecream, but we decided it wouldnt fit in on our schedules. We got Kristoph's and took it on the road. We got to Putt Putt Golf & Games around 8:30 and didn't leave untill sometime close to 11:30. After a round of golf (which I never bet much more than $5) that my team won by one point, we went for a ride on the go-karts. I utilized my skills from the Gran Turismo series of games to my advantage, and dominated everyone on the track, except for Yolie. She had the luck of the Irish for having spun out on every single time out on track.

Saturday was a lazy one. I didn't get around to making copies of Teddy's heavy/progressive/dance/trance CD sets untill almost 7pm, and was further delayed when my CD burning software NERO started acting up on me. It's done this even when the computer was loaded with WinME, so I m thinking its a hardware and motherboard problem. I don't think that the eMachine motherboard was built for the dual CD burner/ DVD on a single IDE cable. As a going away gift, I let him have a Chemical Brothers CD that I think he would like.

Well, I best be off. Im up late doing the blog, and hoping some of you voyeurs enjoyed this jaunt.

Mike & Evelyn = 112
Teddy & Yolie = 113

Friday, June 13, 2003

Riddle me this:
What goes down faster than a hooker on a sailor on shore leave?
-Teddy & Yolie playing golf against Evelyn and me! LOL!

Yep yep. Today is the day. I've had a wager with Teddy for a week that Yolie, his golf partner will quit halfway thru the course. Easiest $5 I ever made. It's going to be a good day today. Between fun & early dinner, there's going to be alot to do. Trouble with the show, so I better keep these brief.

Tons of fun.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

My brush with greatness?

Ok, Ted Nugent called. He was an hour late. A mix up with managers caused him to call after the show ended. He actually said my name when he called. That was cool. He missed the show entirely.

Maybe next time.
Cheer up sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean to a
Daydream Believer and a Homecomming Queen

Ok, I haven't been sleeping all that well lately. I have been going to sleep later and later, and when I get to sleep, I have bad dreams. I have had two lately. One involved Yolie, Evelyn, Teddy, a gand of thugs & Bassett Center Mall. Why we were all there escapes me. We are walking the mall, and Yolie is distracted by the glamor and gleam of the Helzberg Diamonds store when a gang of thugs comes up to Yolie hitting on her. Teddy flys off the handle, and gets beaten by one of the thugs.

They approach me, and I think I have been seeing the previews for The Hulk too many times. They [gang] ask me if Im not going to try and defend my friend, and I respond by saying "You don't want to see me defend my friends." One guy throws his body into a punch towards me and I grab the arm and break it backwards, spin the broken arm behind his back (with tendons ripping) and kick him into the Helzberg sale sign.

The next guy comes from the left of me kicking high. I grab his leg, sucker-punch the guy's nuts and using my right foot I break his kneecap of the leg he is standing on backwards. On his trip to the floor, his head bashes the side of the display case killing him. Teddy recovers enough to tackle another thug trying to get me from behind, and I catch eye of the last thug charging me.

I pick up the metal rod that supported the Helzberg sale sign, and used it to bash the last thug's ribs in. On a recoil back arch, I swung Mark McGuire style into the back of this guy's head causing the bar to sink deep into the cranium of the guy, spilling grey matter and blood all over the shattered display and berber carpet. Teddy and I stand still, hearing the two guys still alive, yet screaming in agony from their injuries. The workers of the jewelry store give us seats and said to us that the security cameras show that the thugs were to blame entirely, and they would attest to it in court.

The second one was breif. A monster-like demon possessed me, and lived inside me, feeding off my thoughts and learning what live as a mortal entails. I woke up immediately.

Well, I best go. We're waiting for Ted Nugent to call.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Memories, of the way we were...

Today was a great day. I didn't update my blog this morning cause my day started off with the Interstate nearly being shut down. It was mad, they dropped it to one lane for about 8 miles. I was stuck behind 3 semi's doing 40mph. All was not good. By the time I was able to get around them, we were already out of the construction zone, so I sped up to my normal 85mph. I made it to work roughly at 5:21am...

The show was great. I hadn't worked with Mark Ross in years, and I was able to work with him this time on the show for four hours. Mark Ross had started at KTSM-AM/FM in April of 1997, three months before I joined the team. When we first started to work together, we were on the morning show/ shift and got along great. When previous (asshole) managment gave him an untimatum, Mark made the transition to television and left radio behind. Mark became the morning show host, then weekend reporter, to now being the Assistant Executive Producer for KTSM TV. In a cross-promoting effort, and collaboration with KTSM TV, both him and Jeff Lindberg stepped in to host Greg's show while he is in Houston for an ailing family member.

When he walked in today, it was like old times, only we were new to eachother as far as our tastes on air. We quickly got the hang of it, and ran. He was actually my high school substitute teacher for my last year of high school, which is odd since we have essentially followed eachother somehow or another. He laid mention to it this morning on the show, something I didn;t plan on hearing him open up to the listeners. It's ok, though. He is a good guy, and has always wanted to let people know the goodness in others that he sees.

Im still loading programs into the eMachine. Tomorrow, Mark said he was going to start sharing some of the things that he reports on for his technology segment for KTSM. It's good to have another tech guy to swap notes with.

Gonna eat. Starving.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The blind leading the odd

One last thing before I go to bed. I was honored by my supervisor that I was able to leave work early. I was almost out the back door when Mike D from KPRR's morning show had asked if I was really leaving work early. He wanted a ride home to the east side of town. I told him no matter what side of the east side he lives on, its close to my house, and on the way home. I don't know many blind people. Hell, I only know of Mike. I accomidated him as best as I could, and did a good job. It was hilarious, he said he would only agree to the ride if he could drive. If you don't find that funny, there is no life in you.

On the way, we traded road-warrior stories about various accident and traffic hazards we have had in the past. For being a blind guy, he has had alot of accidents he wasn't driving! His wife was involved in one recently where a Cavalier doing something like 35 T-boned his F-250 truck. It totaled the Cavalier, and royally screwed the truck something fierce. He still is paying for the truck, which isn't as new as it once was. I know his feeling all too well. His wife is ok, but is still going thru therapy for the injuries from that accident. The other driver never hit the brakes, and walked away...

Well, here's where it got interesting. He told me the streets to take, and I followed them for the most part. Then, I overshot his street, and couldnt find his house. It's ok, he couldn't see his house. I got him home ok, and this is a first for me.

This is the first time I have ever recieved directions from a blind man and ended up where I should have been.

I only have one this time around. I could have waited untill I found more, but this will no doubtedly make up for lacking more. Im thinking of getting this for Teddy when he leaves, God knows he will need it. It's also quite affordable and available in different colors! Makes me think of those Serta sheep. At least the ones sold on Serta's site are plush, the one sold on the other site only comes with "Man-to-Lamb Lubricant"...

Hell, buy a few, have loads of fun!
More plagerism, or is it flattery?

Has anyone heard the newest release from Radiohead? There, There is the latest release off their newest album Hail to the Thief and I swear it has some similarities to several other songs out there. The drumbeat sounds strangely like Godsmack's Voodoo. The lyrics and melody strikes a strange resemblance to late 70's, early 80's Fleetwood Mac. The lead for the group, Thom Yorke sounds alittle too much like the late Curt Cobain and takes too many cues from other artists of the ilk.

I like the new song. It's cool, I just find it strangely like others in the past.

Monday, June 09, 2003

dum, Dum, Dum DA-DUMMMMMM
-Tympany solo from 2001, A Space Odyssey

Yup. Look at the time. Im at home, on the eMachine online up and running. I got a new version of Windows 2000, and installed it on the brand new HDD. I have most of the software loaded back into the system minus the antivirus software, and several smaller non-essential programs including a new web browser called Mozilla. I didn't ditch Internet Explorer, I upgraded it to IE 6.0. With the new HDD, I have seen an improvment in performance on several of my programs including the loading of the computer.

Durring the next few days I will be loading updates and fine tuning the programs on it, not to mention learning Mozilla. It looks interesting, but it may turn out to be a waste of bandwidth I used to download. Look for blogs to show up at night too!

Good Night, John-boy.
tomorrow feels like a new day comming, I can't see it being all for nothing,
and I know its as good as the whole world's gonna get

Yep. Ive got a feeling its a new day, the sun is shining. Im in a strangely good mood, and I cannot explain. Maybe Im better now that I was able to salvage my data from the eMachine over the weekend. I broke down, and bought a new 30 gig. Hard Drive. So far, I have been unable to use the HDD the way I want with Windows ME, but Im hoping to have it up and running by late this afternoon. I already have the HDD partitioned and formatted for WinME.

The weekend was nice. Hot, but nice. The waterpump on the Master Cool at the house gave out on saturday. I had 2 fans blowing in my room that only mixed the hot air, but still made it bearable. That and sleeping naked helped. Friday night was nice, Evelyn and I chased the lightning and electrical storm on friday. We went all the way to Santa Theresa Airport in Nm to see the lightning unabated by city lights. I scared the shit out of myself thinking a desert plant was a group of people out in the middle of nowhere. Other than that, the weekend was pretty nice.

I hadn't a chance to listen to anything more than KHRO this morning, which was nice cause I heard some great songs:

Radiohead - There There
Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
Default - Wasting My Time

I may be back later.

Friday, June 06, 2003


Ok, it's official. Im bored, and the show is in a slump. That doesn't mean I stopped looking for websites that offend, or just make you laugh.

This first one almost made me piss in my pants! I've often faked a Tourettes Syndrome episode, but never have I seen such a celebrity as Barbie take the disease and inform the public in such an insightful way. By the way, this is a flash site, and you need speakers to hear her properly.

We all remember the story of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. We all know that the Prince came, Frenched her panties off, and escaped into 'Happilly Ever After" land, and probably not in that order. I became curious and found out the rest of the story. It's good to bring closure to the story.

Finally for today, I can die laughing. This site has one of the best and funniest parodies of the Backstreet Boys on the internet. They lampoon the song I Want It That Way in a big way. Nothing dirty is contained in it, which is good for offices with close cubicles. While you are waiting for the Flash animation to load, try your hand at the mini-game while waiting for it to load. The song in the game reminds me of porno music, though.

...yeah the waiting is the hardest part
everyday gets one more yard

Ok, I just recieved the fix for the eMachine. The problem is I got it this morning at 5:45 am here at work. This means that I need to go home and start fixing the computer. Take victories where they lay.

While I was getting information about the phone of my dreams, I found the tech specs for it, and a nice flash site so you can try the phone. has a flash animation site, but its slow to react, and I would feel bad for those with dialup connections to go to that site.

Im extremely tired. I've been busy all week, and its starting to catch up to me. I was thinking of marking my anniversary with a repeat of 2 years ago, but I may forego it for a year. Monetary reasons are weighing on my mind, so it could go different ways. The day is still young.

I will write again soon.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

still waiting...

Well, I'm close to getting the eMachine back up and running. Im online via my dad's dinosaur of a computer. I shouldn't say much about it, this computer single-handedly survived 2 administrations (Presidential and managerial) and countless beatings at the hands of other beleaguered users at the old TV station. It's stood its punishment nicely.

Im waiting for a key code thats supposed to be arriving soon. Im just hoping it can get here so I can get all my stuff off the computer. I made the decision to put back Win ME but not to discount adding Win2000 or WinNT on a seperate partition alltogether for some practice. This is me talking tech, I try not to do that.

I checked in with the cell phone comapny and I got some conflicting reports as to how I can get the better rate for my cell phone. One option given was to get the phone, charge it to the account, and pay half of the total bill one month, and the remainder of the bill the next month. It sounds so dirty and underhanded, but it was condoned by the cell phone company! The other option is the in-store way of doing buisness, where I go in the day after the contract ends, and get a new contract, with the phone I want, for the advertised discount that is less than what the 1-800 number says.

Sounds shady and shifty, huh?

Well, I best go. Others are starting to swarm for use of the computer.

Untill next time you voyeurs.
...and I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
gonna stand my ground, and I won't back down

It's one of those days that you feel invincible, or indemnible. It's odd how it feels, I haven't felt this confident in months. There's not much out there for me to feel this way, so its alittle odd how that works. Fathers Day is comming soon and my brother, sister-in-law and myself are gearing up to get him something he's been wanting for a while. His truck is in need of a dash mat, since it spends its time in the backyard and out in the middle of the sun for most of the afternoon. We're thinking of getting it embroidered with his name.

I've been nostalgic listening to music:

Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down
Judas Priest - Turbo Lover
Inxs - Devil Inside
Pretenders - I'll Stand By You
David Bowie - Scarry Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Gi Gi Agostino - I'll Fly With You (Blah, Blah)

I may get the eMachine up later today.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

I think I have found the phone of my dreams

I have seen this phone since it came out about a year ago, and only up untill now its been affordable. My contract is about to expire on the 20th, and Im going to see if I can't get this phone with a slight discount. When I went into the T-Mobile store here in town the phone listed for more than it is online. Im going to see if I can get it billed to the phone over time, and still get a rebate!

Will let you all know.
It's me, right? Are people just plain idiots?

Every morning I come to work and have to deal with discrepency reports. They are essentially a report that tells the traffic department here at the station that there were commercials that didn't play, or a commercial wasn't in the computer system to play. This report is to be viewed the next buisness day to bill the clients (the advertisers) for the commercials that did play. This system works to a certain degree. If a commercial plays alright, but the commercial wasn't placed into the log correctly, its alright according to these idiots.

Im old school radio. An error is an error. For the past 3 weeks now, the same error has been happening where a commercial isn't being placed to air, and I catch it in time for it to air sometime in its scheduled time frame. I've discreped the spot many times, and no good seems to have come to fruition. Its getting to be an annoyance to sit down and write untill my hand cramps to remind these people to do their job. My hand wouldn't cramp so much if someone here at the station didn't steal my cool pen. It was ergonomic, and had a stylus for my Panasonic's touchpad.

Managment here is a joke. Our leader belittles employees from getting their raise and keeps good employees here from going to other jobs thanks to a 'No Compete' law in our contracts. Its now easily nullified thanks to an error on his part, but oh well. Im thinking of going elsewhere soon. I can't take too much more of this, the unattentive managment and the lack of better pay.

Im going to look for more cool links today. Peace!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2003


Ooh and aah all morning long at these sites. Im a Geek. Which is weird since the site I found this on a blog from a fellow geek. I scored a 22% on the geek test, and the guy I found this site from scored a 33%. I thought he would have scored much more, but us geeks rarely score...

I spent way too much time on this site. Im a DISEASED PORN STAR WHO LOVES TO CORRUPT VIBRATORS. No one ever said I didn't have a hobby.

Im going to be sick immediately after this. There is just no rational explination for this. Please, I warned you. Do not sue me for your utter disgust.

I've found many inspirational and motivational posters out on the internet, and I thought I would never find another set funnier than the ones from Think Geek, but I have. This is for all my motivationally challenged friends who love to party.


Enjoy you online junkies...
Tangerine Alert... Watch for tangerines flying

Im still kicking. Life goes on, and I follow. It's a nice agreement. Nothing new has happened as of yet. I keep thinking that this is the calm before the storm. I can't place my finger on it, but it seems like one of those lingering feelings that occupy the back of your head that something is on its way. Maybe its my lack of sleep. I don't know why Im so tired lately. I fell asleep sometime around 3:30pm yesterday. I woke at about 7pm cause of the garage door. I couldn't get back to sleep untill sometime past 1am.

The computer is still down, the room is ashambles, the car is dirty, the bank account is being looted by my bills, and Im at a strange complacency that thinks life is good.

Ive done some soul searching lately, and I will spill it all later. Right now Im busy at work. Ive been listening to:

Queen - Somebody to love
Asia - Heat of the Moment
Electric Light Orchestra - Sweet Talking Woman
Eagles - Lyin' Eyes

The next one will be interesting.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Holding off... Don't know for how long...

The eMachine is still down. I found out what happened to it, so Im trying to recover my files so I can wipe the system again and reformat with WinME. Its less stable than Win2K, but it will have to do. Im tired lately. I don't know why. Sunday morning it felt like I hadn't slept all that well, to which I didn't. I guess the sinking feeling that the computer is shot untill I can pull the data out of it is what really hurts.

I put a call into 2 people for help, maybe I can see if the engeneer here at the station has a solution to help out. He's been good on information lately, so he may be another option.

I wasn't in the mood to listen to music today. After listening to KLAQ, and hearing the same old shit they play, I turned to all the other presets on my radio. KHRO, KLAQ, KTSM, KHEY, KSII, XHEPR, KPRR all had SHIT flowing thru the airwaves. I just shut off the radio. I had the CD player in the car with me, but I didnt feel like hooking it up, and messing with it this morning. Even at work I haven't listened to anything.

I may go home and take a nice nap in a cold, dark room. It just feels like one of those days.