Saturday, May 24, 2003

Maintenance Day

Well today started off like many other weekends start, with the starting of a car. I normally sleep with the window cracked open alittle, so when I hear a car start up I wake up.

So Im up.

I did alittle housecleaning yesterday, so today I had it easy. I pulled out my old laptop and cranked up the eMachine and started to do some maintenance on them. I downloaded a program that helps identify Spy-Ware, quarrantine, and eliminate it from your computer. I take my privacy verry serious when I go online, either at work or at home.

While I was at it, I went ahead and further modified both the eMachine and the Toughbook with an additional partition for a pagefile. I had added one on Evelyn's clone computer when I traded it to her.

Advanced Computers 301
The whole purpose of a pagefile on an extended partition is to increase the computer's performance online. With a 56k modem the effect is slightly seen in web browsing, in computers utilizing DSL to T1 connections an increase in performance will be seen.

I haven't listened to anything yet today.

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