Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Load, re-load, and load yet again

Ok, my day's of computer maintenance are all out the window at this point. I have single handedly managed to Royally fuck over BOTH computers. One was software related, and the other was just sheer ignorance on my part. I had wanted to buy an expansion pack for one of my games that I love. Well, I bought the pack, installed it, and found that it corrupted the computer. It was limited only to the game itself, but all the data I had on it from when I first started the game almost 6 months ago is gone. Strangely, all the other data like music and software changes are allright.

That happened to the eMachine. My laptop is another story. I had just finished cleanning up the hard drive with Norton Wipe and did a complete HDD defrag, when I stupidly moved all critical system files to a new folder- AND REBOOT. It claimed 'non-system disk or disk error' on me untill I could track Evelyn down and get back my only Win98 boot disk. It still wouldn't boot normally, so I had to Active Install the O/S. It took some extra time since the computer is old technology, but it managed to come back. My biggest problem with the Panasonic is that its drivers are all askew. I need to go back today and reset all the drivers for it.

To keep my mind off of it all, I came to work listening to:

Eminem - The Eminem Show (album)
Cubanate - Cyberia (album)

I've got no computer to update my blog untill after the show, or when I get home. It's more efficient if I did it at home. T-14 minutes untill airtime. Better get shit ready.

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