Friday, May 23, 2003

I could do that but I don't wanna
-Bart Simpson

Yup. Bored again. It's slightly different than yesterday:
1. Its Friday.
2. Its laundry day.
3. Im bored.

Im watching The Travel Channel. One of my all time favorite programs has always been Great Chef's and Great Chef's of the World. I've actually got a few recipies off several of the programs written in some notes on my desk. I'd like to try some of them out, but there is the need of special pans, ingredients, and time. Yes, I have all fucking afternoon to do ANYTHING. Trust me, when you have all afternoon to do anything, there isnt much to do once its all done.

Cooking had always intrigued me. I wanted to become a chef for the longest time, but I didnt like the whole burning of hands, and standing all fucking day shit. With my background in radio and TV, I had always wanted to do a cooking show, and make all sorts of shit. I guess I want to emulate what Julia Child did one time. Other than her standard turkey that fell to the floor when she was starting to carve it, she had stuck a wooden spoon into the electric mixer and it got carried away in the mix blade. I swear, when she did that, I was hooked on cooking. I guess the stupidity of it all intrigued me.

I just don't know if I could eat my mistakes...

Work sucked today. Im sorry, but ADULTS need to be supervised when they pick up the phone. I felt sorry for some of them, like the woman that called regarding her dog that ran away. Im a god owner, so I got alittle frustrated that they couldnt handle a dog of that size. I couldnt help her at all, but then again, Im a phone screener. I gave her the number to the dog catcher. Others seem to think that since they have been an avid listener since they stood behind Marconi send his first wireless signal that they will be let on the air to try and form a complete thought is insane. This one woman obviously WASN'T a listener to the radio at all. She wondered if there was a morning show that was live she could call in on, and what were the times.

Gee, someone should make a radio that she could buy that could be played to find that information out. I swear, its not the moronic callers wondering why their points aren't getting across that annoy me, its the elderly that call up and EXPECT to be let on. Sorry, the restrictions we put on getting anyone on the air are there for a reason. We can't have Ma Bell talk about her daring escapades that no one in their right mind could ever give the slightest shit about and disrupt the natural flow of the show.

Man, that felt good. It helps to vent. Im just a man that has made alot of mistakes, and Karma is really taking it out on me.

Music hasn't helped much today. Hell, I hadn't really listened to music today past 6am. You know, thats something that I have now come to accept as normal speech. Since I've been a producer at the station for almost 4 years now, I have come to accept, and use words on normal, or what I think are normal terms. Things like "I partially blame those Stacker 2's I took sometime around 4:45am today -[Wed May 21, 11:41:18 AM]".

That's just not right. Eating breakfast at 4:45 am, arriving at work at 5:10 am ON A DAILY BASIS? Its just not right.

Oh well. The washing machine has just finished its cycle. I need to go tend to it. Out with the white clothes, and in with the dark colored clothing. That sounds so segregationalist, but this is laundry we're talking about.

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