Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I see the light, AND IT BURNS!!!
-Homer Simpson

I predicted it right from the start of the day. I guess I didn't get enough sleep today, cause leaving the house I knew that I'd take a nap once I got home. Sure enough, after playing The Sims for about an hour or so, I changed into some old shorts, and got under the covers and fell asleep. I was so rudely interrupted by some asshole who dialed the wrong number who didn't get the fuckling picture that no one was answering after 10 rings!!!!!

Jesus Fucking-Christ!!! I answered the phone rather crass, which I didn't give a fuck who it was. Im half tempted to give the number to a telemarketer, saying that will be the number to reach me later.

Well, I fell asleep again only to be awaken by the words of my mom:
"Come and eat, I got take out from Jando's."

If you aren't a native of El Paso, or are and have no fucking clue what Jando's is, its one of the best Itallian restaraunts on the east side of town. My mom picked up the pasta combination plate for my dad, and Chicken Jerusalem for both my mom and myself. Excelent food. I have yet to find a better Itallian place in town, and I have yet to have recieved bad service or food.

I know in reading this both Ev & Yolie will go insane.

Music listened to today

Cubanate - Cyberia - (Album)

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