Saturday, May 31, 2003

...take a look to the sky, just before you die
its the last time he will

Time marches on. Yup. The bell tolls for the eMachine. Im at work right now, luckilly I never touched the laptop today, cause yesterday the eMachine took a dirt nap after comming out of Stand-By mode. I called for reinforcments for help on it and found out there's little I can do. It's time to pull Jeff out of the closet. I've been holding him up in it so he doesn't screw anything up, but Im going to see if he can McGuyver his way into the eMachine to salvage some of my files. Im planning a full on assault using ancient Windows NT technology to infiltrate and free the files I need from the NTFS holding cell they are trapped in.

Im at the station cause Im bored for one, but also for some fun times reporting on the elections that are going on. They arent much more than runoff elections from afew weeks ago. It gives me an excuse to be out and about. I mean other than being up to no good.

Its sad. I was witness to 3 accidents today, 2 while driving on the I-10. Comming close to the Sphagetti bowl, I was witness to a fender bender. A mini-van rammed the side of a sedan as they both tried to get into the offramp to US-54. They made it to the side of the road, it didn't look to me like there were any injuries. That wasn't the case after passing the Sphagetti Bowl. The winds are calm, so seeing what looks like smoke draws your attention. I saw a light green mid 90's Pontiac Grand Am come to a screeching stop on the median as its suspension was shot from the impact of being hit by a larger vehicle, like the f-250 that was shuddering to a stop on the offramp. It looks as if the Grand Am was getting off the I-10 much to the drivers disliking, so he slowed to shoot across 3 lanes of traffic, and was hit from the rear by the F-250, spinning the Grand Am, and shuddering the truck to a stop.

People aren't playing nicely on the interstate. Parknglots aren't safe either, I can attest to them. I was hit last year in a parkinglot by a teenager doing 30mph. Today, I was in a parkinglot waiting for my mom to get out of a meat market when the father of 4 insulent whelps got in the F-150 extended cab 5-speed beside me. I took notice of the spawns of Satan cause they were unruly and running around the meat market like pinheads. Mind you, the inside of this meat market is tiny, so walking room is at a premium. When the father herded the tards into the truck, he popped the clutch to start.

Drivers Education 101
When driving a manual transmission, always park vehicle with Parking Brake engaged.

Fords are weird. To start any Ford with a manual transmission, you have to press in the clutch. Well, this genius behind the wheel of a 2 ton truck thought he wasn't rolling back when he popped the clutch to start the white colored behemoth. It rolled back. I saw thru my mirrors that one car escaped the truck's destined path, but the next car, a Mercury Grand Marquis didn't. The truck clipped the rear of the Mercury, but it didn't sustain much damage. They both left the scene. I guess no harm no foul, except for the poor bastard with the truckload of brats.

Im jamming out right now, hoping that my music pisses off the asshole working right now at the SportsTicket 1380 right now. Durring the week, he likes to blast his shit loud, and with the door open. To counter act him, I have had a constant barrage of music that is obscure, and loud. Our studios aren't soundproof...

Fleetwood Mac - Peacekeeper, Go Your Own Way, Silver Springs (live)
Elton John - Sad Songs (Say So Much), Tiny Dancer
Cubanate - Body Burn, Human Drum, Skeletal
Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls, Whiskey in a Jar
ABBA - Dancing Queen
Allison Krauss & Union Station - When You Say Nothing At All
Bee Gees - Jive Talkin'

I will update with more in a while...

Friday, May 30, 2003

"Jim Nasty"

I don't like to talk about work. I get enough about it at home, with both parents talking about the show I produce. I guess like anyones job, they don't like talking about things that happened at work when they get home. I like to leave what happens at work at work. But sometimes things are just so sad its worth alittle extra effort to talk about something that could give you alittle insight to how sad working in radio actually is.

For about as long as I have been working for NewsTalk 690, there had always been the story of "Jim Nasty". Its a name given aptly to this poor soul for his inability to talk to a phone screener, or the talkshow host (if he gets that far) without the use of cuss words. It was almost a daily routine for him, call the morning show and harrass the call screener and call in the afternoon to do the same to that screener. When we made the move from one broadcast signal to another, we thought this old codger would stay on the sports station that our old signal occupied. It was short lived.

Now, this sounds mighty childish, but I have had some words with this colorful old man. There are just some days where you aren't in the mood for his irrate blasts. I mean, is this the only form of entertainment is for this tortured soul that he has to call up to a radio station annonymously and berate people doing their job? I often think to myself, this guy sounds to me to be about roughly 75-85 years old. Anything past that is senility. He is obviously alone in this world, and has all sorts of time to devote to his little hobby. He claims he has to go to work, but I often wonder what that working environment is like if he actually does have a job.

Well, the past few weeks he has started to call up again. I know its him, he always calls the talk show host "Craig" instead of "Greg". For some reason, alot of elderly people have problems with that distinction, since my grandmother does the same thing. The first time he called (lately) was at the begining of the month, right after our city held elections for new City Council members and school board members. Like most elections, there are run offs slated and thats what "Jim Nasty" called to ask about. The call started off innocently. I hadn't heard his voice in a while, so when I heard him give his name as "Jim" it didn't click at first. The call ended up going like this:

Me: KTSM, can I get your name please?
Jim Nasty: I wanna talk to that Craig fellow that you have on the air right now.
Me: Ok, can I get your name please?
Jim Nasty: Jim. Hey listen, I don't want to go on air, but could you tell Craig that I want him to start talking about the school board elections? Not everybody wants to listen to that jackass talk about shit no one wants to hear.
Me: Excuse me?
Jim Nasty: Tell Craig that he is full of shit, and he should go to fucking Baghdad to run that country full of assholes like himself. You can be Vice President of Iraq. Assholes.

That was earlier in the month. He started up again this week. He called on tuesday with a quick little jab at Greg:

Me: KTSM, can I get your name please?
Jim Nasty: I want you to tell Craig that opinions are like assholes. Tell him he's the biggest of them all.
Me: Excuse me?
Jim Nasty: You heard me, you motherfuckers. -heh heh heh heh-

Im an advocate for wishing something horrible happens to people. I just hold off saying something like:
"I want to hear him suffer a fatal heart attack while being "cute" with me."

I used to get angry at this man for doing and saying these awful things. Now, it's all part of the job now. I just wonder if maybe there will be peace for him at some point of his life.
Is it me, or is everyone else thankful its Friday?

I shouldn't count my victories just yet. Today was definitely odd waking up. I misread the alarm clock time, and nearly paniced in fear. Thankfully it was my astigmatism acting up. So, today started with a jolt out of bed. I was doing fine up untill I left the house. I remembered to pack the Panasonic with me, but I neglected to tote my cell phone. Right now, its turned on, lying on my bed on Discreet mode. Im pissed cause I realized I left it behind while halfway to work. Well, this sucks cause all my friends numbers are stored in the phone's memory and not mine.

Luckilly, there is only some 6 hours left in the workday for me.

I've been listening to the radio station's collection of songs:

Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight
John Denver - Take Me Home Country Road
Paul McCartney - My Love
Paul McCartney - Maybe Im Amazed
Sawyer Brown - Six Days on the Road
Ronnie Milsap - (There ain't) No Gettin' Over Me

Gotta go. Work in T-7 minutes before showtime...

Thursday, May 29, 2003

A dining experience so unique (escape to paradise at Kona Kreek)
a Polynisian mood sets the scene, for a wonderful evening of delicious cuisine
-actual commercial

Im hungry for a change of pace. I've had this gift certificate for a local home owned restaraunt that El Pasoans know as one of the best places for a steak dinner. Kona Kreek isn't too far off from Jando's Itallian, but Kona Kreek is Polynisian food done right. Steaks, seafood, chicken, there is not one plate that they do wrong. They could cook a cardboard box and it would taste like the sweat of God.

Im thinking of taking Evelyn tomorrow. The certificate expires saturday, so Iwant to try and get it either exchanged for one that doesn't expire so soon so when Yolie's fiance Teddy comes to town we could take him. If not, it will be a nice little dinner for two.

I was playing The Sims today, and downloading some new skins for charachters. I was able to find charachters from one of my Playstation 2 games and installed them. I found out that once they are downloaded, they need to be unZiped and placed into their proper folder. I downloaded several different items that I need to unZip, so it will take some time.

Yup, this tears it. Im now officially bored. Im contemplating tearing down the laptop to fix a loose power cord adapter and to also clean out any acumulated dust. When your computers are running smoothly, not much maintenance is needed. I may need to check the processor fan on the eMachine. Since the move to another room, it suffered 2 falls from its shelf, one while powered up. It makes noises, but only when on for at least an hour. Im positive its the fan, and thankfully, I have another back-up fan which has been modified for overclocking.

This may be fun.

Untill tomorrow, you voyeristic freaks.
Great. ANOTHER nickname to keep track of...

I've stumbled across afew kick-ass sites out there. The first site is The Canabis Cup Name Generator which if you are too baked to realize, will adorn you with your harvested Stoner name. Mine is Splifftastic Space Cadet.

-Don't try and regenerate a new name for you. You're stuck with what it gives you.

The next site I came across is close to my heart. Everyone in their lifetime has gone into a porno store and paroused thru the selections of fine viewing entertainment with such names as:

-The Debbie Does... Series
-Das Butt
-Jewel Raider (not to be confused with the movie or videogame of a similar title)
-The Cat Burglar -my personal favorite

Have you ever wondered about some of the other stupid titles out there? There's actually a list compiled out there called the 100 worst Porn movie titles and I have to say, I thankfully haven't seen any on the list.

Not that I have puropsely... gone and... Im not the one on trial here!

Ok, after that I have to redeem myself. You think you're better than me and my porn? Take this on. Lets see if you have done anything better at your age.

There. That made me feel better. No, wait. No it didn't... CRAP!
Honolulu Baby, where'd you get those eyes
and your dark complexion, I just idolize...

All I have to say is I went into the wrong profession all together. I hadn't spoken to my good friend Ralph since mid March when he was about to take off to Las Vegas for vacation. I hate to say it this way, but it took something more pressing than our friendship to make me call after almost 3 months. Evelyn needed to get her TB shot verified, and since my only friend who is a nurse just so happens to be Ralph I called to see if he was able to do me a favor. I called his house, and was told by his partner Omar that he was already at work. I should have known as much, Ralph never has had a saturday off. I told Omar I would try again later on the week to give him a call, and said it was good talking to him and hung up.

I had recieved an email from Ralph letting me know the latest in his life. Sadly, his dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer with 6 months left to live. Other than that, his life has been excelent. He also told me in his email that he was able to get my souvenir coin from Vegas, but would be some time before I could get it. He and his partner are going on a 4 day trip to Hawai'i. Im in the entirely wrong profession. Trips to Hawai'i, cool car and independent living. Don't think that for one minute I don't know what he went thru to get to that point. Many of you didn't have to endure the phone calls at all hours of the night, trying to reassure he was on the right road in life and listening to him vent his frustrations of learning to deal with the system of healthcare. I don't belittle him for the things he had to endure to be the success he is now. Im proud of him, and just alittle jealous he is going and Im not...

Im not pouting, Im cranky.

I came into work today in a blah mood. One of my many tasks I do before airtime is record Channel 9 news, and one of the anchors is Dave Garlick. He tries to be witty on air. He tries, he really does. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When he calls me for radio updates, he is hilarious. He does an excelent Tom Brokaw impersonation that he uses on an almost daily basis. After he recorded the news, I went thru the archives of his blunders and gaffs and laughed my ass off at some of the things I wish we could air either on TV or radio.

Maybe next time. I listened today to:

Cubanate - Hate Song
Fleetwood Mac - Second Hand News, Silver Springs [Westwood One Concert Series]
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary

I would have listened to more, but I was listening to Dave's goofs.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I see the light, AND IT BURNS!!!
-Homer Simpson

I predicted it right from the start of the day. I guess I didn't get enough sleep today, cause leaving the house I knew that I'd take a nap once I got home. Sure enough, after playing The Sims for about an hour or so, I changed into some old shorts, and got under the covers and fell asleep. I was so rudely interrupted by some asshole who dialed the wrong number who didn't get the fuckling picture that no one was answering after 10 rings!!!!!

Jesus Fucking-Christ!!! I answered the phone rather crass, which I didn't give a fuck who it was. Im half tempted to give the number to a telemarketer, saying that will be the number to reach me later.

Well, I fell asleep again only to be awaken by the words of my mom:
"Come and eat, I got take out from Jando's."

If you aren't a native of El Paso, or are and have no fucking clue what Jando's is, its one of the best Itallian restaraunts on the east side of town. My mom picked up the pasta combination plate for my dad, and Chicken Jerusalem for both my mom and myself. Excelent food. I have yet to find a better Itallian place in town, and I have yet to have recieved bad service or food.

I know in reading this both Ev & Yolie will go insane.

Music listened to today

Cubanate - Cyberia - (Album)
Im back in the saddle again

Yeah, this is good. Online at work, durring work. Feels good. I royally fucked the Panasonic on monday. I moved critical system files to another folder, and like an AmTrack doing a Gloria Half-Gaynor off the tracks, the laptop crashed. After recovering all my programs critical data, I wiped the HDD some 4 times just to reinstall. I admit I was also reloading other computers as well. I had issues with my Sims expansion pack on monday, so I also reinstalled the entire game, minus one expansion pack "The Sims Vacation".

Playing the Superstar Expansion pack was a blast once I actually had it loaded in the eMachine. I spent a long time playing the game, and loved every minute of it. Evelyn has planted the seed in afew new people to get The Sims. It's addictive.

Music listened to today:

Fleetwood Mac - Silver Springs (live)
Dire Straits - So Far Away
Elton John - Sad Songs (Say So Much)
Default - Wasting My Time
Soundgarden - Spoonman
Pat Benetar - Love Is A Battlefield

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Load, re-load, and load yet again

Ok, my day's of computer maintenance are all out the window at this point. I have single handedly managed to Royally fuck over BOTH computers. One was software related, and the other was just sheer ignorance on my part. I had wanted to buy an expansion pack for one of my games that I love. Well, I bought the pack, installed it, and found that it corrupted the computer. It was limited only to the game itself, but all the data I had on it from when I first started the game almost 6 months ago is gone. Strangely, all the other data like music and software changes are allright.

That happened to the eMachine. My laptop is another story. I had just finished cleanning up the hard drive with Norton Wipe and did a complete HDD defrag, when I stupidly moved all critical system files to a new folder- AND REBOOT. It claimed 'non-system disk or disk error' on me untill I could track Evelyn down and get back my only Win98 boot disk. It still wouldn't boot normally, so I had to Active Install the O/S. It took some extra time since the computer is old technology, but it managed to come back. My biggest problem with the Panasonic is that its drivers are all askew. I need to go back today and reset all the drivers for it.

To keep my mind off of it all, I came to work listening to:

Eminem - The Eminem Show (album)
Cubanate - Cyberia (album)

I've got no computer to update my blog untill after the show, or when I get home. It's more efficient if I did it at home. T-14 minutes untill airtime. Better get shit ready.

Monday, May 26, 2003

Groundskeeper Mike

Can't I get one fucking day to myself that doesn't entail getting a car fixed, going on a family errand, or doing housework? Today was housework day, or more appropirately yard mainentance day. You know, today was one of those days where you woke up, and expected to be doing absolutely nothing, save for the many Memorial Day themed TV marathons.

So, expecting to go and clean up just the back yard, Im almost finished with the back yard when the bomb of "Let's just trim up and clean up the front yard alittle. It will only take like 5 minutes". 5 minutes turned into 25, and Im all covered in dust and debris from the yard. I wanted to stay as clean as possible, cause I didn't want to break any unnessisary sweat. Im wearing my great fitting boxers (Simpsons) that are just so fucking comfortable, they are now clingy and not right feeling. Im gonna have to shower to feel good.

I went to Ivettes party yesterday. Um, sorry to say this Ivette, it was alittle blah. I thought there was going to be more people there than who was there, friend-wise. I was kinda expecting Belen, Jacob, the Grim Reaper, someone. I was surprised to hear that we (Evelyn & Yolie) were the only set of friends invited to the party. Honored, but alittle surprised that there weren't that many more. The food was great, the family were friendly, and all in all, I had fun. Playing poker was fun, even though I came in 3rd. Poor Joe. He lost bad. At least he didn't wager his truck.

Well, to relax, Im listening to some MP3's:

Sugar Ray - Abracadabra
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon
Fluke - Atom Bomb
Metallica - Astronomy
The Chemical Brothers - Galaxy Bounce
Delerium (feat. Aude) - Terra Firma (Lara's Mix)
Grand Theft Audio - We Luv U
Filter - Take my Picture (H&H Mix) expected to help BBQ outside... be back later.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Tomorrow Never Dies

With everything done for the weekend, its pretty much a craps shoot what to do. Yesterday was alright, went to Kristoph's for some coffee, and drove around alittle while. While we were out, we were invited to a party to celebrate Ivette's graduation her way. Her mom had thrown a party a few weeks ago to which she didn't like the outcome. It'll be nice to see some of the old gang again. I have tomorrow off, which means I will have some serious fun. It's rare I have a holiday off, since most times Im working and can't really do much untill after I get off work. Not many places are going to be open tomorrow, but its all good. Nothing like driving around on empty streets to relax.

I did make some use of my free time yesterday:

Austin Powers in GOLDMEMBER
Tomorrow Never Dies

Music Listened to:

Allison Krauss & Union Station - Lucky One
Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Linkin Park - Don't Stay, Faint
Fleetwood Mac - Peacekeeper, Steal Your Heart Away, What's the world comming to
Cubanate - Oxyacetylene, Human Drum, Body Burn (Julian Beeston Mix Extended)

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Maintenance Day

Well today started off like many other weekends start, with the starting of a car. I normally sleep with the window cracked open alittle, so when I hear a car start up I wake up.

So Im up.

I did alittle housecleaning yesterday, so today I had it easy. I pulled out my old laptop and cranked up the eMachine and started to do some maintenance on them. I downloaded a program that helps identify Spy-Ware, quarrantine, and eliminate it from your computer. I take my privacy verry serious when I go online, either at work or at home.

While I was at it, I went ahead and further modified both the eMachine and the Toughbook with an additional partition for a pagefile. I had added one on Evelyn's clone computer when I traded it to her.

Advanced Computers 301
The whole purpose of a pagefile on an extended partition is to increase the computer's performance online. With a 56k modem the effect is slightly seen in web browsing, in computers utilizing DSL to T1 connections an increase in performance will be seen.

I haven't listened to anything yet today.

Friday, May 23, 2003

I could do that but I don't wanna
-Bart Simpson

Yup. Bored again. It's slightly different than yesterday:
1. Its Friday.
2. Its laundry day.
3. Im bored.

Im watching The Travel Channel. One of my all time favorite programs has always been Great Chef's and Great Chef's of the World. I've actually got a few recipies off several of the programs written in some notes on my desk. I'd like to try some of them out, but there is the need of special pans, ingredients, and time. Yes, I have all fucking afternoon to do ANYTHING. Trust me, when you have all afternoon to do anything, there isnt much to do once its all done.

Cooking had always intrigued me. I wanted to become a chef for the longest time, but I didnt like the whole burning of hands, and standing all fucking day shit. With my background in radio and TV, I had always wanted to do a cooking show, and make all sorts of shit. I guess I want to emulate what Julia Child did one time. Other than her standard turkey that fell to the floor when she was starting to carve it, she had stuck a wooden spoon into the electric mixer and it got carried away in the mix blade. I swear, when she did that, I was hooked on cooking. I guess the stupidity of it all intrigued me.

I just don't know if I could eat my mistakes...

Work sucked today. Im sorry, but ADULTS need to be supervised when they pick up the phone. I felt sorry for some of them, like the woman that called regarding her dog that ran away. Im a god owner, so I got alittle frustrated that they couldnt handle a dog of that size. I couldnt help her at all, but then again, Im a phone screener. I gave her the number to the dog catcher. Others seem to think that since they have been an avid listener since they stood behind Marconi send his first wireless signal that they will be let on the air to try and form a complete thought is insane. This one woman obviously WASN'T a listener to the radio at all. She wondered if there was a morning show that was live she could call in on, and what were the times.

Gee, someone should make a radio that she could buy that could be played to find that information out. I swear, its not the moronic callers wondering why their points aren't getting across that annoy me, its the elderly that call up and EXPECT to be let on. Sorry, the restrictions we put on getting anyone on the air are there for a reason. We can't have Ma Bell talk about her daring escapades that no one in their right mind could ever give the slightest shit about and disrupt the natural flow of the show.

Man, that felt good. It helps to vent. Im just a man that has made alot of mistakes, and Karma is really taking it out on me.

Music hasn't helped much today. Hell, I hadn't really listened to music today past 6am. You know, thats something that I have now come to accept as normal speech. Since I've been a producer at the station for almost 4 years now, I have come to accept, and use words on normal, or what I think are normal terms. Things like "I partially blame those Stacker 2's I took sometime around 4:45am today -[Wed May 21, 11:41:18 AM]".

That's just not right. Eating breakfast at 4:45 am, arriving at work at 5:10 am ON A DAILY BASIS? Its just not right.

Oh well. The washing machine has just finished its cycle. I need to go tend to it. Out with the white clothes, and in with the dark colored clothing. That sounds so segregationalist, but this is laundry we're talking about.
shout, shout, let it all out
these are the things I can do without

Ever have one of those mornings when the music you are listening to just makes you sing at the top of your voice, loud & proud? Yeah, Fleetwood Mac does that for me. Their latest, and odds are final album Say You Will was burning up the CD player this morning, and if Im not flying down I-10 at 80mph, I'd get to get all the good songs in one drive, but I shorted myself by one song. I woke up about 2 minutes before the alarm clock went off, but still took my sweet-ass time getting out of bed. I can't help that my bed is extremely comfy at 4am.

I helped Evelyn with her computer yesterday, there wasn't much I could do for it other than a voodoo witch chant and sacrificial chicken as a peace offering. It was a complete restore of the system from the OE disks. I say an ounce of prevention saves a pound of pain. I should be one to talk. Im running Windows 2000 Pro without a proper start-up disk set. Its the same problem Evelyn encountered last night where if she had this disk set, she would still have her files including her games and other files.

Old hat.

I had listened this morning to:

Fleetwood Mac - Say You Will (album)
Uncle Kracker - In a little while
Tears for Fears - Shout
Grand Theft Audio - Stoopid Ass
Filter - The Only Way (is the wrong way)
No Doubt - Running

Thursday, May 22, 2003

reflections of, the way life used to be

I cleaned my desk about 2 hours ago. Among the countless blank CDs and music CDs, I found my picture of myself and Sherman Hemsley, taken sometime in 2001. Behind that picture is my photo taken at the Hoover Damn back in April of 2000. I then bumped into my old Gameboy games, and remembered when Home Alone (the first movie) was extremely popular. Thinking about it, that kid is now 22, married, and living in New York, trying to revive his acting career. When I was 22, I was still reeling from the moving to a new building at work, and enjoying my car which was 2 years old to me.

Right now, Im staring at my cell phone renewal letter. I thought about getting a new phone along with an extended contract, but I may just go for an extension only. No money to get a new one.

Right now Im watching ESPN2's World's Strongest Man competition. This Scottish freak is carrying 2 mid-sized motorcycles around in a circle, going 110 meters. If it were me, Id take the stupid rice burners off the carousel, wheel one to the side, and use the other to hitch to the carousel and make the rounds that way.

Never outrun anything you can outwit.
bored. yup, definitely bored.

No, I still haven't burned that CD of Yolie's yet. I haven't found a keychain that whistles when you loose it. I've kept an eye on the neighbors across the street, their F-150 is still out in the middle of the street with the spare tire still hanging off the retaining bracket. I read Yolie's blog and wonder where along the road of life her brain got damaged. It happened either in the factory, shipping or installation.

Lets see, the dogs are watered, the plants are vaccumed, the grass is dusted and my desk is behaving. I rearranged my motorcycle collection, and dusted my model cars, rearranged my CD's, picked at the mole on my arm, stared at skin cell #3,466,981,198,946 for ten minutes, stare at the wall and turn on the computer. That brings us to this point:

Im bored.

Im also hungry.

Hey, look! The Simpsons are on!
1-800-THE-LOST ext. KEYS

This is definitely funny. Im sure Evelyn will have her version of the story. I already spoke with Yolie about the incident, and have to laugh to myself.

I get an instant message from Yolie about Evelyn being extremely pissed off about her keys. It seemed that someone stole her keys, and Evelyn went nuts looking for them. Paranoia kicks in, and thoughts of someone making copies of your keys starts filling your head with delusions of home break-ins and car theft.

On the plus side, I recieved a page from Evelyn saying that she found her keys buried deep within her backpack.

I think Im going to get her a keychain that whistles when you clap or something...
Flagrant plagerism gone rampant

I'd like to welcome Evelyn to the world of Blogging. I also added some new links.
...and it feels like the only way is the wrong way

This morning was quite interesting. You know when something isnt quite right, but you can't put your finger on it? I kinda witnessed it first hand when I was leaving the house. I leave at the unGodly time of 4:45am (on average) and saw an old Ryder truck start to take off. When I pulled my car out of the garage, I noticed the neighbors F-150's spare tire laying on the ground. Something screwey was going on that I interrupted...

To drown out those images about stealing shit from cars, I cranked the music. Today started off with an old Fleetwood Mac compilation I put together. So far, today's other music has included such fine artists as:

The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
Metallica - Too late, Too late
Fluke - Atom Bomb
Filter - The Only Way (is the wrong way)
Grand Theft Audio - As Good As It Gets
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

Damn. I just realized theres only some 12 minutes before showtime. Music will stop after Queensryche.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Flattery is just another form of plagerism

Leave it to Yolie to copy me. It's all good. The more the merrier!
Sweet Dreams are made of these

Krispy Kreme. Yup, that sugary-sweet donut that has caught the insulin dependent off guard is in my thoughts, as well as my parents. They seem to forget that the lines, and we are talking about the Drive Thru lines, are long and in the heat the car will overheat. I guess I could walk in, but then there's standing thats an issue.

That excuse will not fly.

Ive been in the wierdest state of mind the last 2 hours. Relaxation mixed with moments of panic are almost daily occurences. I partially blame those Stacker 2's I took sometime around 4:45am today. They last a long time. I still need to burn that CD that Yolie loaned me. I popped it in my computer after getting it yesterday and just listened to it. I lost alittle track of time, but it was worth it.

Just 19 more minutes before I can go home...
Say hello to my little friend

Man, I feel like I hit the wall. I don't know how many of you out there have taken, or have known anyone who has taken this stuff called Stacker 2 for weight loss. It should be relabeled for insomniacs! The bottle says it contains 500mg of caffeene per tablet. This would be great for anyone out there that want to buzz around and act like a hummingbird for half the day, but Im one of those people that fall asleep with these pills. Caffeene has the effect of a sleeping pill to me. After going to Kristoph's Coffee House I fall asleep from the caffeene levels.

The bottle advises not to drink coffee, soda or teas that may contain caffeene, which would cause Richard Simmons-like hyperactivity in subjects prone to jitters. My side effects have been a decrease in energy, decrease in sexual urges, dry mouth, Tourettes Syndrome, increased irritability, increased anger, light headedness, lethargic reaction times, and indifference.

I've been distracted while answering phones.
Hold me closer Tiny Dancer, count the headlights on the highway.

Man did this morning suck. You know what the sound of an alarm clock makes when you hear it drop to the floor? Well, I have come to recognize that sound all too well lately and this morning, other than waking up 20 minues before the fucking thing went off to go whiz it fell to the point where I had to actually turn on lights in the room to find it. Any sane person would cut their losses and start their day, but not me. I never advertised myself as sane so I went back to sleep untill my normal wake up time.

After leaving the house, I realized somewhere past McCrae heading to work that I forgot my eye glasses in the center console of the truck. I have good vision, but STIGMATISM SUCKS! Headlights look like stars QUADRUPLED thanks to the most fucked up stigmatism I had ever heard about. My left eye doubles the image above the visual point, and the right eye is a side by side stigmatism.

Im calming myself down listening to music. If you think my vision was all fucked, you oughta hear what I listen to:
-Patsy Cline - Walkin' after midnight
-Eminem - Loose Yourself
-Elton John - Tiny Dancer
-Eagles - The Last Resort

I was listening to Frank Sinatra coming to work.

Yay. Its Go Time! Work.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

This is the start of many blogs. Be prepared. I spent the last hour and a half trying to get this Blog to start, but thankfully its up. I poured myself a glass of milk and grabbed the Tupperware bowl full of Chips Ahoy cookies to celebrate. They are nearly polished off, no thanks to watching TV and vegitating over the last few days.

Im wondering how bad tomorrow's blogs are going to look like when I start writing them from work. This should be fun. Crap, my milk is getting warm. Where the hell are the cookies?