Friday, July 11, 2003

Swelling sucks. At least when its the wrong body part swelling...

My toe is swollen and bruised badly. Its fine to the touch, but walking on it still hurts bad. I taped it to my other toes for stability, and I am wearing sandals that are alittle better fitting than my shoes. This is definitely the worst pain I have felt in some time.

On the plus side, I have started my workout routine. Im still alittle touchy about working out with running since my toe is hurting. I have a goal I want to achieve, and Evelyn's drive on the beach prompted me to think of something I hadn't really thought about untill now. Before my lust over the Mustang, I had fallen in love over a Brit. This Triumph 955i is a stunning bike that I fell in love with over 4 years ago. Three cylinders firing 147bhp at 10,700rpm is far more than my little Cavalier musters. There's something sexy about the lines on this bike. I can really imagine driving on the beach on this bike. For the time being, the Cavalier will do.

I have also officially implemented Simpsons Boxers Friday. Evelyn started me on them when she bought me a pack of them for my birthday. Today I am wearing these, but last week I wore these. is where I found these pics cause it would take a miracle for my picture blog to update, so I may be buying more from here. I like the Bart Little Devil boxers.

Join me, won't you?

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