Saturday, July 12, 2003

The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen and other things that didn't suck

Last night I was out with Ivette and Joe to watch The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen and it was quite good. The entire premise of the movie was a traitor to the crown sets a plan in motion to start World War in 1899. By causing Brittan and Germany to wage war on eachother, the traitor would benifit in the black market by a complicated web of chicanery and deciet by getting the legendary League of Extrordinary Gentlemen together and clone them and sell their DNA to terrorists and countries that would benifit from it.

I have to admit something. The charachters aren't what I imagined them to be. Captain Nemo of the Nautilaus just didn't fit my description of what he looked like. In the movie, he is a thin, dark complected man with a long, black beard and what looks to me to be a crushed velvet Captains uniform circa 1770. In my wildest dreams did I never imagine Captain Nemo as an Arabic-looking fellow dressed as the Gay Pimp Daddy to the crew of the Nautilaus. Captain Nemo's first mate wasnt Quequay like in the novel, but Ishmael, who introduces himself with the famous first line of Moby Dick. There were items of an everyday sort included in the movie that I thought were weird. Literary references to several potential plots for the second movie were included in the background of the Paris scene when they try to capture Dr. Jekyl were in literary terms not period. Other than that and the TANKS crashing thru a London bank...

Today sucked. Yesterday was alright. Depression got the upperhand of me pretty late in the day. My entire lead-up to the weekends are going to suck for the next few months. Weekends themselves aren't going to be pretty either. I had nothing to do. No where to go but to get coffee alone. Drink it alone. Drive alone. Joe and Ivette were alittle distant from me last night, and I didn't take that well. I don't know what attributed to it, and quite frankly don't care at this point. My normally upbeat and cheerful days haven't been appearing lately, and its getting to the point where I don't give a fuck anymore what happens. It hasn't been happening at work, but several people are starting to get wind of it. People I don't care for, or have little use for are noticing. Oh well.

All in all, it's one of those movies you could see again. Take a friend. Make sure your friend knows you're there, too.

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