Friday, July 25, 2003

I opened my wallet and out flew a moth... this sucks

Im poor. Im super poor. Both bank accounts are at their bare minimum. Thankfully, all my bills are paid. I just can't go do stuff untill next thursday. The car has a half tank of gas, so if I don't go anywhere over the weekend I will be good. Last night, I don't know how many of you have had this happen but I was rudely awaken so I could use the restroom. I happened to look at the clock. It was 1:47am. THAT sucked. I really didn't go back to sleep after that, I tossed and turned around untill the alarm on my cell phone went off. Granted, I should know what the alarm sounds like but I grabbed the other alarm clock next to me and tried unsuccessfully to turn off something that wasn't ringing!

Im dragging right now. I close my eyes and want to nap. I can't do that...

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