Thursday, July 31, 2003

Tax Free Weekend means SHOPPING BINGE!!!

Ok, now Im back in black. Damn Clearchannel didn't send my check untill this morning, when they normally send it the night before. It's here, thats all I care about. I brought along the checkbook, cause the cell phone is up today. Im biding time untill tomorrow. Here in the El Paso/ Las Cruces area, we have a Tax-Free weekend for back to school supplies, including clothes. Tomorrow officially kicks off the weekend and I want to go shopping at JC Pennys so I don't get charged the taxes on the card. The more money I save the better.

Im not verry good at suffering fools. The idiots... no that is too nice, the fucking dunderpates at the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce had really dragged us at the radio station around the ground thinking we booked them and Fort Bliss' top brass for a special function of theirs. I denied them access to the radio airwaves uninvited. The woman that had said she booked us, booked her and her guests on KTSM TV, and they thought it was radio. I guess they figured it out when they didn't see any cameras in the small studio...

I did call her back and make sure that things were ok. She is a wreck, but she is also blaming others, and not herself. I blame her completely. It made us seem like there was a lack of communication on our side, when it was all on her side for not corraling these nit-wits like she should have done...

Im at peace, I found my center. I am one with the moment, you own it, you never let it go... Ooops, wrong moment.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003


Those weren't the words I woke up to, but thats what was going thru my mind this morning as I raced the truck to the station. I got here on time but not without breaking the law by about 20mph. Who'd have thunk that the truck could go so fast? Im already planning my shopping spree this weekend. I have several bills to pay, but I will have enough for some personal spending. My check doesn't come in untill tomorrow... I don't know if I can hold out. Mark Ross is in for Greg today, and already there are whiners and complainers complaining about how news is presented. Boo-hoo. Cry me a river. Get over it. I need to focus on the show.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I need serenity

I guess it was last night's episode of Monster House on the Discovery Channel that got me thinking. I want to repaint my walls. They are a boring icebox white. My old room I painted a bone white that looked like murky-milk white. I want to get away from white, and off-white. I guess I want Martha Stewart's paint schemes to explode in my room and make it alot less ordinary. Nothing exraordinary like Day Glow Green, or Desperate Hooker Lipstick Maroon, but something soothing to the eyes like a darker color of blue, but not green. Maybe an earthen color like a dark moss, or maybe a faux rust finish...


Monday, July 28, 2003

Time lapse blogging
The following blog was written on my Panasonic Toughbook while waiting for the repairs to the brakes.

So here I sit in the lobby of the Firestone dealer in town, waiting for the car to be serviced. It’s said I will be here for a good 1 ½ to 2 hours tops for the brakes.

Alright, it’s now been one hour since sitting down in the lobby. The guys at Firestone have told me that I have one rotor that is gone bad and the other is salvagable. The cost of the brake service has also increased from $79.99 to $163 and change. Hunger pangs have been torturing me for about a half hour. I still have 87% battery life left in the Panasonic. I power down when I don’t need the battery, just to conserve. I wish I did that with the cell phone, it’s dead…

One of the things I have noticed about the way some people drive as I sit here and watch people pass, is there are what I call the Type A and Type B people. The Type A people drive as if they have the entire day to get to where they want to go. The Type B people need to be back somewhere at a certain time, and almost always are behind a Type A. I saw that instance about 3 minutes ago when a Type B person almost hit a Type A. Oblivious to the near wreck, Type A puttered along like nothing. Most times, Type A’s drive larger vehicles like Taurus, Explorer, Suburban & Tundra. Most Type B’s drive Kia, Cavalier, Civic and Metro. I fall into the Type B category myself, and next time you are on the road, see who is usually in a larger hurry to get somewhere, the person driving the Tahoe or the one driving the Neon… I have 74% battery life left.

You can tell by the frequency of my updates to this blog how incredibly bored I am. One thing I have noticed about the Panasonic since Im using the batteries on it is the screen is incredibly bright, as if it were plugged in. Normally, laptops will dim their screens to save on power. Mine for some reason, will pop in and out of this mode. I at least have this luxury for now. It’s also eating up a lot of power. They just called me for my car. I now have 55% juice left.

Now, Im at home. The brakes work great. Im out more money I care to announce. The laptop worked well without its power cord. I still won't have my car tomorrow. My dad will use it to go to dialysis cause he threw out his back, and doesn't want to shift gears and outreach more than he wants.

Enjoy voyeurs.
Thanks for the memories...

Im freezing my nipples off! They are perky, and pointy, and why the hell am I saying this? It's an icebox in here. I brought the truck today, cause I have to save my Cavalier's brakes for the drive to the shop for replacment. Don't know where to go at this point, but Im swaying towards the dealer again after my complete satisfaction with the transmission. Damn Im cold, I think Im going to unplug the network connection and embrace my laptop so I can get the warmth of the processor...

Hmmm, who'd have thought that someone would be so happy to see a Pentium 166mhz?

Sunday, July 27, 2003

*gag* Avocado ice cream *gag*

Oh man, this isnt what I wanted to update the blog with, I really didn't. The Food Network showed this utterly disgusting show with avocados being the focus. I was repulsed with the avocado ice cream. I stopped watching after that. Junkyard Wars is on...

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Starting the day off with a bang!

No, not that kind of bang, you horny-thinking freaks. My day started off with a bang. A lightning strike to be more specific. Last night when I was out and about, I didn't notice that there were storm clouds comming in. This morning, the lightning show woke me up with a jolt. Three lightning bolts struck somewhere close to the house. Now tell me this, where the hell did all the rain go? We saw alittle sprinkle from that vicious sounding storm and that's it. What a waste.

Friday, July 25, 2003

*CHIME* We're sorry, the function you have requested, BRAKES, is temporarily unavailable.

DAMN IT! I can never go thru one set of repairs without needing another. I got halfway to the end of the block and felt and heard a grinding sound from them. Here's my dilelma. Im flat broke, and I have no car. No brakes also mean no Corpus Christy. After spending $130 on complete in-depth car repair, I now have to pay more for needed repairs.

I actually ignored this one when I first found it. I laughed untill I got bored. There are just too many of these descriptions to go thru to care! Odds are, you know someone that is a Flame Warrior. Look for someone you may know, or maybe yourself in a description!

OH SHIT!!! Its a stoner's nightmare! I want to shake the sick fuck's hand that made this!

Oh jeez. Now I've been duped. The Baby Ink tattoo link I had given afew weeks ago was a hoax! I usually go to to verify links, but this one looked so professional! Im only human.

606 takes. I would have given up after 300. Unreal. Check it out. This commercial took 606 takes to get just right.

Enjoy you voyeurs!
I opened my wallet and out flew a moth... this sucks

Im poor. Im super poor. Both bank accounts are at their bare minimum. Thankfully, all my bills are paid. I just can't go do stuff untill next thursday. The car has a half tank of gas, so if I don't go anywhere over the weekend I will be good. Last night, I don't know how many of you have had this happen but I was rudely awaken so I could use the restroom. I happened to look at the clock. It was 1:47am. THAT sucked. I really didn't go back to sleep after that, I tossed and turned around untill the alarm on my cell phone went off. Granted, I should know what the alarm sounds like but I grabbed the other alarm clock next to me and tried unsuccessfully to turn off something that wasn't ringing!

Im dragging right now. I close my eyes and want to nap. I can't do that...

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Riddle me this:

What makes some people strong, yet some people cry, some can do it with their hands, yet others with their eyes? If you read this, you know what it is.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The $ it takes to get a band like Fleetwood Mac into town

Many people think that getting a band to play in a town is as simple as picking great responding cities to singles and radio airplay and mapping their journey thru the country. Nuh-uh. You talk about being to the cent with these bands, you realize exactly how much the music industry is a buisness.

My boss has been in the industry longer than I have been alive, and he let me in on exactly how much its costing the Don Haskins Center to bring in Fleetwood Mac. In order for them to even appear here in town, they require their up front fee of $750,000. This is just for the band to make their appearance. They also get everything that the sale of t-shirts and posters bring in.

Now, that $750,000 is given to the band by the Don Haskins Center for the concert. They also now have to pay for security, arena staff, and concessions. The sale of tickets are shared by the Haskins Center and Ticketmaster, and Ticketmaster is in turn turning over a percentage of the sales to the band again.

After everything is figured, the band gets their $1 million dollars for 2 hours of playing music you can hear on a CD, the Don Haskins Center is in the red for not getting all the seats filled (not a sell-out) and the concert goers are milked something close to $140 total for tickets and souvenirs.

God Bless Corporate America!

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I told people about this, an did they listen???

Joe called me up yesterday afternoon wanting to know how to get rid of KaZaA from his system. I chuckled to myself since I had written up a blog entry on this afew days ago. I stepped him through the uninstall process, and when we were going thru a SpyWare sweep, he found a trojan. No, not one of his condoms, but a nasty little virus that activates when you open a conjoining program. He had antivirus software, but he wouldn't have found that problem untill too late...
blah blah blah blah


Monday, July 21, 2003

Im a Tony Soprano

VH1 has started their list of the top 200 Pop Icons. Im not going to bore you with more than this cool link of theirs that lets you know what celebrity you are most closely resembling. It's all not that imaginitive, and not long at all at only 10 questions. Anyone with a short attention span will finish it with no probl
Oh, Lord. Protect me from your followers

Ivette had told me afew months back about there being a patron saint for computers after I had goofed up the Panasonic something bad. Neither of us could remember about it, only that we had heard of it at one point. Today, Ivette told me I am covered by Saint Isidore. Taking that knowlege, I did a search for and found The Patron Saints Index. I tried looking for a radio saint to pray to, or a driver saint but found none.

Great, now I feel guilty for those sacrificial chickens I used...

You ever have the urge to to into internet chatrooms and try meeting someone just to try it? Yeah, sometimes its fun to just go in and see who is desperate enough to jump your bones. This, though is completely uncalled for. ABC is reporting that Prisoner Pen Pal websites are going too far. Why? Well, take this breif bio of a female prisoner: "Kind hearted Christian serving time for murder". Yeah, the hypocracy shines like the sun on that statement untill you realize that it's a personal ad for the child-murdering Susan Smith!

I actually was asked via an instant message to my Sennheister account on Yahoo if I really know my roman numerals with the Strange Findings starting to creep up in numbers. The answer is no. I failed Algebra 3 times in school and hate math in general. Thats why I use this site for help with roman numerals. It's a nice little time killer.

DILDO. What are you sick, disgusting people thinking of? This is a well respected city in Newfoundland! Man, what goes on in your mind is disturbing...

Is it me, or has a Danny Bonaduce look-alike snapped and created an interesting buisness where it is his buisness to KIDNAP PEOPLE? These morons actually get paid to kidnap the people they are hired by. I wonder if I can set up a website that I will offer a ass-kicking service to anyone who shells out $1,000. I think I could make some good scratch and get some good excersize...
*Danny Bonaduce is not a kidnapper... His name and face are used cause the freak on the kidnapping website looks like a backwoods version of Bonaduce.

There, I think that clears the waters. Much more later.
Sunday bloody Sunday

Yesterday was kinda cool. Woke up early which wasn't cool, but I headed off to my defensive driving class early so I can get it out of the way. I took one of those comedy defensive driving classes. It made the 6 and a half hours bearable. The seats we had were wooden chairs and are fine if you were sitting down for a meal for at the most 40 minutes and that was stretching. The instructor was a pleasant fat man with a great attitude.

I've been to one of the non-comedy courses and I couldn't believe life could get boring fast. We all introduced ourselves to the group of 26 on a Sunday morning and found that there are a good number of people that listen to my station. A German citizen was there and is a reluctant fan of the show. He and I spoke alot, and no, I didn't try any of my German.

After school was over, I just puttered around town checking out the sights and rarely seen areas of town. Santa Theresa, Nm is a beautiful little town, and so is the rest of the Upper Valley area. I still need to call around for a transmission service on my Cavalier. I also need to get a new air filter. I've been needing one for a few weeks now.

More updates later, Im compiling a new Strange Findings update. I just can't believe this...

Saturday, July 19, 2003

A break from the expected

Last night was a good one. To fend off boredom I went to Kristoph's for some coffee, and ended up taking a nice cruise around town with the windows down and the radio blasting. I loaded the CD player with new batteries and a new burned CD copy of The Sound of Gran Turismo. NEVER before had I been enthralled with a video game, platform, or console I would buy forever, but I digress. Listening to the music so loud was cathardic to me. I needed it. The coffee was comforting and the night air was cool enough to enjoy without the air conditioning.

Im planning another outing. It was great. In the middle of house cleaning. Be back later.

Friday, July 18, 2003


Get in your shorts! Yep, as soon as I get home, Im going to strip to my Simpsons Boxers and cruise the internet. Join in the fun, get yourself a pair and lounge.
Yes, you can go to jail for that downloaded copy of Billy Jean, you Michael Jackson-loving freak...

I used to have KaZaA loaded on the eMachine back at the house and I used it semi-frequently to download some music back in 2000, but promptly uninstalled it when it came bundled with Bonzai Buddy and Gator spyware. It took nothing short of a complete reinstall of Windows ME to get rid of it. Yes, I had WinME years ago and I loved it. I digress.

Check this out. The RIAA folks are starting to grow and decend some testicles cause now they want to find you, and sue your bandwidth riding ass for your pirated and downloaded copy of Starland Vocal Band's Afternoon Delight. Shit, I'd sue too if I found crappy music like that on anyone's computer...

Deeming that file sharing sites are freely allowing users to swap copyrighted music, the Recording Industry Association of America is sniffing out your IP address and sending Cease and Desist letters to file swappers warning users to stop before legal action is taken. I used to think how greedy these bastards were, but started to think of it from the economic standpoint. While the expectation of music being a freedom issue, it is. You are free to listen to what you want, but you are also obligated to pay for what you hear. You purchase tickets to hear a live concert, or you are explicitly invited to listen to some free music outdoors, but when you freely take music that was meant to be sold as a part of an album, that is wrong.

Do the adult thing. Burn your already ludicrously large collection to a CD and delete them from your computer, or upload them to your iPod to listen later. Better yet, uninstall KaZaA from your system. You'd be surprised how easy people can send viruses, trojans and use your info against you. I've been KaZaA, Limewire, and Napster free for 3 years. There are other good uses for the internet than file sharing.

Download that, you voyeurs!

Thursday, July 17, 2003


Yeah. Like the dreams of winning the Powerball Super Jackpot, I figured that I would see some rain with what was left of the hurricaine. Like my numbers for the Powerball, I didn't see shit come from it. The winds came. With that said, I had my windows down and laundry on the line. The winds kicked up, the skies grew black and the local news outlets were nearly orgasming over the change in our normally blistering weather with emergency news broadcasts at the first sightings of lightning. The advisories were issued sometime close to 5pm and, well, there hasn't been a lick of rain here and its almost 8pm (MST).

It's still thundering outside. Its like Claudette was miffed that she didn't turn into a raving force 3 hurricaine and cause serious dammage so she is slowly pissing off the weather wherever she goes. She's also pissing me off cause I have 2 loads of laundry... that I had... to take off... the line...

Oh, fuck! Im a suburban housewife!

Yup. It's officially here. The winds kicked up early yesterday afternoon, causing a rough and choppy ride home. From about 2pm untill recent, the winds had the smell of rain in them, and there were little clouds that could carry the smell at that time. The skies opened up around 11pm last night and hasn't stopped raining since. It was actually nice this morning. Getting on the road at 4:45am, the roads were unadulterated by tons of traffic, so it was super smooth cruising into work. It actually started to rain harder after I got to work. Running into a building carrying a laptop is tough to do. Maybe next time I will leave the Panasonic behind... nah.

With Claudette performing her swan song over our heads here in town, our temperatures are dropping like a fat-man having a heart attack. Our temperatures arent going to go higher than 90 degrees. This is perfectly ok with me, but the humidity will suck for the days comming afterwards.

I agree with Yolie's comments the other day. I miss Evelyn and Yolie. I miss going to Cold Stone Ice Creamery, I miss going to Kristoph's, I miss just fucking around and driving everywhere and nowhere in particular. We wasted time, but we wasted time in a grand fashion. We enjoyed being bored together. There was something just so comforting about being in the same car, enjoying our companies, hearing each of us talk. *Lauging* I really miss Yolie's burps. Something only we can laugh at. Certainly, they weren't lady-like of her to do, but among friends who gave a shit?

Anyways. I need to pay somewhat attention to the show. I'll be updating things later.


Wednesday, July 16, 2003


I added some new links to my sidebar. Take a look at some of the new ones:

Ad Aware
Webroot Spy Sweeper
Tucows Free & Shareware Downloads
AVG Antivirus

I also included links to my chat profiles.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

It's almost alittle overkill, but cool

Using Tucows, I found an emulator for the Matrix's famed code screen. Its a simple screen saver that is just so cool. I downloaded the one for Windows 2000, and it works fine. Ad-Aware detected no spyware associated with it, so I will keep you posted.

What were these people on when they thought of this buisness idea? More importantly, where can I get some of that stash?

I've heard of Tucows. I've heard of moo cows. Never, never would I have thought of leasing cows to residents of Switzerland for profit. It's sheer genius! You get all the benifits of an on-premise cow like milk, cheese, fertilizer and all the methane byproducts your nostrils can handle! These Sweedes are genius!

WHOOO! 106 degrees yesterday. One of those stay indoors days, and today may be another!

Whoo-Damn! Yeah, it was that hot. Yesterday was a nice day, however. Other than being blazing hot, it was also a good day for me. My friend Lisa, who used to be the producer for my show was in town this weekend and was wanting to meet for lunch. Lisa lives in Euless Tx, which is in the middle of Dallas and Ft. Worth. She came down so her car's A/C could be fixed, but also to get some advice about jobs. We spent some 2 hours at lunch across the street from the station at Como's. It was a blast being around her again. We spent the entire time just talking and catching up with eachother's lives, and it was refreshing for both of us, since we were almost fish out of water.

After lunch with Lisa, I headed home, only to be weighed down by the large pasta meal I took a nap. Not just any nap, but one that lasted for 7 hours. Something satisfying about a good meal and nap. They are saying that today may not be as hot as yesterday, but I don't know. It may be like 103 today, not 96 like they predict. I can at least say one thing, at least we aren't Phoenix, Az (115 in the shade) or Palm Springs, Ca (110 at noon).

I wonder what Chicago hit...

I also wonder about the strength of Hurricaine Claudette. I've seen pictures of waterspouts along the coast, and they are pretty interesting and alittle scarry. Evelyn and Yolie are in the path of the storm, and also living next to the beach. They also aren't updating their blogs to update friends that they are ok...

Monday, July 14, 2003


NO!!! THIS WAS MY IDEA!!! I still have the prototype. Ghettopoly in my version was called Slumlord in which you were owners of slums and your objective, that was so close to Monopoly, was to get the most ammount of property and charge outrageous rent to those who essentially squatted. You lost money if the Housing Authority were called, or if they wanted their 20ftx20ft loft fixed for some reason. The play pieces included a car on cinder blocks, a crack pipe, a .45, a gold necklace with "$" pendant and a crowbar. I still remember a Community Pest card I made: "Tennants complain about lack of heat, install higher wattage light bulbs, pay $20."

I was evil when I was young. Somehow, I didn't get this done when I was a kid. Tattoos for kids? Where are the child's rights activists? Where is the Child Welfare People? Im all for tattoos, but to give them to your kids, who might not want them in 10 years is a crime in my eyes. What are these parents thinking?

Speaking of what were they thinking, what wonder drug was this person on thinking of the Orgasmatic Washing Machine? This flash animation site is absolutely fucking hilarious! I just don't know if Orange Essence is a real detergent... From what I gathered, its actually an advertisment for a phone company of some kind. There are some sick puppies out there.

Enjoy you voyeurs!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen and other things that didn't suck

Last night I was out with Ivette and Joe to watch The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen and it was quite good. The entire premise of the movie was a traitor to the crown sets a plan in motion to start World War in 1899. By causing Brittan and Germany to wage war on eachother, the traitor would benifit in the black market by a complicated web of chicanery and deciet by getting the legendary League of Extrordinary Gentlemen together and clone them and sell their DNA to terrorists and countries that would benifit from it.

I have to admit something. The charachters aren't what I imagined them to be. Captain Nemo of the Nautilaus just didn't fit my description of what he looked like. In the movie, he is a thin, dark complected man with a long, black beard and what looks to me to be a crushed velvet Captains uniform circa 1770. In my wildest dreams did I never imagine Captain Nemo as an Arabic-looking fellow dressed as the Gay Pimp Daddy to the crew of the Nautilaus. Captain Nemo's first mate wasnt Quequay like in the novel, but Ishmael, who introduces himself with the famous first line of Moby Dick. There were items of an everyday sort included in the movie that I thought were weird. Literary references to several potential plots for the second movie were included in the background of the Paris scene when they try to capture Dr. Jekyl were in literary terms not period. Other than that and the TANKS crashing thru a London bank...

Today sucked. Yesterday was alright. Depression got the upperhand of me pretty late in the day. My entire lead-up to the weekends are going to suck for the next few months. Weekends themselves aren't going to be pretty either. I had nothing to do. No where to go but to get coffee alone. Drink it alone. Drive alone. Joe and Ivette were alittle distant from me last night, and I didn't take that well. I don't know what attributed to it, and quite frankly don't care at this point. My normally upbeat and cheerful days haven't been appearing lately, and its getting to the point where I don't give a fuck anymore what happens. It hasn't been happening at work, but several people are starting to get wind of it. People I don't care for, or have little use for are noticing. Oh well.

All in all, it's one of those movies you could see again. Take a friend. Make sure your friend knows you're there, too.

Friday, July 11, 2003

drool.... I can't stop drooling....

The Apple Store
is just too enticing. I was checking out the 360 degree view of the Triumph bike I mentioned earlier today when I was prompted to update some of the plug-ins for Quicktime. I couldn't find the place to update, and I didn't feel like downloading another version of Quicktime so I did some searching of their site. I wanted to look at their iPod for Windows when I feast my eyes on the computer of my dreams. Their newest PC killer is their Apple G5 and its hair-blazing amazing!

I decided to spec out a model with top of the line everything. $13,230.90 for a fully loaded! This is how much I bought my Cavalier for in 2000! On the plus side its only $299 a month if I wanted it PAID OVER 48 MONTHS!!!

Hmm... maybe...
Swelling sucks. At least when its the wrong body part swelling...

My toe is swollen and bruised badly. Its fine to the touch, but walking on it still hurts bad. I taped it to my other toes for stability, and I am wearing sandals that are alittle better fitting than my shoes. This is definitely the worst pain I have felt in some time.

On the plus side, I have started my workout routine. Im still alittle touchy about working out with running since my toe is hurting. I have a goal I want to achieve, and Evelyn's drive on the beach prompted me to think of something I hadn't really thought about untill now. Before my lust over the Mustang, I had fallen in love over a Brit. This Triumph 955i is a stunning bike that I fell in love with over 4 years ago. Three cylinders firing 147bhp at 10,700rpm is far more than my little Cavalier musters. There's something sexy about the lines on this bike. I can really imagine driving on the beach on this bike. For the time being, the Cavalier will do.

I have also officially implemented Simpsons Boxers Friday. Evelyn started me on them when she bought me a pack of them for my birthday. Today I am wearing these, but last week I wore these. is where I found these pics cause it would take a miracle for my picture blog to update, so I may be buying more from here. I like the Bart Little Devil boxers.

Join me, won't you?

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Crackatoa isn't just another Island Chain in the Pacific

Ow ow ow ow ow. Im still feeling it. I think they're broken, or at least one of them. I was walking barefoot in the house last night and took the corner to get in my room and WhAm! I hit the edge of the door with my two small toes on my right foot. Ow ow ow ow ow. My smallest toe has swelled nicely, and its rather difficult for me to walk. I have a rather odd limp. It's kinda funny, but not much. This hurts.

Well, Evelyn and Yolie got to Corpus Christy in 10 hours, which is amazing. If I remember right, I think it took some 7 or 8 hours to get to San Antonio some time back. They have felt first hand humidity at its best. They also have a pet pelican perched on their balcony. Im already making plans for a visit. It sounds nice out there.

Damn, its almost show time. Gotta get the room ready.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I need a brain massage

I took off my glasses and just rubbed the bridge of my nose and my forehead for about 5 minutes right now, and thought how cool it would have been to have someone else do that for me. When I stopped, I felt the most euphoric peace I haven't felt in months. I need to go to a spa or something to release my tension. I found this one online and its affordable. This one is much better. This one is more affordable, but alittle phallic for my taste. I think I saw an ad in a porno magazine for this one, only it was waterproof for some strange reason...


Peaceful Easy Feeling

Music helps me so much. I had to pull this one from my CD collection. I actually sang the last stanza over and over last night in my head. I thought it was apropritate.

I like the way your sparkling earrings lay,
against your skin, it's so brown
and I wanna sleep with you
in the desert tonight
with a billion stars all around
'cause I gotta peaceful easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the

And I found out a long time ago
what a woman can do to your soul
Ah, but she can't take you anyway
You don't already know how to go
and I gotta peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground

I get this feeling I may know you
as a lover and a friend
but this voice keeps whispering
in my other ear, tells me
I may never see you again
'cause I get a peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground
'cause I'm already standing...
on the ground

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

The Crying Game

I admit it. I cried. It hurts too much not to.

Evelyn & Yolie said their goodbyes to me and my family this evening. They are on their way to Corpus Christy to continue their school training in a real hospital. They are scheduled to be out of town until sometime in October. They weren't out of the driveway and in drive when I started to tear up. Im glad I ran inside. I cried for an hour. Its hard to say goodbye to your best friend of 10 years and not be emotional.

What the hell am I going to do on Fridays and weekends?

Bye Evelyn.

Bye Yolie.
It's taken awhile, but its done... damn that took forever...

I guess I tried this sometime back in June, where I was doing routine maintenance to the laptop when I screwed myself over and had to reinstall Windows 98. I had wanted to use Partition Magic 7.0 on the computer for a pagefile when I mistakenly moved critical system files. Well, after stabilizing the system I reinstalled Partition Magic on the Panasonic and it worked! This morning, I resized the hard drive and its currently in use for the Temporary Internet Files. Im also going to move my Downloads folder there.

Since changing my web browsing habits to Mozilla last month, I had noticed that some of the compatibility with common Internet Explorer 6 features weren't included in the program. It's not much of a big deal if you only use Mozilla for web browsing. I wanted to play games from Yahoo yesterday and found I couldn't cause I didn't have the Java plug-in for play. Im so glad it was the laptop and not the eMachine. On a T-1 connection, it took about 10 minutes to fully download. Sad thing is I need to also install it at home... Im not looking forward to that.


Monday, July 07, 2003

Views to a Kill

Ok, I have milled this over for the past week now. I had attended the funeral services for my grandmother, and had noticed afew things that occupied my head while standing around vauge of the proceedings.

First of all, I speak no spanish. The entire proceedings were spokent entirely in spanish. Not that I don't think she didn't mind, but there are several family members from east Texas that do not speak spanish. I bring this up cause I spent the time observing the rituals of the Church. I was surprised how religion is rooted in multiple chants and songs of inspiration. I also notice how Funeral Homes do not research the people they ulogize. Without going into angering details, they accused family members of not caring for my grandmother. That was a horribly wrong assumption. They also became angry with members of the family in attendance for not speaking the rosary. I hate to break it to the monotonous old coot that did the service, but not everyone in the family is Christian. Several family members converted to other faiths so their silence was due to their religion of choice. Shit, my cousin Rick is Jehova's Witness. His faith tells him not to step foot in any church. He attended.

I had noticed that Priests have one interesting job. They are the centers of attention, which means they have cool equipment they wear to be better heard. I remember as a young boy going to church and trying my short-attention spanned best to pay attention to the monotone voice of the Priest. This one had a lavalier mic attatched to his apparel that made his voice, a naturally soft one, heard Magnavox clear. I noticed that he gets wine and wafers to consume durring his sermon, while there is a No Food Allowed in church sign at the front door. Im sure after the 2nd service of the day he is more than alittle buzzed.
Oh, and yes I realize what the symbolism of the wine and bread are.

I was honored to be the pall bearer for my grandmother. I could be wrong, but I think that normally there are 6 pall bearers. My grandmother had 8. I don't think she minded, but probaby would have told one of us to go sit down, just out of her not wanting such a fuss over her. The car ride from the funeral home to the church was a quiet one. Come to think of it, from the church to the cemetary was quiet too. We all drove in the same car so we could arrive together wherever we went. The only time someone spoke up was cause of curiosity that couldn't wait for a better time to bring up. Imediately after the subject was finished, silence commenced again. After the service is when alot of what was said in the car ride could have been said. Everyone in the car was silent in respect for my grandmother. Sadly to say, my cousin that brought up the question that cut the silence has no tact.

If one thing was learned over the past week, its that family is a binding tie. You may not think about it, but in the face of a tragedy, these people are there affected the same as you. Levels of greif varied from person to person, and it was the will of those stronger that helped those that needed comfort. My grandmother was the central figure in the family. She brought everyone back home, and kept things so serene. We all now have to act as she did to make the conscious effort to bring us all together. She may be gone, but her family is still here.

Back to normal rants later.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Slippery When Wet

There's a damn good reason I didn't update shit this past week. Other than having a funeral to attend, I have spent almost every afternoon basking in the warm flow of an in-ground jacuzzi and swimming pool. Spending hours upon hours swimming around in a heated pool and jacuzzi is fun. Lets see, spent Thursday evening at the pool, Friday evening at the pool, and Saturday evening, and into Sunday Morning in the pool. Obviously Im here at the house cause, well, I spent alittle too much time out and didn't get back in untill 4am. Time well worth spent. All I have to say is night swimming is great. Skinny-Dipping is better!

One of the greatest links I had recieved while on my time off is for those who hadn't had a chance to shoot off some fireworks this past 4th of July . Have fun!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003


I had recieved this from... well, I can't say where this person works, cause if anyone knew he is a Chamber of Comerce member they'd start investigating. He knows friends in eye-popping places!

Ch Ch Changes
-David Bowie

I've been thinking about it lately. I've tried and tried in the past to loose weight, and I thought to myself that joining a gym would help me. I thought buying those trendy diet pills would work. I think I just didn't have a realistic goal. I finally have one, and Im going to start it today. I can't say it yet, but it will be announced later. One of my goals of previous attempts had always been going to go swim without a shirt to hide my spare tire. I want to get away from stupid sounding ones like that, but I still am going to keep it under wraps. I found some great excersizes to do without the gym, which gets real results. It's worth a shot, cause the third times the charm.