Thursday, October 14, 2004

Truths in advertising and such

El Paso sucks as far as the weather goes. I guess it might be the same no matter where you live. Almost always, when you wash the car, its dirty again in less than 3 days. I tried that Mr. Clean Carwash when it first came out, and well, it does a good job at first, but then your windows never get clean and the filter replacement charges are just too high and the handgun-like dispenser is just tiring after 10 minutes of washing the car. Yes washing the car should take longer than 10 minutes. So, ditching the washer in favor of the old stand-by carwash mitt and premium car soap, I did the standard 35 minute carwash on the ol' Mustang.

Wouldn't you know it, after washing it on Saturday, it rained on it on Monday. Not just rain, torrential rain. I drove home thru the rain after staying late with Ivette to close the book store, and figured that the wash job was a total loss, but it wasn't. The next day, I left for work and found that without looking at the trunk of the Mustang, the car looked as if it were housed in the garage the entire time. Windows were clean, no black water splashed up on the fenders, but the trunk and back bumper had some dirt and water lines, but nothing noticeable. Hell, even the tires looked shiny!

Now, with al that said and done, there was still one thing I tried this weekend that I didn't like at all. Quizno's Subs are advertised to be "Toasted" and crunch when you bite into them. The Quizno's we went for a quick dinner the other day was anything but a culinary experience. Mind you, this was also the first time I ever tried a Quiznos sub. Their advertised special is that Steak & Swiss with that au jus sauce to dip it in. I tried it. I WAS SORELY DISAPPOINTED. When something advertises and shows what looks like steak and it turns out to be thinly sliced roast beef... cold roast beef at that, it takes away from the expected flavor.

I watched with great apathy and lackluster attention to detail how the "sandwich artist" made the rather small sandwich in front of me. I settled in my mind that the fact that the sandwich would be toasted will offset the lack of beef I thought I would be getting. The server placed the sandwich into the toaster for what looked like 5 seconds. THE FUCKING CHEESE DIDN'T EVEN MELT! Before I was able to speak up, it was mercilessly wrapped up, tossed in a bag with the au jus sauce and gladly forgotten about. Eating it at home, I thought to myself how nice the sandwich would have tasted toasted, or made with the beef I thought I was getting.

Lessons learned:
  • Buy Eagle 1 Carwash Soap (has a Ford Mustang headlight on the label)
  • Wash your car yourself
  • Don't buy Quizno's new sub

IM hungry for Italian food...

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