Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Fog

Why is it, whenever there is something worth catching with a camera, I forget to bring mine? In downtown El Paso- wait. Let me back track.

El Paso is (currently) experiencing fog. Its rare that we get fog, and this morning we got it like New England clam chowder thick. Driving into work was an adventure, literally hitting patches of fog like a wall was eerie. Once we rejoined Interstate 10 and continued west towards the radio station, I saw the new Morgan Stanley building lit up so beautifully I wanted to pull over and just stare at it. I figured that no one would stop in time if they thought I was in the road and would cause an accident so its a good thing I didn't stop.

I haven't had the air saturated with as much humidity since I was out in Corpus Christi. Right now (7:20am) the humidity is 100%, the temperature is 53 and the dew point is at 53. That means fog, kids. I remember when I was out in Corpus it was slightly rough to try and breathe in the high humidity, and walking outside reminded me of that. My shirt is also slightly sticky.

Once it lifts and there's pictures of it, I will post them.

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