Friday, October 22, 2004

Musings of a blind man

Every once in a while, you just have to laugh out loud. I drive my friend to work every morning. Its on my way into work, so I have no problem what so ever. We talk, mostly chit-chat, keeping our minds off work (like everyone else in a carpool) until the very end. While telling me about a movie premiere he was at last night, he asked the audience in the theater what the most ghetto thing they have taken to a theater to eat was. The number one most ghetto thing was fried chicken. Then, I steered the conversation around slightly.

I told Mike the story about our family back in the early to late 1980's. We always had cars, none of them had an air conditioner. So, on long trips, we would get a huge 1-2 gallon insulated thermos and fill it with icy cold tea, Kool-Aid or anything we could drop in there that would cool us down while we were driving around town without an AC. He amused me with stories about his parents Cordova and the fun he used to have with a marble and the window channel.

Almost to work he had me laughing my ass off. He told me the story about his grandparents buying a water-cooled window AC unit for his grandparents house. He had arrived at his grandparents to see his grandpa opening up the AC unit. Grandpa explained that the window AC came with only one pump, and thought two pumps would be better. So, he fidgeted and managed to get a second pump into the little AC unit. He plugged it back in and turned it on.

So, there Mike and one of his other cousins sit on the living room floor with the AC unit blowing nice cool humid air at them. Then they feel like they're sweating. Then they feel like their clothes are soaking wet. Their clothes were soaking wet, and so was the sofa in front of the AC unit, the carpet, and everything in the room. He was telling me:
It was like the living room turned into an indoor monsoon, everything got soaked, the sofa, the cushions, the floor, our clothes, it was a mess!

He said the humidity levels were so high clouds were forming along the ceiling and he swore he saw lightning strike up. I couldn't stop laughing.

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