Monday, October 25, 2004


If imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery, Michael Jackson must be beaming with joy- unless you're being mocked by Eminem highlighting all of your worst media published accomplishments in verse and music video. There's a link to view Eminem's music video Loose It on the page.

I feel really bad for every actor, musician and radio personality who has to live with the shame of receiving a star on the Walk of Fame after Godzilla. What does that say about the actors careers that receive it after this b-movie monster? The shame they must live with knowing a fictional creature made up of a Japanese man in a rubber suit got a recognition reserved for some of the finest actors in the business before they did?

Did you ever play Rollercoaster Tycoon? It was a popular PC game up until EA Entertainment released The Sims. I used to spend hours building rollercoaster designs that pushed the limits of the simulated park guest's stomachs and speed records. However, in real life, one real park is going to build something completely unbelievable. Six Flags Great Adventure will build one fucking huge rollercoaster.

Are you still having problems deciding who you are going to vote for on November 2nd? Maybe this site can offer you some help.

If anyone out there figures out which language this website is and why the little shit keeps stealing the cursor from the screen, please let me know.

A wise man once said "A man who can catch a fly with chopsticks can accomplish anything". It was either Confucius or it was Mr Miyagi, I don't care anymore. Hone your skills, grasshopper.

Now go wax my car.

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