Sunday, May 01, 2005


It's not just a fragrance anymore. I was told I am obsessed over that fucking amusement park by several friends yesterday. The day started off innocently enough, did housework, are lunch. Then I got the urge to go do things. I got halfway to CompUSA when for stupid, unknown reasons, I decide to - view Magic Landing as it stands today. I had long figured out there are some ways to get to the back of the building from a residential area. So, headstrong and stupid, I fjorded my way thru dirt roads.

Believing my car could go anywhere, today's lesson in automotives taught me that Mustangs do not do dirt roads, they get stuck. I tried to get the car out, but wound up sinking the car into deep, soft sand. Trying in vain to back the car out of the hole, I managed to stall out the engine as the connection between air intake and the throttle body came apart. I am now dead in the sand, 500 yards away from the park and feeling quite stupid.

I want to thank Joe & Ivette. They are lifesavers. I owe them something HUGE. Maybe not a Louis Vitton purse or an Alienware PC, but something huge. After 20 minutes of stewing in my own mire, I was yanked out of the sand and returned to pavement where I belong. After chatting with Joe and Ivette to get me back to normal, I stayed staring at the park. I was so close, yet so far away.

I was able to get somewhat good surveillance on this one side of the park and what buildings are still standing. It appears that both of the railroad stations are intact and standing. The stage/concert area is still standing and several other buildings are standing as well. What these other buildings are, I couldn't tell because I was at a distance from them and honestly couldn't tell from that distance.

I plan on going back. I am not giving up on this. I might not take the Mustang (which I am glad nothing has happened to it) but I will go back, even if I had to walk the distance and take a camera. As soon as I take photos I will be posting as many as I can take. I will not rest until I am satisfied with what I find.

This may take a while.

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