Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Sith hits the fan

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*courtesy El Paso Times

The farce is with the lonely and down-trodden of El Paso's geek community as well as the rest of the nation, and the world. Take as an example, the people pictured above. We have a Guinan-esque figure with understated Goth makeup in front of a somewhat decent Obi-Wan Kenobi wannabe holding a RedBull? Granted, it looks like a lightsaber, but lets give each other some credit.

While we're all looking, WTF is that blue thing in back of the Obi-Wannabe? According to the El Paso Times' caption, that blue-veined thingy is a lightsaber. Man, I'd hate to be sitting a few rows behind that monstrosity.

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