Thursday, April 28, 2005

Joe will appreciate this one

Since buying the Dell a few months ago, I had retired my desktop to light duty as my dad's new computer. However, it had sat unplugged and was collecting dust for some time. I was asked to set the computer back up for my dad to use. I wanted to take the second hard drive out of it, because I still haven't eliminated the thought of using it as the laptop's second storage drive.

So, I opened the case and took out the second drive, pieced it back together and placed the system restore disk into the CD drive. Funny thing is, nothing was responding. Tried again, nothing. I opened the case again, checked the switches on the HDD (I had changed the original drive to a slave and forgot to change it back) and tried again. Nothing. I put the second drive back on it, nothing.

The damn computer wasn't even loading its BIOS program. I started to get slightly concerned, because I didn't feel like flashing the BIOS chip. Finally, after fumbling with the stupid little switches, I got the drive to work, and reloaded the old Windows ME back onto the computer. Fresh with DVD and CD burning capabilities, they are there, but doubt they will ever be used.

I wasted 2 hours on that stupid thing. I just shudder when I realize I have a Linux format on the second drive I removed, IM going to need something to reformat that sucker when it comes to that time...

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Such a delight to know what your talking about. Silly computer.