Thursday, June 17, 2004

-a personal milestone!

I always figured there would be one day that technology would bring forth a weapon I could yield to bring forth my smiteous rage upon the masses, especially at the malls and Wal-Mart to get people the fuck out of the way. Maybe mount this one on my baseball cap to thart any would-be solicitor in the parking lot.

This has to be the best invention of the modern world. But you know, some general dipshit in the public domain is going to attain it and go nuts with the light gun & the crowd taser. Um, wait. Wouldn't I be the general dipshit in the example? Damnit...

Im definitely going to get a new cell phone in the next two months. Im definitely dumping T-Mobile in favor of either Sprint or AT&T. The phone I want is a nice phone, commonplace in America, its a Samsung phone with Java enabled web-browsing capability. There is a new emerging problem that is sweeping the cellphone market, unheard of before. Cellphone viruses. They're real.

People are starting to gain interest in the type of photography I like (Modern Ruins) and I thought this look into America's amusment past is worth checking out.

I guess if you're a world traveler and you frequent axe throwing contests this site would do you some good? Im just wondering how many times Im gonna scream "Oh, Herregud! Jag har en yxa i huvudet!".

Finally, the most compelling reason to go out and buy that Mini Cooper that all your SUV loving friends like to trash. Play chicken with them and see who can walk away from a head-on collision...


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