Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Have you ever suppressed a bit of laughter so much, your face turned red and you nearly passed out? Have you ever had to stifle that little joke festering on the tip of your tongue so that people don't know what kind of jerk you really are? I swear I am never taking Evelyn, Yolie and Lupe out for sushi EVER AGAIN.

It started off innocently enough, we sat down, ordered our plates & the meal started off nicely. Evelyn really liked the sushi she ordered, I absolutely loved my order, Yolie hers. It was around the time we were finishing off our plates when things started to go downhill fast. Yolie was the first to open up and attempt to speak Japanese, within earshot of our hosts... Embarrassment wasn't going to be too far behind, but luckily and thankfully, nothing was heard.

For some reason- that which I will never know, she started laughing and she said something close to "What would happen if I said 'Godzilla'?" to which I said "Don't you fucking dare". We both laughed it off, until a rather large man walked into the restaurant. Evelyn and I were facing the doors & we both saw him walk in, just as we finished talking about Godzilla.

This is wrong, I know, I am going to hell for this along with other offenses. Evelyn looked at the guy at the same time I did, my eyes grew huge and I tried hard to suppress the laughter. Evelyn motioned for Yolie to turn around, to which she started laughing hard. I was seriously trying to contain it deep within me, but Evelyn just couldn't stop. She started making Godzilla-like noises softly within earshot of me. I was starting to turn red I was holding back the laughter so hard. We left the sushi bar shortly after getting our total. I might not be able to go back after that.

Its not me, honest!

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