Saturday, June 05, 2004

Same great taste, new look!

I hope everyone is liking the new look to Blank Media, more new content will be up soon.

Religion goes too far (in my opinion) when it impeedes on your every day life. Saying you cannot even drink water saying its completely against your religion is alittle too far. Im just torn as to who needs more scrutiny, religion or the NYC Water Dept...

Microsoft. No other company within the past 25 years has had such an impact on the world like they have. Many innovations came out of Microsoft, surprisingly the mouse wasn't one of them. Apple computers was the creator of the mouse but it was Microsoft who adopted the "double click" method of opening programs etc. I just think PATENTING the double click was too far.

I will drive 660 miles out of my way to have the best seafood in Texas at Water Street Seafood Co. in Corpus Christi, I will fly to Tinley Park, Illinois to visit friends in suburban Chicago, I don't know if I want to drive to Colorado to watch a home construction project that is taking some 30+ years to construct! Maybe Im afraid my headlights will come face to face with this strange creature.

Do you remember the worst way you were dumped back in high school? I remember one for me, I was called on the phone on party-line, told flat out & was hung up on. The 3-way wasnt correctly hung up on, and it called back, and on the other end was the laughter and... Anyways... Read up on other horrid break-ups. Vicious, vicious people.


On to art, Tarkovski himself was a great artist, but who knew POLAROID cameras could come out so artistic? Its so simple yet ingenious. The sick, sad thing is if I tried that, I'd be laughed out of the art show.

Finally, this flash game is addictingly HARD! Its a mix of a maze and the kids game Operation. When you hit the sides of the walls, you get some strange foreign language. I have no clue what the charachter is saying, but its absolutely addicting. Im not gonna say its as addicting as Pingis, but its just up there.

Laters gators!

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