Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Im pissed

You know why? Motorcyclists who give others a bad name. I love bikes. I would own a bike if news of accidents wouldn't be so common in El Paso.

Both of these guys were acting like fucking idiots, and I don't care who reads this. One shit-for-brains was running from the police for not having proper registration visible on his bike and now he's replaced his brains with a fucking Ford Expedition. The other Brainiac was at a stoplight making donuts waiting for the light to change when the bike jerked out from under him and tipped over. Trying to pick it up he was hit by some other dipshit who tried to flee the scene.

No, I am not being nice to these geniuses for a good reason. These barely legal tards jump on their bikes with reckless abandon and don't care about their safety and aparently the safety of others on the road. I was talking with my friend Mike (KPRR) and we agreed it would just be absolutely terrible knowing that someone died hitting your car because they were being stupid riding their bike dangerously. The person I feel sorry is the driver of the Expedition. They were the innocent who have to live with that remorse forever.

Its guys like that who prevent me from buying one for myself, giving others who ride a bad reputation.

Im off my soapbox.

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