Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Git yer motor runnin', head out on the highway

At last, the Dezert Demonz dragway will open for a race this 4th of July weekend. I have already been approached by friends in the racing community if Im gonna take the Mustang out and see what she can do. I want to do that so bad, but I don't want to at the same time. Im already starting to amass a lot of repair bills for the car, the last thing I need is some sort of drivetrain problem that could bankrupt me.

Pissing me off even more is the fact I have not yet seen Spiderman 2 yet. Everybody and their mothers are saying how improved on and excellent the story is this time around and IM wanting in on that action. Geeks everywhere are depleting their inhalers hyperventalating in anticipation. Its a safe assumption to say that the theaters are going to be packed for weeks to come.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

What a beautiful lightning storm this morning

The day started off odd. I woke up about an hour before the first alarm goes off and thought to myself "someone is using my camera". Man, I was out of it alright... I closed my eyes satisfied I still had some time before I had to get ready for work and noticed more flashes. It didn't register they were lightning bolts until I dismissed every other conceivable scenario.

Driving into work today you'd have sworn I was orgasming. The light show the thunderstorms were producing were absolutely awe inspiring. A few bolts hit close to the car, loud enough to catch Mike D & myself off guard. I also encountered the same problem with my car I had coming back home from Corpus Christi back in March. My tires aren't designed for good wet-weather handling, I was hydroplaning all over the roads past 40 mph on the freeway.

It was almost a total waste of a beautiful lightning show this morning, IM almost glad I work at ungodly hours in the morning to have seen it.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

eBay Auctions

I've got an eBay auction going right now. I might get a second one going, but I want to make sure all parties associated with the item are kosher about the sale. After dinner last night, I tried to drop the convertible top and the button on the center console broke. This eBay auction will go towards the replacement of the top's button.


Friday, June 25, 2004

Police Blotters

Im alittle bored for news here in El Paso so I logged into the Corpus Christi Caller Times' Police Blotter section. These are just too priceless...

4800 Alma Street: A 19-year-old woman told police her diamond wedding band was stolen at a party. The woman said she and another woman at the party had taken off their jewelry and laid it on a counter so they could arm wrestle.

1900 Fisk Court: An 18-year-old man was accused of spraying cream and lotion on a 19-year-old woman's clothes. The woman said the man laughed about damaging all the clothes she owns. A damage estimate was unavailable.

300 North Chaparral Street: A 19-year-old woman told police her purse was stolen while she was at a nightclub. She said the purse was hanging from her elbow when a man grabbed it as she was chasing someone.

3800 Caravelle Parkway: A police officer was dispatched to an apartment complex where two teenage boys were being detained for vandalizing the building's laundry room. The assistant property manager told the officer a witness saw the boys spraying a fire extinguisher inside the facility.

-Um, Isnt this Evelyn's apartment?


Thursday, June 24, 2004


Games are fun. The disturbing thing is I can't distinguish the difference between a marital aid and a dog toy. Does this mean I get to shop at Petsmart for all my play needs?

Remember when the worst thing that could happen to you at a National Park was have the Ranger chastise you for not cleaning up your campsite? Isn't this going a little far? Apparently Yogi's friend BooBoo was right when he said "The Ranger isn't gonna like it..."

Ok, Microsoft is going from media conglomerate to industrialist-insane inventor. What kind of downloadable data can you transfer with the touch of your hand? Think of the possibilities: Store countless amounts of porn in your brain, your illegally downloaded MP3s...

If I win the lotto, I want to travel the United States and find the uncommon in commonplace America.

What were the chef & kitchen managers thinking of when they thought of this? What, regular fat wasn't appetizing enough they had to dip it in chocolate? You have to wonder who the first poor schmuck was to eat it...

While I was chewing the fat with people, I saw that even the comic book industry is outsourcing their characters to India. I don't know, I just think a Hindu Spiderman would be a little too easy to distinguish in a crowd, unless he hides in a parking garage full of taxi drivers...


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

T-Mobile still sucks

Still having ongoing problems with signal and loss of calls. Today is the last straw.

Lets see what happens when I threaten them with an early termination of contract citing they're not holding their end of the agreement...

Monday, June 21, 2004

Friday defies belief

I will back-track and say that for the record, I have had bad luck at the restaraunt called Cheddars. Ranging from general drunken stupors resulting in the loss of a cellphone to poor service and food quality, it was a wonder that when Friday evening's dinner plans were made, the fateful decision to go there was agreed on by the three of us (Yolie, Lupe & myself). Mind you, this is the summertime, 6pm on a Friday evening. There is no wait for a table.

Sitting down, I noticed the ketchup bottle had been settling for some time, the water inside the ketchup was at the top. I proceeded to shake the bottle without checking to see if the cap was on right. Luckilly, things didnt get too out of control. A quick visit to the restroom for some wet towels and the mess was gone. Our food came out correct and cooked properly. It was delicious, just as I remember the food quality to be when the chain first arrived in El Paso 2 years previous.

Well, we leave the restaraunt and head out to the car which I found as close to up front parking without using my parents handicap parking plaque. I open my door and unlock the passenger side with the intentions to drop the convertible top to allow Lupe to get in when I see something fly past my periphrial vision. I saw Yolie's pockets had money coming out the top of one pocket and told her some of her money was flying away in the breeze. She insisted it wasnt hers and picked up the rouge bill. That bill was $100.

We were amazed at our find. We instantly thought of things to do with that money, when as we were handling it, a portion of the right hand side of the bill tore off. I assure Yolie that any bank would replace the note since we had all the pieces from it. Satisfied, she carefully folded the money & placed it in her purse. We arrived at Putt-Putt golf afterwards & Yolie placed her purse in the trunk of the Mustang. We were playing golf for about an hour and raced along the go-kart track afew times when we decided to go next door to Wal-Mart for Yolie's dad's Fathers Day gift. Opening the trunk, the purse was still there, the $100 was gone.

Yes, I did have the keys, but Yolie and Lupe took the keys from me and went to the Mustang 2 times to get various items from the trunk. Whatever happened to that $100 is a mystery to us. Im planning to tear apart the car today and try and find the rouge bill.

Sunday, June 20, 2004


I know, no big whoop huh? They are pissing me off more than I am able to call and register complaints with them. I will call anyone in my cell phone's phonebook and not get anything. I call T-Mobile and follow directions they gave to me after replacing my cellphone a month ago. They seemed uninterested in getting the necissary information about what my problem was, where it was happening and more importantly, they tried to give me extra minutes for a cell phone and plan I cannot call out and use!

T-Mobile sucks. Gonna seriously look at AT&T & Sprint.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Jury Duty

I know, those words are like fingernails on a chalkboard. I actually had a nice experience today. I was supposed to be in on tuesday, but was told to come in today. I got there a half hour early, so I played games on my cell phone. Once we started, we were told to report to court 409. I couldn't place my finger on why the 409th District court was so familiar.

Well, we were dismissed after being there for about 2 hours. The judge didnt have to talk to us, but he wanted to explain why we were chosen and let go in the same breath. I thought that was above and beyond what he could do. He was nice and cordial.

Sounds like re-election is not too far away, huh? Id vote him in again.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

-a personal milestone!

I always figured there would be one day that technology would bring forth a weapon I could yield to bring forth my smiteous rage upon the masses, especially at the malls and Wal-Mart to get people the fuck out of the way. Maybe mount this one on my baseball cap to thart any would-be solicitor in the parking lot.

This has to be the best invention of the modern world. But you know, some general dipshit in the public domain is going to attain it and go nuts with the light gun & the crowd taser. Um, wait. Wouldn't I be the general dipshit in the example? Damnit...

Im definitely going to get a new cell phone in the next two months. Im definitely dumping T-Mobile in favor of either Sprint or AT&T. The phone I want is a nice phone, commonplace in America, its a Samsung phone with Java enabled web-browsing capability. There is a new emerging problem that is sweeping the cellphone market, unheard of before. Cellphone viruses. They're real.

People are starting to gain interest in the type of photography I like (Modern Ruins) and I thought this look into America's amusment past is worth checking out.

I guess if you're a world traveler and you frequent axe throwing contests this site would do you some good? Im just wondering how many times Im gonna scream "Oh, Herregud! Jag har en yxa i huvudet!".

Finally, the most compelling reason to go out and buy that Mini Cooper that all your SUV loving friends like to trash. Play chicken with them and see who can walk away from a head-on collision...


Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Have you ever suppressed a bit of laughter so much, your face turned red and you nearly passed out? Have you ever had to stifle that little joke festering on the tip of your tongue so that people don't know what kind of jerk you really are? I swear I am never taking Evelyn, Yolie and Lupe out for sushi EVER AGAIN.

It started off innocently enough, we sat down, ordered our plates & the meal started off nicely. Evelyn really liked the sushi she ordered, I absolutely loved my order, Yolie hers. It was around the time we were finishing off our plates when things started to go downhill fast. Yolie was the first to open up and attempt to speak Japanese, within earshot of our hosts... Embarrassment wasn't going to be too far behind, but luckily and thankfully, nothing was heard.

For some reason- that which I will never know, she started laughing and she said something close to "What would happen if I said 'Godzilla'?" to which I said "Don't you fucking dare". We both laughed it off, until a rather large man walked into the restaurant. Evelyn and I were facing the doors & we both saw him walk in, just as we finished talking about Godzilla.

This is wrong, I know, I am going to hell for this along with other offenses. Evelyn looked at the guy at the same time I did, my eyes grew huge and I tried hard to suppress the laughter. Evelyn motioned for Yolie to turn around, to which she started laughing hard. I was seriously trying to contain it deep within me, but Evelyn just couldn't stop. She started making Godzilla-like noises softly within earshot of me. I was starting to turn red I was holding back the laughter so hard. We left the sushi bar shortly after getting our total. I might not be able to go back after that.

Its not me, honest!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Sushi time again

Well, tomorrow is Evelyn's last day back in town until the wedding, so I do believe this evening we are going to go have ourselves some sushi. Yolie hinted she wanted to go get some yesterday and who am I to say no to a good restaraunt. It ought to be a nice little hoorah for Ev as we send her back home.

This should be fun!

Monday, June 14, 2004

I hate the weekends

No, not my personal weekends, but the weekends where people come in and use my studios and control room and fuck around with the HVAC units in here. As it is, the Clearchannel building is fucked up in its design and flawed in its ducting. Im sure if there was a fire on one end of the building, toxic smoke would prevent us from ever having a ghost of a chance escape out the back doors here on the other end.

Over the weekend, the chairs are out of place, the papers found on the set are scattered, headphones are askew in their drawer, barely contained in their respective boxes, the computer has odd log-in screen names, the computer is out of place... The list goes on. It usually takes me about 5 minutes to re-organize everything to look presentable- to whom, I don't know.

I have left so many notes for the weekenders, hosts and guests Im sick and tired of wasting valued toner and paper. It's now at the point where I just come in here on Mondays expecting the room to look like a tornado has swept through, hoping to God there isn't something early in the morning to record. Also, for some unbeknownst to me reason, the assholes who work the weekends crank up the HEATER in the middle of the fucking SUMMER and it never adequately cools off when I switch the controls back to AC.

I say this cause right now I am sitting in the talk set, fucking shivering because some asshole this weekend decided they were too fucking cold & cranked up the heater. When I walked into the studios, they were so fucking hot I had to kick the AC to run at 68 degrees to cool everything down. BOO-FUCKING-HOO YOU BUNCH OF MOOCHING SHIT-HEADS. Go back to your own Goddamned control room and heat that place up like an oven & stay the fuck out of my room. I oughta take the damned computer AC cable from the computer each time I log off at the end of the day, that will cut down on the problem. They enjoy this studio because of the lush, leather chair and privacy...

Is this why the keyboard is sticky?

Friday, June 11, 2004

Mixed emotions Friday

Since the news of former Pres. Reagan's death almost a week ago, the nation has been in mourning. Well, not to add more sorrow to an allready heavy nation's heart, Ray Charles also died yesterday. What is with all these deaths of notable, important & popular celebrities?

I guess we all have to believe that these people died at this time to force us as Americans, and as a nation to realize what we had, what we have, and what we should be paying more attention to.

On a more positive note, Evelyn & Yolie are home from Corpus Christi. Both are here temporarily, Yolie only here for a few months, Evelyn for a week. Today is going to be a good afternoon filled with food, friends & fun.

Time to find a Ray Charles song on XM channel 73.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Why is it the original game is still the best simple yet challenging game out there? Im only going to supply this link ONCE, and never offer it on my sidebar. Play TETRIS untill the boss tells you something!


Monday, June 07, 2004

Some of the new features

While choosing templates and monkeying with them for the better half of yesterday afternoon, I found the ability to have you, the viewers, comment on my postings. Feel free (and freely feel) everything I have to say. You might also notice my mug shot off to the right. Yet another interesting feature I added. Im going to try and re-introduce my links, but that might be later on today or possibly tomorrow. Im still not happy about code editing so early in the morning.

I also might not get a chance to change things this week, Evelyn and Yolie are returning from Corpus Christi and I have a strange feeling I am going to be both broke and extremely tired by the end of this visit. Its all good, I know several stops we are going to make, one being for coffee (Kristophs), one for ice cream (ColdStone), one for lunch (Jando's Itallian) and one for dinner (Avilas Mexican Food).


Sunday, June 06, 2004

A new look

Things have taken a new, strange look to Blank Media. I hope you all like it.

Enjoy the new posts this year.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Same great taste, new look!

I hope everyone is liking the new look to Blank Media, more new content will be up soon.

Religion goes too far (in my opinion) when it impeedes on your every day life. Saying you cannot even drink water saying its completely against your religion is alittle too far. Im just torn as to who needs more scrutiny, religion or the NYC Water Dept...

Microsoft. No other company within the past 25 years has had such an impact on the world like they have. Many innovations came out of Microsoft, surprisingly the mouse wasn't one of them. Apple computers was the creator of the mouse but it was Microsoft who adopted the "double click" method of opening programs etc. I just think PATENTING the double click was too far.

I will drive 660 miles out of my way to have the best seafood in Texas at Water Street Seafood Co. in Corpus Christi, I will fly to Tinley Park, Illinois to visit friends in suburban Chicago, I don't know if I want to drive to Colorado to watch a home construction project that is taking some 30+ years to construct! Maybe Im afraid my headlights will come face to face with this strange creature.

Do you remember the worst way you were dumped back in high school? I remember one for me, I was called on the phone on party-line, told flat out & was hung up on. The 3-way wasnt correctly hung up on, and it called back, and on the other end was the laughter and... Anyways... Read up on other horrid break-ups. Vicious, vicious people.


On to art, Tarkovski himself was a great artist, but who knew POLAROID cameras could come out so artistic? Its so simple yet ingenious. The sick, sad thing is if I tried that, I'd be laughed out of the art show.

Finally, this flash game is addictingly HARD! Its a mix of a maze and the kids game Operation. When you hit the sides of the walls, you get some strange foreign language. I have no clue what the charachter is saying, but its absolutely addicting. Im not gonna say its as addicting as Pingis, but its just up there.

Laters gators!

Friday, June 04, 2004

I love working the late shift

It's so relaxing to wake up at 8am, stroll out of bed, make breakfast & shower at my own pace & get going when I need to, not when I have to. It's one of those rare instances where I loved coming into work.

There has been some difficulty with my website the past few days, and Im going to be fixing it soon. There's gonna be some other changes to the site, including the re-introduction of my sidebar links & some surprising new links. I can't give it all away yet, but things are in the works.

I wonder how people would react to a different name other than Blank Media, or if I should keep it?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Im pissed

You know why? Motorcyclists who give others a bad name. I love bikes. I would own a bike if news of accidents wouldn't be so common in El Paso.

Both of these guys were acting like fucking idiots, and I don't care who reads this. One shit-for-brains was running from the police for not having proper registration visible on his bike and now he's replaced his brains with a fucking Ford Expedition. The other Brainiac was at a stoplight making donuts waiting for the light to change when the bike jerked out from under him and tipped over. Trying to pick it up he was hit by some other dipshit who tried to flee the scene.

No, I am not being nice to these geniuses for a good reason. These barely legal tards jump on their bikes with reckless abandon and don't care about their safety and aparently the safety of others on the road. I was talking with my friend Mike (KPRR) and we agreed it would just be absolutely terrible knowing that someone died hitting your car because they were being stupid riding their bike dangerously. The person I feel sorry is the driver of the Expedition. They were the innocent who have to live with that remorse forever.

Its guys like that who prevent me from buying one for myself, giving others who ride a bad reputation.

Im off my soapbox.