Thursday, January 15, 2004


I want to get married, but not for a while. Maybe Im afraid things won't go the way they were planned, or maybe I'd end up marrying her. Maybe it was some of the food served? You really cant screw up chicken, or can you?

Man, if I had the spare cash, I'd definitely get this for the Stang. It would cut down alot of guesswork and headaches.

Im hurting for money, but I am looking up to this guy for inspiration. I didn't know you could get so much for so little!

Oh, and this has prompted me to include it on my Links bar to the right. Bubble wrap. Anytime you have the urge, POP BUBBLE WRAP!!! WOOHOO!!! Theres even a maniac mode!!! Turn up the volume for the authentic sounds of bubbles bursting! This is just too fun & a great stress reliever! Add it to your IE Favorites!


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