Monday, January 12, 2004

Memories, of the way we were

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, freaking out Greg when I remembered that evening Yolie, Evelyn, Lupe and myself went out to dinner at Applebee's. We finished our meal, sat around just chatting & bull-shitting, saying everything and nothing at all. We got up, left, and on our way to the parkinglot, Evelyn and I lead the way with Yolie & Lupe trailing behind. Evelyn and I are talking (I forgot the conversation forever after...) when we are interrupted by the loudest, deepest, most obnoxious burp I had ever heard.

Evelyn and I froze in our tracks and stared at eachother. Ev looks at me as if I did it, and I look at her giving her the look of "who did that" when we hear Yolie laughing her ass off behind us. I will always remember Evelyn's question to her "Was that you?" to Yolie's response of a giggly "Yes". It was at that point that I lost it, I couldn't laugh harder than I did.

I did notice Yolie didn't check to see that the coast was clear before she let loose, a family heading towards the restaraunt... caught wind of the burp of astronomc proportions. They stared at me thinking I did it, cause after all, I was the only guy in the group. That would have never come from an unassuming woman in our group...

Memories, voyeurs... :-)

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