Friday, January 30, 2004

Im the Tax Man

I did my taxes yesterday. I won't say how much, but its enough to do some good things. Bad part is I need to hit the bank & transfer funds before things get too expensive...

Can't wait for it to arrive.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

headline courtesy of MSNBC

(click here for story)

Once again, not a good day to be on the streets, you never know when you'll be pelted by foreign debris, blood & decomposing guts. This outta spoil your dinner.
You know, there's just something about that car...

I washed the Stang yesterday. I spent something close to an hour on the body alone and another half hour on the inside cleaning & detailing the door sills, inner doors, glass, consoles, cup holders... You name it I cleaned it. The only thing I didn't get a chance to clean is the inner boot (where the top folds down into the body) and rear window. The back of the car is a tight fit, so I might do that today after work.

I stood back after washing it. Its red/orange hue gleaming off the sun was spectacular. With the wheels polished & tires glossed the car is flawless. I need to get a good photo of the car out in the desert or someplace like that to get a money shot. I want a good desktop image. Maybe when its done, I can put it on the sidebar for you to download when its done.

I slept for a while yesterday. After dinner, I went to lie down and fell asleep. I woke at midnight to shut off the TV & change for bed. I have to say Im well rested today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Whoa, baby-doll!

Is it me or is Courtney Love kinda hot?

(click here for story)

She kinda has that 'Just out of a drug-induced fog after laying in a trash bin' frumpyness to her thats kinda sexy...
Stupid bad links...

It angers me that links I find become inoperable after I post them (such as the bubble wrap from SFFTI 31 & the map from SFFTI 32) cause it makes me look bad. Pissses me off. Deep cleansing thoughts, deep cleansing thoughts...

Evelyn brought up a good point this morning while she was waiting for Yolie to get out of work. Evelyn had the idea of packing the car with breakfast sandwiches & parking out on the beaches of South Padre Island and watching the sun rise over the ocean. Apparently, the color hues are spectacular. I can see it, parking the convertible on the beach, a beach towel draped in the rear, the three of us watching the sun rise & eating breakfast.

The other thing Im thinking of is the sand tracked into the Stang in all this lusterous beauty... Hey, she is my car.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Im getting ready to get going to my doctors appointment today, and this times its going to be a simple follow up with me regarding all the tests done and my progress with the gym. My doc didnt say anything about diets, and Im glad I didn't jump on this bandwagon...

However, Im noticing the junk food industry is starting to advertise low carb this, reduced fat that, but since when did Doritos become one of the major food groups?

I go on vacation alot. Its just strange to think about the many places you've been but its not untill you see a picture of where you've been that makes you sit back and realize you're a man of the world! The states in red are ones Ive traveled to.

Try it yourself

This has to be one of the most fortunate kids in the world. What were the odds of his parents naming him Michael? Well, Microsoft thought he was nosing in on their racket and sued Mr. Roe from owning his own website. The verdict? An X-Box & other goodies. Lucky bastard.

And finally, if you think you haven't had your senses overloaded at any time today, click here. I just warn you, sensory overload is eminent & I am not to be held accountable for the inevitable seizures. It sure is funny as hell, though!


Monday, January 26, 2004

Monday, Monday, so good to me

This morning has been good, it was lightly snowing on my way into work. Its still too warm for the snow to stick & accumulate, but it was nice to see it in the Stang's headlights. Last night while going to dinner, the rain was a soothing sound on the vinyl top as I drove. The weather has been kinda skittish, but enjoyable.

Im still waiting for my W-4 form to do my income taxes... COME ON, CLEARCHANNEL, LETS GET ON THE BALL HERE...

Friday, January 23, 2004

Had to take a break, my brain needed to reboot

It's been a long few days, dealing with idiot car dealerships has drained me of any rational thought or the will to retaliate in writing. Ive been keeping myself busy with shopping & maintaining the Stang. Im getting better mileage as the weeks pass that I get back into a normal driving routine. The numbers arent as good as the Cavalier, but theyre good for a V6.

Lets see what this weekend holds.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Things I don't get
by Mike Calderon

I don't get why banks have to change their web designs ever few months or so. It makes loading & reloading pages so inconveniently difficult on a 56K modem tricked out to 115MBPS to get things loaded while downloading movies.

I also don't get why some companies think that by boosting morale, end product will go up. *If I bust my ass off twice as hard, the only one gaining from it is the company. What kind of incentive is that? Case in point, there is a Western Day on Friday at work; all employees are urged to wear a rediculous cowboy get-up for Rodeo tickets. The kicker is you cannot use real guns. Why? Affraid we might do something? Rodeo tickets? No trip to Ruidoso for the weekend, no $50 gift card somewhere? RODEO TICKETS?

Why are some companies so cheap, they skimp on the good toilet paper? Anyone here ever use four sheets of paper to wipe their ass in a hurry? I know Im not the only one on this one.

Why are some people dense? Dense enough to make murky ink look like a supernova? Why do these people get away with murder while we all have to abide by the rules & get chastised for the wrong things?

I know its not just me. I had to vent. Thanks for reading it.

*also seen as an example in the movie Office Space

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Its strange

For as long as I could remember, I would daydream alot about my dream car. Before I knew it was the Mustang, I imagined myself driving a 1965 Corvair convertible & listening to a specific song. Today, I left the station, and by chance, played the CD in my imagination & it was the song I imagined listening to in the Corvair with the top down. I had stopped mid thought and realized it. It was wierd.

Monday, January 19, 2004

The list is getting bigger, and the budget stays the same

Im still looking at parts for upgrade on the Stang, and the more Im researching, the better the performance is getting. Top speed will remain the same, I don't want tickets. So far, its shaping up like this:

Car alarm: $250
Spare Keys (2, programmed) - $21
K&N Fuel Injection Air Box replacement Kit - $214
Bosch +4 Spark Plugs & Low Attenuation wires - $30
Speaker upgrades - $180
Carwash accessories - $28

Hmm, that burns off $723 of income tax money I don't even have yet...

Saturday, January 17, 2004


It's true, I don't. Im at work cause were settling satelite issues with the Bandit's morning show and I was the one martyred- I mean voulenteered to come in. Its all good, it gives me a chance to crank up the music category in the studio to ludicrus proportions and ROCK OUT!!! WOO!!! I think Im going to shock them [KPRR] from going from Foreigner's Juke Box Hero to Frank Sinatra's Witchcraft.

Im cruel I know, but you can never go wrong with ol' Blue Eyes.

You know, that bubble wrap link from Thursay's Strange Findings has caused me to loose all track of time. I didn't even realize I didn't update yesterday. Ce la vie. Its alittle more addictive than the Etch a Sketch from SFFTI 30.

Allright, gotta check satelites and change the song.

Thursday, January 15, 2004


I want to get married, but not for a while. Maybe Im afraid things won't go the way they were planned, or maybe I'd end up marrying her. Maybe it was some of the food served? You really cant screw up chicken, or can you?

Man, if I had the spare cash, I'd definitely get this for the Stang. It would cut down alot of guesswork and headaches.

Im hurting for money, but I am looking up to this guy for inspiration. I didn't know you could get so much for so little!

Oh, and this has prompted me to include it on my Links bar to the right. Bubble wrap. Anytime you have the urge, POP BUBBLE WRAP!!! WOOHOO!!! Theres even a maniac mode!!! Turn up the volume for the authentic sounds of bubbles bursting! This is just too fun & a great stress reliever! Add it to your IE Favorites!


Wednesday, January 14, 2004

All tests are in...

I got test results back last night. No, not IQ tests, but my final set of bloodwork tests and most importantly the MRI results:

All bloodwork for any diseases, impurities or infectious diseases came back negative. No Diabetes, thyroid problems, cancers, hepatitis, or anything too serious. Was told I have high blood pressure, but don't cry for me Argentina, Im on meds for it. Its under control.

The MRI results show that I have a brain. They go on to say there's nothing wrong with it. Take THAT Mrs. Fairbanks (bitch 3rd grade teacher) & all you non-believers...


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

You have to wonder...

How accurate are some of these IQ testing websites out there? There is talk and speculation that some of these tests are highly inacurate and don't give the true IQ score. I was told that some real IQ tests are roughly 2 - 4 hour long tests that really kill. There are times I would love to take one. I just don't know if I want to commit a good afternoon to test my brainpower.

In any event, the test I took online shows I have an IQ of 122. I just wonder how far off these tests are...

Monday, January 12, 2004

Memories, of the way we were

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, freaking out Greg when I remembered that evening Yolie, Evelyn, Lupe and myself went out to dinner at Applebee's. We finished our meal, sat around just chatting & bull-shitting, saying everything and nothing at all. We got up, left, and on our way to the parkinglot, Evelyn and I lead the way with Yolie & Lupe trailing behind. Evelyn and I are talking (I forgot the conversation forever after...) when we are interrupted by the loudest, deepest, most obnoxious burp I had ever heard.

Evelyn and I froze in our tracks and stared at eachother. Ev looks at me as if I did it, and I look at her giving her the look of "who did that" when we hear Yolie laughing her ass off behind us. I will always remember Evelyn's question to her "Was that you?" to Yolie's response of a giggly "Yes". It was at that point that I lost it, I couldn't laugh harder than I did.

I did notice Yolie didn't check to see that the coast was clear before she let loose, a family heading towards the restaraunt... caught wind of the burp of astronomc proportions. They stared at me thinking I did it, cause after all, I was the only guy in the group. That would have never come from an unassuming woman in our group...

Memories, voyeurs... :-)
Diagnosing Sally

Sounds like a movie, but it isn't. Sally is the Stang's nickname, and the Check Engine light turned on. First, it was the gas cap, now its strangely turning on... Going to go to Atuozone, they diagnose engine lights for free. Hopefully it will be something simple.

This weekend was nice, if not predictably boring. My brother finally saw my car, after my parents told him I bought a Lexus... A Lexus? Thats the car they told my brother I bought? They could have lied and said Mini Cooper or Ford Ranger, but a Lexus? Ugh. Oh well.

All weekend I've been compiling a list of Strange Findings I will post sometime soon, voyeurs...

Friday, January 09, 2004


I just wanted to say that. It is a milestone of sorts. I find things that are mildly entertaining, and I find things highly entertaining. Which do you believe I post? Anyways. Onto today's findings.

Im hoping your Christmas holiday season was better than this family. Imagine telling your relatives that your son came from the Piggly Wiggly's vending machine...

I decided to stay home this New Years holiday, especially after buying a new car. Im glad I didn't get invited to this barbeque, my convertible top would go up like kindling...

Im sure, however, that if that was the case, I could possibly just find another here...

While watching some of my tech programs, I spied this new kitchy-must-have of any music afficionado. The only problem is, for $50 more, you could get a larger capacity iPod and enjoy more music. Apple kinda didn't stop to think on this one...

Last, check this extremely awesome retro Etch-A-Sketch. Just don't loose track of time, expecially at work.

Have a good weekend voyeurs!

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Maybe I should have waited...

The 2004 Detroit Auto Show is going on, and after not really liking the concept car for the new Mustang, the final incarnation of the car is nothing more than stunning!

(Ford Mustang GT)

Hmm, one of those suckers will be in my price range within the time I pay off the convertible...

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Im over the initial shock

Im confident now, moreso than I had been when I signed the papers. The initial shock of being a Mustang owner is starting to taper off, but Im still stoked I have a convertible again. Four years of kicking myself, regreting trading in the old Sunbird has paid off huge. Such goes life.

Ive been trying to find some editing software out there to convert .WAV files to MIDI, and have found one, I just need to try it out. Its a demo, but it might work. Im trying to create my own polyphonic ringtones from exsisting music and SFX I have from videogames, just for that unique and one of a kind distinctive tone. I hate trying to answer my phone that isnt ringing in restaraunts...

Polyphonic toners...

Monday, January 05, 2004


Hmmm... Thankfully its only for 2 months, but EGADS! The Cavalier was insured per month for $105.75, the convertible because of my age is being insured for $145.75. Thankfully, I turn 25 in March, which will drop the monthly insurance payment to $72.75. Thats still $90 extra dollars that I needed for my trip to Corpus, unless my Income Tax money comes in to help me out...

Where's my inhaler? Oh, yeah... I don't have asthma...

Sunday, January 04, 2004


You know, since buying my Mustang Ive been thinking of things I could upgrade to make her alittle more fuel efficient since she's a thirsty one. I ran across this while looking and thought how cool this would be to retrofit cars and make them extremely efficient.

You know, if I don't find the car parts I want, maybe this site has the how-to instructions to build what I need. I know I can build my own wheel motor...

Maybe its just me, but Im starting to notice an increase in stupidity. If you fall for this, you have no right to reproduce.

If perchance you have reproduced, do not name your kids after stupid, ordinary objects. I remember Paul Harvey (heard exclusively on Newstalk 690 KTSM) had laid mention to a woman who named her daughter Formica Dinette after reading a furniture store ad...

If you are about as sick and tired as I am of hearing the office nerds gathering around and incessantly talking about The Lord of the Rings trillogy, go to this website and memorize some quips to shout out in the theater if you want to have some fun. The Harry Potter references are bust-a-gut funny!

That's all for now voyeurs.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

She's quite a drinker...

3.8 Liters of V6 horsepower sure does gulp the gas. Thankfully the tank isnt all that substantial. I washed the dirt spots off the car today, and as we drove it around town, people take notice. I park her at the back of every parkinglot I go to, I eye everyone and everything that gets near the car... Im the typical obsessive Mustang owner.

Im planning some upgrades to her, which Im waiting for income tax time when I get more money in the bank account. Some upgrades on my list are:
1. Speaker upgrades
2. Dash mat
3. K&N Fuel Injection Performance Kit
4. Header kit
5. Dual Exhaust
6. High Intensity Headlamps
7. Rollbar kit
8. Tonneau cover for the top (when down)
9. Bosch Platinum +4 spark plugs
10. Bosch low attenuation spark plug wires
11. New shocks
12. Slotted front brake upgrade
13. Antirollbar upgrade
14. XM Satelite Radio

The car was bought with some great sport performance tires hugging the OEM polished wheels. They are pretty brand new, the nubs on the sides of them are still present. Im begining to get the feel of her, she corners nicely...


Friday, January 02, 2004

Day 1 with new car... *drool*

Things I have learned since purchasing the 'Stang...
1. People stare
2. People stare when dropping the top
3. Others who drive comperable GT's & convertibles wave, nod and say hello on the road
4. Red does the car justice
5. Women go ga-ga over it
6. Other Euro-inspired cars want to race anything that has a Mustang badge
7. This convertible is actually quieter than my old convertible


Thursday, January 01, 2004

Words cannot describe it...

I finally bought the car of my dreams. Absolute dreams. She's resting in the back yard of the house, between the 2000 Ford Ranger and the 1998 Pontiac Sunfire. She's a beautiful red 2001 Ford Mustang V6 convertible. I signed the papers today at the end of closing at Rudolph Chevrolet Used Cars. Ask for Arnoldo, he was my salesman.

Im still in shock...