Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Infrequencies this week...

I may not be able to update as frequently as normal. With Albert on vacation I need to divert attention to the station and matters here. Thats enough for me.

Voyeurs, next time...

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Money means nothing if there are more important things in your life

I came to that epiphany last night going home after 2 parties. The first was a celebration of life & sharing of joy with others, and the second was a celebration of life and friendship & comeraderie. I was first invited to the marriage of Albert & Norma at 6pm last night and was invited to a party later that night of a couple of friends of mine. Both celebrations were tastefull, not too exuberant and not too spartan.

It was on my way back home after both parties that I realized that so many people have invited me into their lives as I have done for them. Evelyn, Yolie, Joe & Ivette have seen my family thru the harshest and the most triumphant. I have seen Evelyn & Yolie's brother get married infront of friends and family and openly welcome me as one of their own, traveling hundreds of miles to do so. Transversely, all had laid witness to my families pitfalls with the many deaths of loved ones.

I guess it wasn't untill last night that I fully realized one thing. Each and every one of my friends regards me as someone sacred, someone they can trust and in turn can be trusted. We aren't affraid to say anything to another for fears of being ridiculed and mocked in ways others dont know or understand. We have already been thru the phaze of testing the waters to see what may happen if... happens. I realized that the friends you hang onto are always going to be there no matter what happens. There is no ammount of money in the world that could buy the kinds of friends I have.

It's pretty good, guys.

Friday, September 26, 2003

I hate fridays

I hate friday traffic to be more specific. There are numerous signs all over the freeway that say "SLOWER TRAFFIC USE RIGHT LANES" and yet we have Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller driving out there oblivious to other little white signs that read "60 MPH speed limit". It irritates me alittle more that the assholes out driving dont stop and think to themselves "Gee, I think Im impeeding the flow of traffic by slowing down under the posted speed limit. Maybe I should do something about it."

Buncha assholes...

Thursday, September 25, 2003


I have astigmatism, so reading this product from England made me do a double take. "Our message is light-hearted and fun, and any misinterpretation is purely in the eye of the beholder," said Karen Gori, a brand manager for FCUK Fragrance.

You know, I'd die if I ever had the chance to meet Fleetwood Mac in person, but this is alittle extreme...


The Unsexy List - Fifty Genital-Retracting People, Places and Things. Im sad to say I own afew items mentioned on the list...

Man, this is straight from the X-Files...

I cannot understand AOL for the life of me...

Since realizing the AOL Instant Messenger was free for anyone, I installed it on my Panasonic and my eMachine running Windows 98 and Windows 2000 respecfully. The Panasonic runs AIM fine, but for some reason, AIM isn't working for Win2000 at all. I figured it was a problem with a recent update and reinstalled AIM. That didn't help. The error log file in my 2000 registry doesn't show the exact problem, so Im stuck in a quandry as to what the hell is happening...

It's not my IM of choice, I am normally found on Yahoo! more than anything. I used to be on Trillian for the longest time, but since all the IM providers are trying to get people to use their products, they have stopped being compatible with Trillian. I think that personally sucks.

Whatchagonnado, voyeurs?

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Planning for Halloween -update

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL IN THE COSTUME DEPARTMENT!!! I am strongly considering this costume...

If that happens to be out of stock, I might try this one...

Whadayathink, voyeurs?

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Visitors to Google.com are greeted with the most no nonsense user interface known to the internet. Have you ever really searched their special language tools? If you haven't, then this is an invitation for you to check out their page. Look at all the special languages they support:

Sweedish Chef (from the Muppet Show)
Elmer Fudd (from Looney Tunes)
Pig Latin
Klingon (Star Trek)

Can someone scream GEEK!!! GEEKS!!! BLOODY GEEKS!!! YOU GUYS NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!! Im actually envious of this. After this link, I have nothing to offer...

Get your blog noticed!

I was watching one of my programs afew months ago and found out how to advertise a blog or personal website on Google, the most popular search engine in the world. Thinking not much of it, I went to the links provided by Call For Help and didn't think anything would come of it. Fast forward to today. Patty Diaz stopped me in the hallway telling me she read this blog. I rarely if ever tell people about it, letting people discover it on their own. She did a search on KPRR, our CHR station and my name popped up with Blank Media. The tips worked!

Im searchable, voyeurs!

Wow, that sounded kinky...

Monday, September 22, 2003

Cool stuff going on here

When I got my phone I was so taken back by its power, I tried to find ways of tooling with it to get some cool things to happen. All this means is I played with my toy untill I found something new. Well, my Panasonic Toughbook came with an infrared communication port built in and so did my Sony Ericsson and one of the coolest features about my phone is the pictures you can put as wallpaper and screensavers.

When you go to websites, those tiny thumbnail pictures can be sent to my phone as a desktop image. I went to eBay and browsed thru the used car section and found a beautiful red Roush Mustang 260R and have that as my desktop image. I love this phone!


Saturday, September 20, 2003

It's the Saturday Movie Marathon

7 hours of boredom filled with flickering images of movies. Thats my Saturday in a nutshell.

So what are you up to, voyeurs?

Friday, September 19, 2003

The sands of South Padre Island are still moist after one month & 600+ miles away from water...

I took 3 jars of sands from my favorite beach the last night I was in Corpus Christi. Evelyn helped me harvest the jars before going for some Krispy Kreme donuts. Since their return trip in the center console of the truck, they have remained on my desk, my mom's TV stand and my dad's dresser. All three were harvested from the sandbar that isolates the beach from the road perpendicular to the waters edge. The sand is still compact and wet from the area rains earlier that day and the day previous. I did nothing to the sands but contain them.

So here I sit, one month later, staring at my jar of sand. Its still wet to the touch, and still smells faintly of the salty air that once called it home. Its my connection to a calm place that worries cannot touch, time is meaningless, and jellyfish washed up on the sands are the only thing that you have to worry about while out there.

Soon, voyeurs. Real soon.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Ever think of repairing something you think you couldn't work on?

Yeah, the plumbing could be considered part of that description, but Im talking about the PS2. I don't know if many of you out there own a PS2, but if you do, you might be having the same problem I had. Brand spanking new DVD's wouldn't play in the PS2, giving the error of DISC READ ERROR on more times than I would have wanted.

Well, I just happened to watch one of my TV shows and found that they were also fed up with the frequency of the DISC READ ERROR and decided to jump inside the unit to fix. They discovered the problem partially lies inside the CD tray where the laser is out of range of the spinning DVD. The other half of the DRE is fixed when you purchase and install the DVD remote and upgrades.

If you are having the DISC READ ERROR plaguing your Playstation, visit their tutorial to perform the fix yourself. I spent some 4 hours monkeying with the unit until I found the right setting. It plays like a dream. While you're in there, you can clean out all those dust bunnies that have acumulated while you were playing your precious Soul Caliber, Tomb Raider and Gran Turismo...

*TechTV and I are not to be held responsible for any dammage done by carelessness on your part...


Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Summer is over. Did you go to any theme parks? On my way to Corpus Christi a month ago, I passed Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio and thought to myself how cool it would be to have some fun. Somehow, I don't consider dying as fun... Reminds me of Magic [Tragic] Landing here in town...

Set Nokia to stun... Literally! This is something I would love to take into the amusement park to get thro the hordes of cows that get in your way when trying to get to the restrooms...

Ok, a little extreme, huh? Party pooper. Then buy this all American made rubberband machine gun! Capable of firing 144 rubber bands, this makes office warfare so much fun, just don't start quoting Terminator or Rambo lines as you cut down your co-workers at the copy room...

Anyone who has known me knows that I love SCCA racing, and I follow the Cannonball Run & the Gumball Rally closely. I ran across this when checking on the latest in one of the recent races. I had seen something like this a few years ago watching NASCAR years ago when a duck was hit by one of the racers at something close to 200 mph.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003


This can't be happening! This can't be happening! Im completely off of GM FOREVER!!! Yeah, you heard me you heartless souless corpration! They screwed us GM lovers by killing off horsepower*, bastardizing muscle cars**, eliminating sportscars***, reintroducing old monikers with less than appealing power and styling**** and now it's the end of an era. The mutherfuckers are dropping the Cavalier from their lineup. The one car that has been the backbone of Chevrolet for some time is going to be retired to bring in new blood.

The Cavalier was underpowered ever since the redesign of the car back in 1994, when its sportier V6 engine was dropped due to the newer and smaller engine bay design of the Cavalier/ Sunfire. The sporty 4 cylander engine offered in the 1994-1999 models (of which I own the 1999 model) boosted horsepower from the base HP of 115, to a still underpowered 140hp. They illiminated the convertible model in 1999, and they eliminated the Sunfire 4 door sedan in 2002. The replacment for the Cavalier will be the new, and slightly simillarly modeled Cobalt. Cobalt, what the fuck is that? Yeah, I know its a rock, but lets look at the names... Impala, SSR, Corvette, Malibu, Lumina & Monte Carlo... COBALT DOESNT BELONG THERE!!!

Pardon me as I light a candle in rememberance of a line forever to go down in my books as one of the best out there.


*1970's CARB emissions regulations
**1987-92 Le Mans, 1987-???? Nova (Sold in Mexico)
***Death of the Firebird/ Camaro 2002
****1996-current Malibu/ Cutlass, 1996-current Lumina

Monday, September 15, 2003

The I want bug is starting to bite...

iPod. iPods are cool. iPods are essentially a hard drive with a power supply and a basic program to play audio files. Almost all iPods can be used to store some text files, acting like another hard drive. I did some research on them and found that the largest iPod offered, the 40 gig iPod can hold something close to 10,000 songs that when played in their entirety would play for 4 weeks straight, 24hrs a day 7 days a week*. Thats some feat!

Yeah, I do have the I wants. Wouldn't you?


*Capacity based on 4 minutes per song and 128Kbps AAC or MP3 encoding & constant power supply.

Friday, September 12, 2003

It's killing me

Last night I fell asleep at 2pm and didn't wake up untill 9pm to talk to Ralph, a shock to me. What's killing me is while listening to the radio this morning, KLAQ started to play 3 songs that nearly made me crash the car out of careless driving. You see, while I was in Corpus Christi, KNCN 101.3 would play almost at the same time these three songs:
Fuel - Falls On Me
Matchbox 20 - Unwell
John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland

Well, I get strongly nostalgic. I want to go back so badly. There is alot for me out there. One day...


Thursday, September 11, 2003

Patriot Day

Today is Patriot Day, a nationally recognized holiday created December 18th 2001 to remember and recognize the sacrifice of those who gallantly risked their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice in trying to save lives in the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon.

I love New York.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Always look at your computer for strange links

I say this cause I have been saving some Strange Findings links to my Panasonic and I haven't been using them. Go figure. I discovered them yesterday when I was doing some much needed maintenance to the computer and found that it really needed to get cleaned out. You live and learn.

The weather is starting to change. I like the change, but I would like to see the temps stay this way all winter, but I know that wont happen. It rained pretty decently yesterday and the power outtage we had almost scared the shit out of me. My computer was still powered up when the power dropped, and when I checked on it, the computer refused to start. Luckilly it was a lack of power due to the surge supressor's need of a reset.

Man, I got the house clean and tidy with alot of time to spare. Right now, Im going thru and playing my legal .mp3's on my system. Besides, who in their right minds would want to download Cubanate, Fluke, Grand Theft Audio and Manic Street Preachers? Im listening to my motorcycle collection rumble in the vibrations from the pounding bass of Cubanate.

.mp3, voyeurs?

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


Gaydar - An almost 6th sense to a person's sexual preference, usually prevelant in the gay/lesbian community. This product is for those who don't have that uncanny ability to pick one out of the crowd cause it vibrates if someone else near them has one! Ever wondering what to get that special gay/lesbian in your group of friends?

Every blue-blooded American male is going to be preventing prostate cancer in every way, shape and form they can think of thanks to this recent discovery which is backed up by several other researchers. How they all came to that conclusion... um... bad pun, sorry...

Skittlebrau!!! Anyone familiar with The Simpsons knows Homer's strangely appetizing brew. Some engeneers have too much time on their hands...

Hmm, I think the creator of this action packed action figure drank a few cases of Skittlebrau...

Enjoy that, voyeurs!

Monday, September 08, 2003

Yesterday was some nightmare

It's rare that I have nightmares. Sunday morning was the worst I had in some time. I thinking it was a combination of an uncomfortable bed and askew pillows that caused me to have little sleep. The nightmare took place in a war-torn city being bombed with nuclear bombs. Most of the city had been bombed back to the stone-age, and to top it off, it was about to be obliterated off the face of the map.

Well, the surviving bomb sirens are blaring, and me and two others scurry down into a nearly destroyed building cause we are almost blinded by the bright light from the bomb. We are leaping from landing to landing going into the basement when the blast hits the building we're in. Im almost to the bomb shelter when the building is blown off its foundation and it and me are thrown into the air.

If anyone had seen footage of the way office furniture moves in an earthquake, this was what I was seeing, only Im watching the building flying thru the air in front of me. The building is still almost intact, but its slowly starting to break up as I see parts fly from it. Then, like as in a movie, I see the building flying 20 feet from the ground traveling at something like 200mph, and the best way I can describe the way the building was moving is if people think back to Star Trek the Next Generation and seeing the borg ship flying. This is how the building was thrown across the country side.

The dream ends with me being thrown into the building, striking what was a bed and when the building finally hits something, it breaks up in two and like a movie shot I see a ring of debris that my building hit that spans a radius of the bomb made.

I wake up and fall asleep again after that, only its a slight variation of the nightmare. The city I was in is in Russia. The building I was thrown in was a test building that the Russian government built so they could launch it with a side-launch catapult, causing it to move across the land, 20 feet from the ground at 200mph...

Leave it to the Russians...


Saturday, September 06, 2003

Plumbing 101 - Volume 2 in a series from Real Life

Today I did something I never thought I'd do. I replaced the entire underpinnings of a kitchen sink, including garbage disposal and all accompanying pipes and tubes from the dishwasher. It took some $160, and a hell of a lot of cursing. The most rewarding part is I did it all myself. There is a slight leak up by the air vent for the dishwasher, but that will be dealt with tomorrow. Alittle more blumbers tape will fix that up nicely. In all, this is what it took:

1 pipe wrench
1 roll plumbers tape
1 tub plumbers putty
2 ball peen hammers
1 automotive floor jack
2 4x2 pieces of scrap lumber
1 can Liquid Wrench
1 pair oversized pliers (special tool for semi trucks)
and most importantly....
my back!

ow ow ow ow ow ow

Friday, September 05, 2003

Links Update

I've added a nifty new tool on my links menu. It's called ePrompter, and it will keep track of your e-mail inbox for you, so you dont have to keep logging into your e-mail accounts. The best thing is it can keep tabs of 15 e-mail addresses, including work related e-mail if you provide the correct protocol. It's not too technical but its way worth the download. Try it. It has no spyware or trojans to intrude on your privacy. It's 100% safe and free!

Enjoy that, Voyeurs!
13 hours of sleep is such bliss

Yeah, 13 hours. I was extremely tired yesterday. I got home, I ate lunch, I got online to check emails and I almost fell asleep at the keyboard. I hit the pillow around 2pm and woke up this morning at 3:40. Im fully rested and wide awake, full of energy and pep, and no where to go.

Two weeks ago, while I was in Corpus Christi, I had shaved my legs cause I was bored and thought it would be cool to try when I swam in the waters off South Padre. Things I had learned:
1. Shaving my Chewbacca-like legs took 2 hours (I never did it before, leave me alone)
2. Wading in the salty water hurts like hell when you have razor burn
3. I strangely like the feel of my legs shaved...

I strangely want to do that again... Don't ask...


Thursday, September 04, 2003


Yeah, I've been lax at these lately, but all that means is that I have found a good number of gems! Take this site, raise your speakers and invite your more immature co-workers and go nuts! It's a gas!

Want to really fuck with someone's mind? Learn afew of these lost words and one-up that annoying asshole that thinks they are smarter than you. Im wondering if this is where the writers for The Simpsons got Mr. Burns' vocabulary...

People! If you're too embarrased to go out and buy your own sex toys that you're reduced to this, I feel for you. Men, if you want to go at it yourself, try this, just don't put it next to the jelly... no, wait, thats wrong...

What's that you say? You aren't a pathetic looser and you have someone to have sex with but you aren't happy with your usual positions? Say no more! Try any of these positions on for size!

Oh, wait! I know, I know. Some of you are idiots. Watch this flash animation site to see demonstrations...

Man, if it weren't for the internet, some of you guys would be poking... um... wouldn't know which end... uh... couldn't nail... Eh, you know what I mean!


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

No, I haven't been neglecting. Problems logging in.

Eh. This entire week hasn't been going all that well. At work, my supervisor isn't being cooperative with his new hours so he is switching with me every week. It's screwing up my sleeping patterns. I didnt get much sleep last night. Im dragging and I think Im going to sleep alot this afternoon. Ive been watching my collection of DVDs I bought the past few weeks. I stopped Contact 1/4th way thru cause I was tired. It was also 2am. That was not this morning, but it was monday morning. I still haven't watched Pulp Fiction yet.

I best be off. I will try and get blogging at home again.

Im dragging, voyeurs...