Wednesday, February 02, 2005


It's about damn time!

Since taking vacation early this year, I thought it was great that I was able to sneak in a couple of interesting places while in each city. The U.S.S. Lexington in Corpus Christi, the Alamo and the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Well, the poor Mustang is starting to get up there in miles which means I will more than likely find other sites of interest. Why not look online for great museums? You can visit such great places as the Furnace Sticker museum, Dr. Darren's World Of Crabs, or the world renowned Mountain Dew museum, ALL ONLINE! And to think I was wasting all that money on worthwhile vacations. If you have any other weird fetish places you wanna visit, try this site out and go nuts.

You ever get so angry at work you wanna be kinda destructive? You ever wish you could release your inner Macguyver and cut down some co-workers using ordinary household objects? Learn how to build home made claymore devices, bow & arrows and deadly ninja-style stars! These aren't your average everyday hate-mail spewing, flame mail publishing pranks anymore, bitch!

What's that you say? You don't want to hideously maim your co-workers but still give them the impression you mean business about them bugging you? has some great toys to satisfy your less than murderous rage.

What was this woman doing? Why is that man sitting the way he is?

Finally, here's your messiah.

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