Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Returning to the fold

I had to take some time away from the computer, away from the website and away from just about everything. Saying this, I've had a lot happen.

It seems everyone in my family got their income tax money almost at the same time. All this means is it's been spent almost as fast as we got it. Saturday, we cleaned house pretty damn good, and my sister came over to help out. We cleaned out some of the closets to make room -- well, we made room. The house was cleaned, we bought a dishwasher and a treadmill (which I was recruited to put the treadmill together) and life was good. Then, I remembered something that I did the previous weekend. You see, my niece and nephew both saw something at a pawn shop they really wanted. So, being the good uncle I am, I bought it for them. But while I was waiting for some help, I had seen something I had wanted for some time now.

In one of the front display cases, there sat a beautiful Minolta XG-A 35mm film camera with flash. I was drawn to it. It had an alluring quality to it, and I wanted it so bad. I knew I had blown most of my money already, so when I saw it was $75, I thought it was too high. I decided to leave it and left it at that. Then, all week, I suffered in silence thinking about that camera. I decided when my sister was at the house Saturday that I would go by and at least place the damn thing on lay-away. When I got there, I found that the price dropped pretty substantially, and I picked it up for $55. Score one for me.

Lets take me down a notch. Remember what I used to do to my old laptop? I would always manage somehow to screw it up in some form or fashion? Remember I also said I wouldn't do anything to the new laptop because it was working well and nothing was wrong with it? Yeah, that lasted what, 2 and a half months? Well, In my quest to learn Linux, I jumped way ahead of myself and tried to make a dual boot of Windows XP Home and Linux SuSE operating systems. The result? A laptop that loaded a bad version of Linux and wiped the Windows XP from the hard drive. No, I didn't have any back-ups of my recently added files (photos from Corpus Christi/ San Antonio 2005) and lost everything. I had to wipe and start fresh again. Score one for them.

Well, this happened Thursday morning, so by Friday I was back up and running give or take around 11am. This is also after downloading the critical system files, doing a total system update and reloading almost all of my programs. So I called my friend John about his computer's dual boot laptop and he agreed to show me how to load everything correct. So I went to his house yesterday and got SuSE 9.2 loaded and working decently. It's still a work in progress, but IM liking it a lot.

So here I sit at work, downloading the Adobe Acrobat file for the manual to the camera. I don't even know if the bastard works, but so far, it seems to work well. I cleaned the lenses and mirrors and all the functions work, so its a matter of seeing if adding batteries and film will make it perform.

It feels good to be back.

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