Monday, February 07, 2005

Its all your fault

It is. Last nights halftime show. It sucked eggs. If you were one of those whining little pussies who were so offended by the sight of a bare breast that you turned last nights halftime show into the bland, cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill average concerts brought to you by Paul McCartney and the even larger douche-bags at the Fox network, you deserve every ill comment coming to you today and for the rest of the year.

I am actually surprised at the Fox network. FOX of all people. These are the shit-heads who brought us such riveting shows as Who wants to Marry a Millionaire?, Who's Your Daddy and American Idol (face it, America, this show is the worst clap-trap that ever made it past the first season). I was sure they would have had some testicles and made some sort of effort to spice up the halftime show. Instead, we got the geriatric wing of Cedars Sinai in to bring back Middle America.

This is football. We are talking about a fan-base of mostly males who are watching football and wouldn't care less if some inbred Jackson shithead exposed themselves on stage. Odds are, deep down in a guys mind, he was thinking "I saw her boobie". He wasn't thinking "Oh my Gawd, I just saw a naked breast on TV where I wasn't properly warned of a possible encounter of the aureole kind". I think we are being a little too sensitive with how we are living our lives and not living for the moment.

Call me sick, but I would have rather seen Christina Aguilera fornicate with a rabid animal on stage while Sting performs a 10 hour orgasm with Lil' Kim and the corpse of Biggie Smalls is paraded around the parking lot of the stadium than to have watched that halftime show. IM all veclemped. Talk amongst yourselves. The topic is Americas values and the degradation of chocolate in the refridgerator.


1 comment:

JoJo said...

Preach on Brother! Football is a man's sport, with the excetions of somegirls who like football too. "you girls rock." Men enjoy a flash of a boob. Some girls dont mind because they know what they look like. Ask for kids? They going to learn some day.