Monday, February 28, 2005

Black Flagged on the last lap

Great racing reference to an utterly shitty end to a weekend. I bought Gran Turismo 4 yesterday. I loaded it in my PS2 and wouldn't you know it, the PS2 is suffering from the irreparable Disc Read Error. I can't play my new game and its KILLING ME. I've waited some 4 years for the latest installment of the Gran Turismo franchise, and now, thanks to the piece-of-shit Sony calls a Playstation videogame console, I am denied my moment basking in the ultra-realism that is the Ultimate Driving Simulator.

Sony, you can kiss the hairiest part of my white ass for building the shittiest gaming console I have ever purchased. If planned obsolescence was part of your repitoire when designing the successor to the original Playstation, you did a bang-up job. May the PSP be as large of an abomination as the PS2's Disc Read Error.

PS, I plan on getting another PS2...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Oh the carnage...

Everyone knows I love to cook. I saw this cutlery set and thought that would look nice in my kitchen. Anyone wanna get me these for my birthday?

What about other sorts of cutlery? Click here, just watch for the flies.

I want to do this. I want to gather all of my friends, and all of my friends friends to do this. It's so simple, yet so satisfying!

Finally, I feel for this guy, I really do. I've done this on one of my return trips from Corpus Christi. I broke the chain maybe after 30 minutes, but he withstood over 4 hours. IM wondering how he came to the choice of music, anyways. I mean, its ABBA for Christ's sake!


Ok, for the past few days I have been having the same, strange dream over and over again. This time, the latest variation of the dream involved of all people Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson. The dream revolves around me being in New Orleans in the not-so-distant future, where the entire coastline in New Orleans is flanked by restaurants and nightclubs. I am chasing someone for some unknown reason, and I am chasing them thru the piers waterline and leaping between docks trying to catch this person I am chasing.

The location seemed pretty real. It looked just like the Riverwalk in San Antonio, mixed with some of the action scenes of Venice in the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Maybe it was because I watched that movie late one night on satellite. Anyways, after chasing this person thru the docks, I chased this person to a sheer rock face. After climbing it, there seemed to be a visitors center at the top of the cliff face, and wouldn't you know it, it was a museum dedicated to the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

The museum was showcasing the entire Tonight Show run, and had audio playing of their many jokes. I remember I was laughing in my sleep, I was told that by my mom. In my dream, both Carson, and Ed McMahon were both dead, but still, people were gravitating towards Carson's area of the museum. After going thru the entire museum, I found the guy I was chasing was outside of the building, at the edge of the cliff and was about to jump. I ran towards him right as he leapt. I found a parachute by the cliffs edge and put it on. With a leap, I followed him but had second thoughts and grabbed some vines hanging off the cliffs edge. In one of the holes in the rock face a small rodent-like creature jumped at me, causing me to fall. The rodent jumped back at the vines and scurried back up to its hole.

Of course the parachute didn't work and I landed in the water below. I wake up each time as I am getting out of the water at the pier.

Weird, I know.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

-No Title Given-

I couldn't think of one. I tried. I sat here at the computer for about a good half hour trying to just think of a title for this entry. I know, IM usually full of wit and biting sarcasm, but not in this entry. You see, ever since my vacation to Corpus Christi and San Antonio, I have seen certain areas of human life in a different light. Peoples mortality and their strong wills put to the ultimate tests, and the frailty of the lives taking care of them.

I know I don't have expressed authorization to tell who said it, and its safe to say that I know at least 5 people in the medical field, so whomever it was who told it to me won't matter. I had always heard the stories about patients who were in the hospital, fighting against all odds, with no hope left in the world to them, and all they have going for them is their universal fear of death that keeps them alive. I was told that many nurses are often times the only contact to another human being that patient has in the world, and at deaths door, that's one lonely place to be.

I was told, that in many cases, the patients only hold onto life because they are afraid to die. I was also told by this person that the nurses set in charge often times walk into the patients room, and whether they are asleep and don't know it, or so deep in a coma that they can't respond, and tell them its ok to let go of their fears and just let them expire in peace. Often times, hours upon the words being spoken to the terminal patient, they pass on. Their fears alleviated by a soft, yet comforting voice reassuring them what possibly lies beyond will only be better.

I was told that this person had been that soft spoken and comforting voice a number of times and I was just utterly speechless. Even writing this I am just so emotional thinking about the ways we as people comfort, and give care and guidance right to the end.

It's just been eating me up inside, I've been wanting to tell this story for a few weeks now. I just wanted to share.

I have an unhealthy addiction to...

...Chapstick. Yeah, that's an unhealthy addiction. Every evening when I shower, I get out and immediately apply a thick, copious layer of medicated wax to my lips. After I dry off and get out of the bathroom, I usually apply another coating to my lips. By this time, there's a nice layer about an 8th of an inch thick on my lips and its slightly awkward to talk.

Admittance is a step towards recovery.

PS, no, IM not giving it up...

Returning to the fold

I had to take some time away from the computer, away from the website and away from just about everything. Saying this, I've had a lot happen.

It seems everyone in my family got their income tax money almost at the same time. All this means is it's been spent almost as fast as we got it. Saturday, we cleaned house pretty damn good, and my sister came over to help out. We cleaned out some of the closets to make room -- well, we made room. The house was cleaned, we bought a dishwasher and a treadmill (which I was recruited to put the treadmill together) and life was good. Then, I remembered something that I did the previous weekend. You see, my niece and nephew both saw something at a pawn shop they really wanted. So, being the good uncle I am, I bought it for them. But while I was waiting for some help, I had seen something I had wanted for some time now.

In one of the front display cases, there sat a beautiful Minolta XG-A 35mm film camera with flash. I was drawn to it. It had an alluring quality to it, and I wanted it so bad. I knew I had blown most of my money already, so when I saw it was $75, I thought it was too high. I decided to leave it and left it at that. Then, all week, I suffered in silence thinking about that camera. I decided when my sister was at the house Saturday that I would go by and at least place the damn thing on lay-away. When I got there, I found that the price dropped pretty substantially, and I picked it up for $55. Score one for me.

Lets take me down a notch. Remember what I used to do to my old laptop? I would always manage somehow to screw it up in some form or fashion? Remember I also said I wouldn't do anything to the new laptop because it was working well and nothing was wrong with it? Yeah, that lasted what, 2 and a half months? Well, In my quest to learn Linux, I jumped way ahead of myself and tried to make a dual boot of Windows XP Home and Linux SuSE operating systems. The result? A laptop that loaded a bad version of Linux and wiped the Windows XP from the hard drive. No, I didn't have any back-ups of my recently added files (photos from Corpus Christi/ San Antonio 2005) and lost everything. I had to wipe and start fresh again. Score one for them.

Well, this happened Thursday morning, so by Friday I was back up and running give or take around 11am. This is also after downloading the critical system files, doing a total system update and reloading almost all of my programs. So I called my friend John about his computer's dual boot laptop and he agreed to show me how to load everything correct. So I went to his house yesterday and got SuSE 9.2 loaded and working decently. It's still a work in progress, but IM liking it a lot.

So here I sit at work, downloading the Adobe Acrobat file for the manual to the camera. I don't even know if the bastard works, but so far, it seems to work well. I cleaned the lenses and mirrors and all the functions work, so its a matter of seeing if adding batteries and film will make it perform.

It feels good to be back.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Tis the season for gifts

You know, my birthday is creeping up. Yup, that means you're all worrying what youre gonna get me. Well, I figured I would make getting me a gift oh so much easy on you by making each selection easy to find and rather inexpensive.
  • The Simpsons Season 4 (DVD Box Set)
  • The Simpsons Season 5 (DVD Box Set)
  • Ren & Stimpy Seasons 1 & 2 (DVD Box Set)
  • Halo 2 (X Box, even though I don't own an X Box)

So, if you have the inkling to get me my gift, hope these suggestions help you out.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Yeah, so?

So I didn't update yesterday. I had nothing. Probably have nothing today.

Hockey season is canceled for this year. Not surprised. Oh well.

So I've been reading up on Linux operating systems for a few weeks now, and I am trying to decide what to do. I would love to start using Linux more, but I don't want to convert my laptop into a dualboot system. It would be nice, but in the long run I don't like the thought of possible system failures that kills both systems.

More to come later.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

WiFi Hotspots Part 2

So I had heard about Jitters Coffee House for some time here in El Paso, and had a chance to go and try some coffee to see how it stands up to other places here in town. I went this past weekend and found the coffee to be pretty decent. I ordered their mocha cappuccino blend coffee with their Jitters Original sandwich and was pleasantly pleased with the taste of everything on the sandwich. It was pressed and toasted, cheese dripping off the ends and surprisingly filled with bacon.

The coffee had a great taste to it and little bitter aftertaste. The seats were comfortable and abundant, and the huge 44 inch Plasma TV on the wall was a welcome surprise showing CNN (I would have had it somewhere else, but that's me) and some light music playing overhead was actually heard over the TV on the other side of the joint.

Now, this isn't a total perfect score for this joint. I didn't take the laptop with me to Jitters, which in hind sight is a good thing. I casually asked the server if there was internet access available and he said yes. The biggest problem is its a pay-per-access coffee house. This is a huge turn-off for me. Its $.10 a minute, or a flat rate of $10 an hour. OUCH.

If you would like to have a great sandwich and coffee on a lazy afternoon, checkout Jitters Coffee House at the corner of Geronimo and Montana. Just leave your laptop at home.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Friday, February 11, 2005


Is this considered a candidate for the dead letter department?

You know, there are some sadistic people out there. I would have loved to contributed some of the comments to the tests handed back to these people.

Ever been high on weed and tried to design something? No? What? Me? No, never... Why do you ask? Anyways, some of these airplane designs are odd. This one looks like the escape pod featured in that Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me.

So what do you do if you're a Frenchman with a camera and bandwidth to burn, and have some impulse to take a snapshot of whatever was happening at 9:09? I don't seem to know or understand it myself. You try.

Did we really need to know? Couldn't it have been someone interesting?

I owned one at one point. I might own one again. I used to play with LEGO's. I might play with one again. Look. I can't decide whether it's for the LEGO owner or iPod owner who has everything...

Oh, don't you love picking up old comic books? Reading just the cover lets you in on what the story is all about. Do you think this guy has Superman down pegged? I think so.

Ciao voyeurs!

3,000 miles

So here it is, almost 3 weeks after I returned from Corpus & San Antonio and already have 3,000 miles racked up. Usually I manage to do that many miles in about three months. In total, the trip to south Texas came out to be 1,790 miles in one week.

Well, its also that time where I need to seriously clean my room. There are things in the room that havent moved in months, some years. Its just time. Im dreading it, but it needs to be done. Who knows what the hell I will find. I remember I placed rollerblades under the bed at one point...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Rainy days and Thursdays

It's been in the forecast since last week's rainfall. Rain. Lots of it. I don't particularly care about the rain anymore, not since getting the car properly prepared for wet conditions. I just need to worry about the rear brakes on the car and things will be just gravy.

So lately I have been going to sleep earlier and earlier. On the plus side, I am waking up with enough time to get dressed and possibly eat at home if I keep this up. The downside is I cant watch the shows I want to watch anymore. I know, I am starting to repeat myself.

I got the remote for the XM yesterday. Anger and aggravation I won't get into, so I will just stay quiet.

So now, its less than a month from my friends birthday. I have no idea what the heck I am getting him. I usually have things figured out by now, but I am drawing a blank. Helpful hints and tips are always welcome from the bloggers of the community.

Oh, and I have checked. I am down to my last $100 from my refund money. Where the hell did it all go?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

New equipment

So on Saturday, I went to Best Buy to look for things to blow my money on and found the XM display at the back of the store. I know, I already have an XM radio for the car, but this time, I was looking for the remote control unit for the XM. I've been wanting it for the longest time, but only now was I able to find it. Well, at least order it. I should be getting it sometime later today or tomorrow hopefully.

Still need to clean out the inside of the car from the last road trip and get the oil changed. The fun never stops around me.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

How many radio people does it take to change a lightbulb?

Changing a car's headlamp bulb shouldn't involve removing an air cleaner and the car's battery, that's all I will say about that. It took me 2 hours to replace the headlamp bulbs on the Mustang for high intensity plasma bulbs and my knuckles and fingers are still aching from it.

So I got my income tax money on Friday, and I spent more than half of it before the end of Saturday. I still have some money to stash away, so that's gonna be good. Still undecided what I want to use that money for, which means I need to save it because something will come up once I spend it, and I would be sorry for spending it so senselessly.

IM hungry, its time for lunch.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Its all your fault

It is. Last nights halftime show. It sucked eggs. If you were one of those whining little pussies who were so offended by the sight of a bare breast that you turned last nights halftime show into the bland, cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill average concerts brought to you by Paul McCartney and the even larger douche-bags at the Fox network, you deserve every ill comment coming to you today and for the rest of the year.

I am actually surprised at the Fox network. FOX of all people. These are the shit-heads who brought us such riveting shows as Who wants to Marry a Millionaire?, Who's Your Daddy and American Idol (face it, America, this show is the worst clap-trap that ever made it past the first season). I was sure they would have had some testicles and made some sort of effort to spice up the halftime show. Instead, we got the geriatric wing of Cedars Sinai in to bring back Middle America.

This is football. We are talking about a fan-base of mostly males who are watching football and wouldn't care less if some inbred Jackson shithead exposed themselves on stage. Odds are, deep down in a guys mind, he was thinking "I saw her boobie". He wasn't thinking "Oh my Gawd, I just saw a naked breast on TV where I wasn't properly warned of a possible encounter of the aureole kind". I think we are being a little too sensitive with how we are living our lives and not living for the moment.

Call me sick, but I would have rather seen Christina Aguilera fornicate with a rabid animal on stage while Sting performs a 10 hour orgasm with Lil' Kim and the corpse of Biggie Smalls is paraded around the parking lot of the stadium than to have watched that halftime show. IM all veclemped. Talk amongst yourselves. The topic is Americas values and the degradation of chocolate in the refridgerator.


Friday, February 04, 2005

What to do, what to do...

So I got my income tax refund today. I am looking at tons of things to buy with the money, but I don't know if I wanna go out and just blow it all away so fast. I did that last year, and I had little to live with the rest of the year.

I would like to have some money left to take a trip out to Chicago to visit with friends. Hotel stays will at least be covered, my friends graciously invited me to stay with them while I am visiting.

- And thanks goes out to torn shorts for telling me about a problem with a picture on the site causing problems.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


I guess its starting to catch up to me. IM starting to fall asleep earlier at night than normal which really sucks. We finally get satellite TV at home and the shows I wanna watch are now on too late for me to stay up to watch. Last night I fell asleep around 7pm and woke up this morning at my normal time. That really sucked.

Magic Landing is consuming me for some reason. I really don't know why that place keeps haunting my thoughts, but since the first posting, hell since before the first posting I had been obsessed with finding out as much as I could about that place. I am going to try and find a way to record audio of the TV commercial we have saved and try finding a way to save it to a site for others to listen to it.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


It's about damn time!

Since taking vacation early this year, I thought it was great that I was able to sneak in a couple of interesting places while in each city. The U.S.S. Lexington in Corpus Christi, the Alamo and the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Well, the poor Mustang is starting to get up there in miles which means I will more than likely find other sites of interest. Why not look online for great museums? You can visit such great places as the Furnace Sticker museum, Dr. Darren's World Of Crabs, or the world renowned Mountain Dew museum, ALL ONLINE! And to think I was wasting all that money on worthwhile vacations. If you have any other weird fetish places you wanna visit, try this site out and go nuts.

You ever get so angry at work you wanna be kinda destructive? You ever wish you could release your inner Macguyver and cut down some co-workers using ordinary household objects? Learn how to build home made claymore devices, bow & arrows and deadly ninja-style stars! These aren't your average everyday hate-mail spewing, flame mail publishing pranks anymore, bitch!

What's that you say? You don't want to hideously maim your co-workers but still give them the impression you mean business about them bugging you? has some great toys to satisfy your less than murderous rage.

What was this woman doing? Why is that man sitting the way he is?

Finally, here's your messiah.

Groundhog Day

Ah America, the only country in the known world to have a quasi-holiday devoted to a guesstimation of future weather patterns involving animals. Long, convoluted and sort-of confusing, if the groundhog sees its shadow, there's six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, spring comes early. Apparently, he saw his shadow, so the entire North-eastern portion of the country will remain a popsicle until sometime after April.

I spent way too much time at the Sprint store here in town yesterday. You may remember last week's phone in the rinse cycle posting, but one thing I forgot to do when I bought my new phone was get all my phonebook numbers transferred to the new phone. So I went yesterday to get it done. I spent something close to 20 minutes in line waiting just to talk to someone about the stupid thing, and had to wait an hour for the stupid technician to free his ass up to spend 5 minutes transferring data. In all, I spent close to 2 hours doing something that should have taken 15.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Magic Landing pt. 2.1

For a look at the first half of this story, just click on my Archives for October 2004.

Magic Landing, pt. 2

If there's one thing I have learned, its everyone seems to know more than they are letting on. I am in talks with someone in town who actually has the newspaper clipping from the night of the rollercoaster accident at Magic Landing. Once I get a copy of it, I will be posting it.

I also received a comment from an anonymous source:
I know some people who broke in at night, and they told me they have alarms in certain areas only. What are they trying to protect, what do they have in the buildings that they need alarms, and security guards?

Well anonymous, I wish I knew. As many people may not know, the property that Magic Landing still occupies was leased out to CFI Trucking to hold their trailers. Most of the parking lot is in use for that, but for the most part, the entire inside area of the park is untouched. My brother is an owner/ operator for CFI, but was unable to get into the locked area of the park himself. The security guards paid for by CFI had no keys to the park area, and seems to have no way to gain entrance, unless you break in.

Not that I am advocating the unlawful breaking and entering of a private property, I speculate that several of the buildings do have alarms protecting park property, such as the cash registers, beverage machines, various park equipment and even some of the dismantled rides that used to be in the park. An empty park has nothing to hide unless its property they wish to protect. I've seen pictures of abandoned parks where equipment was left out in the open only to have people destroy it, or have the park owners bulldoze it all away.

I've got a link to a defunct amusement park website on the sidebar of links on my site, but all attempts to contact the webmaster in charge of the site, or finding other sites devoted to defunct parks have failed. I haven't stopped trying, though. I will post the newspaper clipping when I get it.