Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Caveat Paenitendus

*Ivette would be so proud of me!

Ok, so this isn't the first time I have second guessed the purchase of electronics. Had I thought about it prior, I would have waited a few more months buying a different Playstation 2, but that's another story.

I am returning the brand new Dell Inspiron 1000 laptop to Dell. No, I am not crazy, no I am not insane, and no, I am not crazy. I found something better.

*Smaller can be better!

I've been wanting to switch to Mac for some time now, but the overwhelming cost of a new Apple computer has always been a shade on the pricy side. Well, Mac is promising a change to all of that. The Mac Mini is an ultra compact CPU with the same computing power of most PC's but with less bulk, less space and less price. I've already called Dell to get some packing labels to ship this bastard back and move me to Mac.

-PS... caveat paenitendus means 'buyers remorse'.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

That's a cool piece of hardware. That's looks like something i'd be intersted in too, if i had money to spend.