Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Small Wonders, technology and sleep

So I didn't update yesterday after I said I had to go get my evaluation. It was good, got a raise, life is good.

So on my way to work today I strike up a conversation with Mike D over at Power and we start talking about cheesy 80's TV shows. Small Wonder was the show about a family who built a robotic 7 year old girl and had to hide it from the rest of the world. Plot holes-a-plenty occur as they let the child go to school. Well, Mike then says "Did anyone who appeared in that show ever go on to greatness?" to which I replied no. I was wrong. It turns out Brian Austin Green (of 90210 fame) appeared in a few episodes. Other than that, the entire cast are still a bunch of unknowns.

So I got sick and tired of eating peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches lately. I took a plate of lasagna to work with me today that I heated up and ate for lunch about 20 minutes ago. Well, it was kinda funny cause we have two microwaves here at the station and both are usually empty and not used. Well, today, the newer of the two microwaves was being used to pop popcorn so I had to use the old dinosaur we have and tried in vain for 5 minutes to get the damn thing to start. I changed the time on the damn thing 3 times, made the heat setting jump to temperatures of which rival the surface of the sun, but never got the thing to heat the food. There were some ladies from the office in the lunch room, but I didn't want to seem like a dumbass so I waited till they left and used the other microwave.

Well, I had to yesterday. I had to sleep yesterday and I didn't want to. I didn't want to cause that was one day of being with friends I lost. I promise to be there today, no matter where we go.

We got satellite TV at the house yesterday. The sad part is I will loose KTLA as our WB station, but I get more channels as a side benefit.

There will be more later. I gotta make sure things are recording ok and get things done for a while. Xena has already had her operation and is still at the vets office today. We should be getting her out and back home today. Thanks to all for the moral support and well wishes.

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