Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A bible in the waiting room of a veterinarians office

Sets the mood doesn't it? I will get back to that later. I got home yesterday after picking up the x-rays for my dog, picked her up and took her to get a second opinion about her injured hind leg. I have to admit, she is a strong dog, both physically and mentally. She doesn't seem like she's hurt as she literally ran in and out of the vets office. The good news is what happened to her is repairable with some surgery and the surgery won't cost too much. The bad news is she will never be the same run-around-the-backyard little hellion she was. The most important thing is she won't have pain anymore and will live the rest of her life in comfort.

While I was waiting for the x-rays at the vets office, I was in the waiting room along with a family looking to adopt a cat. I love it when I am surrounded by people who truly love animals, especially animals who have been dealt bad luck and are at a shelter. I was lifted in spirits by that family. I also had sometime on my hands, so I kinda nosed my way around the office and saw among the stacks of magazines a lone, simple blue covered bible. I froze for a moment, realizing exactly why it was there. In times of need, when one of their animal friends is in dire need of care, sometimes prayer can be the only salvation to those who seek a last resort.

Pets, to some, are seen as members of the family. Constant companions to some, family to others. I am honored to say our dogs are seen as family members.

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